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At the end of last year I asked all of you what other types or artwork you would like to see from our contributor artists. Among the top picks were character illustrations of NPCs to drop into your world, and I love the idea.

Darryl from Splattered Ink will be creating some full NPC character illustrations, as well as playable VTT tokens for them, and I would like you to choose which character(s) you would like to see.

We are going to start out with some familiar faces from the Ostenwold series, and if this proves popular we will create some more NPCs in the future, perhaps with design input from all of you!

Choose as many options as you like from the list below

  • Déulara Tauranis - Female Elf Warlock - An ex-adventurer, who now runs the Sanguine Dawn Inn, and is considered by most to be the true influence behind Ostenwolds rapid growth in recent years.
  • Horst Blackfoot - Male Human Barbarian - Also an ex-adventurer, settled down in Ostenwold with Déulara and started the Eastwatch Garrison. Now works as the local blacksmith at the Clenched Fist, but still hankers for some adventure.
  • Abbess Temerion - Female Half-Orc Cleric - Head Priestess at the Church of the Everlight. Despite her towering presence, she exudes calm and peacefulness to her entire congregation.
  • The Wizard Dresden - Male Tiefling Wizard - Although generally cold and unwelcoming, Dresden is well liked by the locals as he has been known to help them out on occasion when other avenues have failed.
  • Folxi Chandarella - Female Gnome Artificer - Dresden's apprentice/assistant. A nervous individual, but with plenty of intelligence and wit.
  • Jodak Freesong - Male Halfling Bard - The local miller, from a long line of millers, although he is more commonly found singing in the evenings at The Sanguine Dawn. Recently he has become more withdrawn however, and has a new scar over his right eye.
  • Renée Cartagon - Non-Binary Half-Elf Sorceror - An incredibly glamorous and ostentatious individual. One of Ostenwold's newer residents, they recently moved here from the city to start their own tailoring business, with a side hustle in magical items.
  • Carmine Balbreck - Female Dwarf Fighter - Youngest and smallest of the Beard and Barrel sisters, Carmine has a fierce temper and has been known to out-drink a giant. Do not insult her beard!
  • Altria Nolani - Female Human Druid - A gruff, middle aged woman with silvering hair. She is not fond of humanoid company, feeling more at ease in nature. She will brew up a cure or potion if asked correctly, though she may ask a favour in return.
  • Regis Forlorne - Male Dragonborn Paladin - Captain of the Guard and Justice Keeper at the Eastwatch Garrison, he is a by-the-books militant type who demands perfection from his recruits. Unbeknownst to them however, he leads a double life in the cells below.

Poll ends Saturday April 10th


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