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This is the free set of this months 'Into The Wilds' maps. The Into the Wilds maps are intended to be simpler & more generic than my regular sets and are perfect to drop in for random encounters when on the road or for when the party takes an unexpected turn and you want to be prepared. They are also completely free! Patrons get access to high resolution versions and extra variants.

Patrons can access the complete bundle HERE 

Patrons voted for this months maps to be 'Mountain' themed. The bundle includes:

Mountain Path - The mountain path continuously switches back and forth on itself, making progress feel slow and draining. You may feel the need to keep your eyes down on the path to avoid tripping, but beware! Some parts of the path are guarded by bandits and worse. Stay alert and you should be able to pass through relatively unscathed.

Cave Entrance - The rock rises from the ground like a wave, forming an inviting mouth that welcomes you in from the cold. Little light pierces the cave interior, but a faint rumbling can be heard from within.

Crevasse - Large sections of the ancient mountain range are riven with labyrinthine crevasses. Traversing this region will require a choice, do you try to take the upper path and find a way to cross the deep gorges while fighting the elements, or do you choose the sheltered route and risk getting lost in the winding lower paths. Neither is without danger.

Mountains Edge - Much of the treacherous winding path that leads down the mountain forces travellers to stick close to the cliff face on one side, or risk tumbling down the other. There are brief areas of respite, but these tend to be occupied by other denizens of the mountain.

Use the link at the bottom of this post to download all of the free versions of these maps.

GRID SIZE - 22x17 inch (72DPI)
PIXEL SIZE - 1584x1224



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