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This months adventure from Alex over at Tavern Tales is 'Free At Last'.
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Please note, this adventure contains new map variants for the Ruined Castle that can be downloaded using the link above or ZIPs at the end of this post.

Adventure Overview

Free at Last is a Fifth Edition adventure for a party of three to six characters of 4th to 6th level, optimized for a party of four 5th-level characters

When a traveling merchant loses a priceless family heirloom to a band of highwaymen, the adventurers are asked to pursue the bandits into the ruin- filled forest of Kensinghead to retrieve it. Unfortunately for the bandits, the priceless heirloom is in fact an imprisoned devil that they have now accidentally set free. 

By the time the party catches up with the bandit leader, they'll find that they have an entirely different problem on their hands. 

This adventure is set in the world of Cartosia, but can be placed in any campaign setting that features devils and a ruin-filled forest.


Tavern Tales is the team of Ben and Alex, two dungeon masters and world-building enthusiasts who love tabletop gaming. They work to create high-quality battlemaps, ready-to-play encounters and dungeon one-shots for your tabletop role playing games. If you want more dungeons in this style, they also create their own adventures monthly.

You can support them on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/taverntalesmaps

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Ryan Rogers

I just finished prepping this for the Extra-Life marathon session next weekend, will run this as a one-shot. I added a few quasi-random encounters to pad it out to 8 hours. For those looking to place this in Forgotten Reams, I did a bit of research and a great spot is the Border Forest between Thethyamar and Dagger Falls, along the Black Road. It fits for lots of reasons: - travelling merchants and zhentarim caravans travel this route heavily, and would be a prime hunting ground for bandits. - the forest is filled with old Netherese ruins to hide out in. - Bonus: the forest is known for it's large wolf population (ie the Wolves bandits just *fit* as a name) The ambush happens about a day west of Dagger Falls, a few miles east of the Border Forest, just east where Tethymar Way intersects with Black Road. The hook happens in Dagger Falls, a well documented mapped small city / large town. The merchant could either be heading west from Dagger Falls, or east toward it. In the former case, he turns around and walks back as he's only about a day out. In the later, he keeps heading to Dagger Falls, because it's now much closer than Tethyamar. Either way, the characters are hired there, and there could be TONS of reasons why they are in Dagger Falls. Hopefully somebody finds this useful. ;-)


Awesome! And thanks for the detailed info, I'm sure it will be very helpful.


Is this module in Foundry, by any chance?