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Deep in the tropical forests on the southern tip of the continent, an isolated tribe of lizard folk dedicate their daily lives to the worship of Cihua, the Serpentine Goddess. It is said that she is the one who poisons the waters of the surrounding marshes and wetlands, forcing away all but the most toxic and hardy of creatures, and provides fresh, clean water only to those who serve in her name. That the lizard folk are able to survive here at all is proof if her divine intervention, and those who suffer from the poisoned water are rightly punished as non-believers.

However it was not the tribe who built the ziggurat that is now the focus of their worship and source of their survival. They merely came across it when searching for a new home in the jungle. It is unknown how long it has existed, who created it, or what it's original purpose was. What is clear is that it is at the centre of the spread of disease and contagion that is slowly corrupting all of the surrounding lands.


Use the link at the top of this post to download the free versions of this map set. If you would like access to the high resolution, un-watermarked and gridless variants of this and other maps along with extra rewards, and would like to support me, check out my paid Patreon tiers!

Patrons also gain access to the Night, Hidden Secrets, and Unfurnished versions of this map set, as well as 48 new assets, completing the adventure!

GRID SIZE - 22x34 inch (72DPI)  



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