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Facing Bad Tropes with Naruko-chan 6 - (Naruto AU, SI)

“We could do a prank!”

This request was greeted wonderfully by a flat look from Naruko herself. She wasn’t the kind of girl that would say no to a fun prank, but… the one suggesting this was someone that Naruko was regretting summoning.

When Kurama told her that summoning could help her by producing a reasonable assistant with ‘heightened senses’, Naruko sensed it more as a chance to make ‘more friends’ as her father had coerced her to do.

So… She took the Kitsune/Fox Summoning Contract, signed it, put some of the energy in the seal she could produce and… POOF! She now had a smug pinkette to be bothered with.

Much to her good luck, her ‘main summon’ appeared human enough as her ears were low and mixing with her hair. She appeared to be quite normal too in terms of human girls, but her mindset was wired into wanting to prank everything within range.

Well, mostly everything as the young kitsune known as Yae Miko was given a loud and intense spanking when she got caught trying to switch the shampoo Naruko’s daddy used with some hair-colorants.

A most amusing sight considering that was just the beginning of the ‘Age of Pranks’ that Miko was proudly promising as they went around for the deliveries. She had been ‘helpful’ only in giving her more headaches than not, but Naruko refused to ‘do the gacha’ again as her father had asked her to.

“What and against whom?”

“Well, those stone faces are kind of gloomy. I want to color them happier!” She announced, some cans already being held by the cheeky Kitsune. “It could be fun-”

“Miko, the people hate foxes here and you want to give them a reason to hate you more,” Naruko huffed, interjecting her pink-haired prick of a friend about the dumbest plan possible.

She may not be a genius like Menma-chan, but she wasn’t dumb to the point of painting a ‘semi-literal target’ on her back.

“But it will be fiiiiine. Just let me take care of this and-”



“Yae, no means no.”

Her smile widened and her ears twitched. “And what if I decided to just do it anyway~?”

“Oh, that’s simple, actually,” Naruko flatly replied, then smiled. “Release.”


POOF! And Yae was gone with the paint cans. That would have been difficult to explain and… where did she even find those? Shaking her head, Naruko got back to her chores.

Yae wasn’t a bad person, but she could be so airheaded at times and Naruko was aware that being too conceding to someone like her would do her more harm than fun.

So, she was back to square one- how was she supposed to make new friends?

What about Hinata?

She barely speaks with you and once a week is not nice to entertain a friendship.


Have you asked her to play with you? What did she tell you about ‘playing like kids’?

Ah yes, that was indeed a worrisome situation. She didn’t have anyone to rescue her from that looming ‘threat’ until she ended up discovering a peculiar sight that gave her a chance.

A kunoichi-in-training. At least from the looks of it as she had a void forehead protector, lots of shuriken she was using to barrage some logs, and a lot of pent-up stress as she was growling about a ‘Mito being a Bitch’.

Naruko approached carefully, sitting by one of the benches and then studying the situation. This girl… she was grumpy as heck! From a normal standpoint, it would make it impossible for Naruko to hope for a friendship but…

Maybe she didn’t have to do it from a normal standpoint.

It took ten minutes for the training girl to realize she was being spied upon, and even less for her to stop, turn to look at Naruko and then approach her.


Ouch, she was really angry.

“My name is Bugarino Ruruko. I heard you saying you have a problem.”

The girl frowned, then slowly nodded. “Name’s Uchiha Satsuki. I have a problem in the form of someone at school. Why?”

“I want to make a deal.”

“Which is?” Satsuki asked, and Naruko smirked brightly as she produced her terms and her price.

Satsuki didn’t look too pleased by the cost, but she thought it would be a fair price to pay for the sake of what she asked for. A week was all that it took for the Uchiha girl to decide it was all worth for a continuous service from the ability her new ‘friend’ offered to her.

A week where she had to say that the strange pink-furred fox ‘plushie’ was a lucky charm, and a week where the smug bitch that was Uzumaki Mito, a complete fool that was hailed as a genius, got pranked to damnation and enough to draw tears from the insufferable brat.

And even though Satsuki wasn’t sold about being Ruruko’s close friend, she couldn’t help but appreciate the moderate personality of the blonde and… she found her home/workplace interesting. Especially since her dad sure made her feel like her mother had used some technique to become a man in terms of personality.

Yet, a week later, Satsuki had also a bit of a ‘trouble’ she couldn’t solve through Ruruko as it involved Ruruko herself and her father: her sister had learned that she had been ‘cajooling’ with a fellow girl and told their parents.

And mom now wanted to meet the one that had ‘become Satsuki’s first ever friend’.


“Danzou-sama, it seems that Naruko has former a Summoning Contract with the Kyuubi and her clique.”

The Dark Eminence of Konoha, the ‘Yami no Shinobi’ as many used to call him when Hiruzen was still alive, was most pleased by this news as he waved the masked shadow to leave his proximity.

The girl, albeit deprived of a chance to learn as a soldier of Konoha how to fight, seemed to be growing more in power and interest in protecting Konoha. Her connection with the Uchiha’s second heiress was a confirmation of this, but there was also the fact that she was ‘serving’ the village in a humble but still reasonable way.

There was no chance of her standing up to some of the strongest warriors mustered by the other Ninja Villages, but the child showed promise in being a protector with undying might and strength. And…

Danzou paused for a moment, sighing as he drank from his sweet tea.

“And Hiruzen would have been happy to see his successor’s mistake rectified in such a curious way.”

Bugarino Jonno was a mere foreigner, but all scouting missions confirmed he was not a spy. He showed no interest in learning the village’s secrets, didn’t behave suspiciously, and had clearly adopted the child out of goodness of his heart.

Many years ago, Danzou would have found this impossible for a rational man to do, but as time changed, he soon found himself accepting that the world was indeed evolving as his sensei had told him about.

Konoha may have ideals that will last forever, but each generation brought in more substance to the present and then future. And while Danzou thought this to be wrong when Hiruzen told him this much, his passing during the attack of the Kyuubi opened his eyes.

Even more, he found himself outraged by Minato’s foolish decision to desecrate Hiruzen’s wish to see the child that was Uzumaki Naruko be given the chance to be the hero this Village needed.


Danzou was unable to discern the full truth of this, only knowing that something had pushed Minato to do this. The old man refused to believe that ‘Mito was the true heroine’ this world needed.

The Kyuubi had endless chakra, for it to be ‘sealed away’ was impossible even with the complex disposition used by Hiruzen at the instructions of Minato. The Shinigami can claim souls to enforce seals, but even then that didn’t mean the precise purpose of ‘cutting a being of chakra from chakra itself’ was feasible.

No, his analysis had confirmed that Naruko was the true Jinchuriki and that her twin sister was nothing more than an ‘emergency’ battery since that amount of demonic chakra within her will run out within a few hours of prolonged use.

In the end, Minato did a massive mess, disrespected his predecessor, and actually did the impossible: he made Danzou regret not having Hiruzen around. With his passing, the old generation lost another big piece in the chessboard of old.

Gone was the banter between ‘right and wrong’, between ‘moral and amoral’. Danzou was now alone, old, and a few years away from dying. And he refused for his country to perish at the hands of a massive moron like Minato.

Something happened to him to force such a situation- same with his wife. There was just something weird to imagine a family-woman such as Uzumaki Kushina to just ditch a child out of a feverish misunderstanding over Fuuinjutsu.

Something didn’t add up at all and… maybe it was time for Danzou to try out this ‘Pizzeria’ many members of Root were positive about.



In this chapter there are a few new tropes packed up:
-Xover Character Summon (Chibified Yae Miko from Genshin Impact);
-R!63/Genderswap Uchiha Sasuke (Satsuki) and made her less dreadful;
-R63/Genderswap Itachi (Rumored for now but Itachi-neesama will be a thing);
-Good!Danzou (who would have thought of that!?)


Pedro Jose Bello Belen

So Minato and Kushina’s Ball Drop was so huge they actually made Danzo pull a 90 degree turn and go from Canon, let alone Fanon, Evil into Neutral, and yes it says Good Danzo but honestly at best I see him as Neutral as in even with common sense and good intentions he’d do shady stuff if needed for the sake of his homeland as usual, only no longer having hypocrisy nor obsession to do all that right away. Also hope we get soon more of Orochimaru here, especially since IIRC by this point in time the Snake Sannin should still be around the village and many tropes have Orochimaru being Good and/or Genderswap, the latter which honestly sounds just like Echidna from Re: Zero XP

Crimson Grave

... Where the inclusion of fucking tropes so WORLD SHATTERINGLY RIDICULOUS that it knocked Danzo's head on straight!?


It's more he understands things have to change in a certain way since his long-lasting friend/rival died and his memory got ruined by Minato in some policies. And that pissed him so much that Danzou had to make a big retrospective on the last few years and kind of 'straightening' his deviation from the original Will of Fire Doctrine