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Heroes’ Feast: Lair of the Red Dragon is a Fifth Edition adventure designed for three to five characters of 11th level to 14th level. The adventure pits the characters against a deadly ancient red dragon. An ancient red dragon is a significant challenge for a party of this level and will require every ounce of their strength and cleverness. If the characters rush into the encounter, they will surely be killed by the dragon. They must spend time researching their adversary to ensure survival against the menace.

The free versions of these maps are available HERE or at the end of this post.

Patrons can download the high resolution versions and variants HERE 


Get the Digital Asset Pack

If you want to get the map, tokens, and new monsters included in this adventure, you will need to download the asset pack. You can get the asset packs as a one-time purchase from DMDave, as part of a DMDave Electrum Patreon subscription, or as a Tom Cartos Forgemaster patron

Get the Foundry VTT Pack

Our asset pack doubles as a Foundry VTT pack, too. The link includes the manifest URL.

Purchase the asset/Foundry VTT pack, now.


Get the Roll20 Version

No time to set up the game yourself? Don't worry, we've got you covered. The Roll20 version of this adventure includes the map with dynamic lighting, preset tokens, and everything else you need to download and play this adventure in its entirety.

Purchase the Roll20 conversion:


Get Variant Maps from Tom Cartos

If you would like to use different/variant maps for your own games or the Roll20 version, you can do that as a patron of the map's designer, Tom Cartos!.

Get more awesome maps from Tom Cartos


Get Variant Tokens from PaperForge

If you would like to use different/variant tokens for your own games or the Roll20 version, you can do that as a patron of the token's designer, PaperForge.

Get more awesome tokens from PaperForge


Check out Dean Spencer, Fat Goblin Games, Jacob E. Blackmon, Matias Lazaro, and Nacho Lazaro!

Additional art from this adventure module was contributed by Dean Spencer, Fat Goblin Games, Jacob E. Blackmon, Matias Lazaro, and Nacho Lazaro. Be sure to check out all of their Patreons for additional map variants, tokens, and more.



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