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UPDATE: A few people requested a quick way to hide/reveal the traps on 'The Gauntlet' level. I have exported small sections of the map without the traps visible that you can overlay to hide the traps and then remove when they are discovered. These can be found in the relevant download folders.


Deep in the tropical forests on the southern tip of the continent, an isolated tribe of lizard folk dedicate their daily lives to the worship of Cihua, the Serpentine Goddess. It is said that she is the one who poisons the waters of the surrounding marshes and wetlands, forcing away all but the most toxic and hardy of creatures, and provides fresh, clean water only to those who serve in her name. That the lizard folk are able to survive here at all is proof if her divine intervention, and those who suffer from the poisoned water are rightly punished as non-believers.

However it was not the tribe who built the ziggurat that is now the focus of their worship and source of their survival. They merely came across it when searching for a new home in the jungle. It is unknown how long it has existed, who created it, or what it's original purpose was. What is clear is that it is at the centre of the spread of disease and contagion that is slowly corrupting all of the surrounding lands.


Use the link at the top of this post to download the day and night variants of the map set in Print and/or VTT format. 

GRID SIZE - 22x34 inch (300DPI)

VTT SIZE - 3080x4760 (140DPI)




Foundry Virtual Tabletop

Wonderful maps, Tom - both beautiful and functional from a gameplay/design perspective! One thing that would be cool to do is export a "no-traps" version but provide the traps separately as appropriately sized PNG files which could be revealed on-demand when using VTT software!


Thanks Atropos! That's always my aim. Good to know I hit the target sometimes.


Home run again. The depth and attention to detail that you put into your maps is impressive, thank you.


This is perfect for an upcoming water elemental fight my PCs are getting to! Quick question, how did you intend this water puzzle working? Does it connect with the moving spike walls? thx


This is just perfect for my ToA campaign! Loving it so much.


Hi Erika, I imagined that completing the central water puzzle would open the corresponding door, but the water flowing through would also 'power up' the hydraulic spiked walls, so in the bottom chamber the walls would move in to crush anyone trying to take the treasure, and in the side halls the spiked wall would chase them the length of the trapped tunnel, forcing them to act quickly (maybe roll initiative)


I Love this! Tom have you every considered doing steampunk like Eberron stuff?


Hi Landon, Thanks very much! Yes, definitely. There's lots I plan to do, Eberron included, just depends on when I can get to it.


thank you! that's good to hear!


Thank you Tom, this is going to be so convenient. I know my players will love these traps ("love") :) I really appreciate the time you took to add this for us. Have a good day and stay safe.

Rob Cantermen

Love this, reminds me of my favorite, Tomb of Emun-rah. Both of them have some awesome looking traps - are there writeups for these anywhere?


Hi Rob, thanks very much. No write ups for those ones yet, but more written adventures coming in the future!


Hey Tom! Thanks for splitting out the assets as always - it let me setup an auto-rotating puzzle in Foundry: https://swendrowski.us/posts/making-a-rotating-puzzle-in-foundryvtt-using-trigger-happy.html


Hi Cody, That's really cool! If the video/gif file isn't too large would you mind sending it to me? I'd love to share it so people can see how my maps and assets can be used. I'll include a link to your blog post.


Two questions: I seem to be missing the PDF for the hidden secrets and explanation for how the map/trap works. I know there was one for the Mindforged Temple ... is there one for this map as well? Also, does anyone have any ideas for how to hide/reveal these assets or rotate them in Fantasy Grounds Unity, the same what Cody did in Foundry VTT?


Hi Tristan, the Hidden secrets versions of the maps are in the download folder. There is no PDF for the traps on this one, but there is an adventure module written for it adventurer tier patrons here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/37584642