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Hello Travellers!

Next month I will start working on our 4th Patron Selected Map Theme.  There are three options to choose from, details are below. Those that don't get chosen this time around will roll over to next time, so we will get to everything eventually.

Leave any suggestions or requests for specific maps from your chosen theme in the comments section below.

The three options are as follows:

1) Transport & Travel -  As the party starts to venture out, they will need a better way to travel than on foot. This theme will include maps such as Airships, Steam Engines, Boats, and Trade Caravans.

2) Back to Class - Every D&D class has to train somewhere. This theme will include maps such as Wizards Schools, Monk Dojos, Bardic Colleges and Gladiatorial Arenas.

3) Distant Lands - The world is a rich and diverse place, numerous cultures and races inhabit it in an infinite number of ways. This theme will include maps such as Tree-top Towns,  Nomadic Desert Tribes, Far Eastern inspired settlements and Floating  villages.



Ooh, crossing my fingers for transport! My players have started saving up to buy an airship, and I've been hunting around for a good map. This would be perfect timing! Although I'm sure whichever wins will still lead to beautiful maps.


I'm torn heavily between the latter two options :) As my world is less technologically advanced, the travel part wouldn't make much of a difference for my game as is...

Asa Gismervik

Love me some nomadic desert stuff!

Jim B Johnson

Oh, I'm all about that caravan!


Honestly I don't think you can go wrong with any of these!

Thibaut Lorimier

Back to class seems a good settings for campagin beginning !


This is a difficult question you ask... I vote for all 3!