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Hello Adventurers!

I am excited to announce I am working with another writer, Alex from Tavern Tales! We will be bringing you a new 5e adventure each month, based on my maps. This will be in addition to the regular modules and supplements from DMDave, so you can now look forward to even more adventures! This adventure has been one of the most requested to date. For future collaborations with Alex, I will be putting out polls for you to choose which map set you would like to see converted next.

I am also going to be collaborating with Michael Ghelfi, whose ambient sounds and music you may already be aware of. He has provided two tracks for your use in this adventure.

More information on our collaborators below.

You can download the Adventure Module and Ambient tracks from the link above.

Adventure Overview 

This adventure is intended for parties of 3rd to 5th level and is intended to be dropped into your campaign, or run as a one-shot.

Deep in the tropical forests on the southern tip of the continent, an isolated tribe of lizardfolk dedicate their daily lives to the worship of Cihua, the Serpentine Goddess. It is said that she is the one who poisons the waters of the surrounding marshes and wetlands, forcing away all but the most degenerate and hardy of creatures, and provides fresh, clean water only to those who serve in her name. That the lizardfolk are able to survive here at all is proof of her divine intervention, and those who suffer from the poisoned water are rightly punished as non-believers. 

The true origins of the temple are a mystery, for it was not built by the lizardfolk. They merely stumbled upon it in the oppressive wilderness, and subsequently answered the call of the divine. However, the lizardfolk have been deceived, for it is not Cihua who speaks to them, but an ancient naga deity who seeks to control them. What is clear is that the temple's influence fouls the land. How long the temple has existed, or by whom it was created, is unknown. 


Tavern Tales is the team of Ben and Alex, two dungeon masters and world-building enthusiasts who love tabletop gaming. They work to create high-quality battlemaps, ready-to-play encounters and dungeon oneshots for your tabletop role playing games. If you want more dungeons in this style, they also create their own dungeons monthly.

You can support them on Patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/taverntalesmaps

Michael Ghelfi is an rpg music and ambience composer. He's working on the biggest and most immersive ambience library, with 250+ professional quality sounds made for your games.

You can enjoy some of his content here for free  https://www.youtube.com/user/MichaelGhelfi

He offers exclusive content on his Patreon https://www.patreon.com/MichaelGhelfi   

And you can download the sounds here : https://michaelghelfi.bandcamp.com/

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