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Noxian Red 3 - or ‘Outta Jail with a Friend’ (League of Legends, Self Insert ft. Jail Friend)

The title of ‘Vision’ of Noxus was not one that former General Jericho Swain entrusted himself without reason. The need for a decentralized rule on top of this glorious empire was a necessity after seeing the horrid decline of Noxus under the previous ruler.

The paranoia, the deceit and the foolishly absolute trust given to the Black Rose.

While Swain owed the organization a degree of praise, he was also aware this group had been quite ‘upset’ when he staged his coup. The endless horde of experiments of various kinds hurled at him had outright left a bitter taste in his mouth regarding the group.

He refrained from outlawing the Black Rose out of necessity, because their malicious wisdom was still a fundamental element within the imperial machine. And his own power allowed him to safely acquire their secrets without bargaining any form of power over the government.

Swain wasn’t sure how big the group was, or how deep their plans ran at this point, but he had been blissfully happy to know his strong administration was devoid of any opening for the mad fools to establish a new rotting mold to the government.

Still, the news of this particular break out from the prison holding the former experiments of the Black Rose had stirred a dark fear within him.

Raum was oddly quiet as he tried to seek guidance, and his early expectation of this being a move ordained by the Black Rose was actually shown wrong when the investigators hurled at the task found out that there had been a confrontation in a small town near the prison.

The citizens were scared, but eagerly helped in rebuilding the scene that had them terrified for hours: the two reported prisoners, both experiments, had infiltrated this place, secured some food for the experiment known as ‘Dimensional Mistake’ while ‘Briar’ was allowed to ‘rest’.

An hour after their arrival, agents of the Black Rose had entered the settlement in an effort to spy upon them but they had gotten too close and… found out that Briar, as Swain remembered from the time he staged his coup, was not exactly fond of those trying to control her.

The fight had been brief, but it had been enough to fling both escapees in a renewed run. Their traces had vanished after a while, leaving Swain with a future headache or two until he managed to get hold of where these two were.

Still, he was also confused by one thing that he hadn’t been notified either by those guards he sent to carefully make sure no ‘useful experiments’ or the wardens in this prison: this ‘Dimensional Mistake’ experiment- he was technically a normal citizen.

The medical documentation that the prison listed out had the young man notified as a ‘seemingly normal individual, with no powers that could genuinely harm the empire’.

“THEN WHY WAS HE PUT IN A MAXIMUM SECURITY CELL!?” He snarled at the director of the prison, the plump moron pushing back on his chair, terrified by the equivalent of the Emperor nowadays.

To Swain it wasn’t a matter of morality- all lives in Noxus were expendable, even his own, for the sake of Noxus. No, the Vision was upset because the cell could have been used for someone deserving of such treatment rather than go beyond necessary precautions with such an element and… this element was sane. By all means, he was a docile individual and one that had been malnourished and left to die in this cell.

What kind of honest reputation could he proclaim if he couldn’t protect the wrongdoings within his own government?!

Without hesitation, Swain personally shredded the director and sent officers to arrest and ‘interrogate’ those behind this massive mess of a situation. The moment this came out, he had to be ready to have a response to spare any dent to the Trifarix’s popularity.

And, if he played his cards right, he may as well end up recruiting these two in his government. As agents against the enemies of the Empire!


My decision to let Blair actually slaughter the whole village we stumbled on our second opportunity to find peace was not a ‘nice one’.

It wasn’t even good by any means- I knew that. I wasn’t trying to be ‘good’ as much as it came to survive in this hostile environment.The previous confrontation with the bastards chasing us had given me a clear understanding that our ‘previous owners’ were still on the loose and very giddy to get their hands on us again.

So, after eating, slaughtering our way out of the village and then getting to this other settlement, I took this opportunity to deal with something concerning that was tied to Briar herself: she reeked!

While this may not sound much, the fact that some of the guards around this place relied on animals to keep track of trouble, massive lizard-like creatures that behaved like dogs, I knew that someone with such a distinct stench such as my pseudo-vampiric bratty friend needed to get cleaned up.

Finding a bath was easy, convincing Briar to touch her was quite troublesome for a very simple reason- despite our ‘friendship’, Briar was afraid of people touching her in certain spots.

The mere idea that she had been molested either in her original captivity or during our prison time was deplorable, but she seemed more concerned about being ‘stabbed’ rather than be harassed.

To solve this troublesome mental block, I relied on something that seemed to be quite effective on Briar- something that made her outright docile: I filled a basin with some of the blood of her victims, told her to rest by the rudimentary tub we found in the biggest house within the village, and I had her slowly undressed and soaped up while she sipped from the basin.

Slowly, with gusto, enjoying the moment as I carefully focused on not taking any wrong step.

Briar was a friend, but she was still a woman- and I had been the sort of guy that had gone years without a womanly body to enjoy with my eyes. The temptation was strong, but my pseudo-Buddhist thoughts related to my ‘Inner Self’ were by far too tough to break.

In fact, after I was done cleaning up her pits, tits and ass, thus moving to the ‘least dangerous’ spots around, I fell in my thoughts once more about why I couldn’t remember my name.

Initially, I blamed this on amnesia. I had been focusing so much on leaving that prison, that it made sense I had forgotten about some stuff- it just felt absurd it had to be my name.

My name, something I had known for ten times the period I spent in that cell- to forget it like that felt outrageous and as I focused through the chaotic shifting and talking with Briar, I ultimately realized that it was the price that Gurrin had spoken about.

I hadn’t expected for this to be how I lost my name. And the memory of the names of my family. Did I have a sister… and a brother? Did I have both my parents? Were my grandparents alive?

The extent of this ‘amnesia’ was outrageous, but I had to admit that a big power such as the one I gained was one that required an equally big sacrifice on my part. And as much as it hurt me in the long-run, this skill had saved my ass as Briar had been struggling in that fight with the creepy agents trying to capture us.

With her bloodlust abated for a few hours, it became difficult for her to rely on her attacks. So I had to tag along in a supportive manner, muster a shotgun and show these morons the power of the boomstick.

Briar appreciated, but I think she appreciated the strangely wholesome feeling behind the hugging and the headpatting. As an individual aware of what ‘starving’ means, it kind of felt intriguing how she grew to pursue more closeness through the day we have spent together as fugitives.

And now that I was done bathing her and letting her actually ‘rest’ on the ground as she sleepily recovered (without a chance to sleep due to her biology) I proceeded to bathe on my own.

I was quick to get squeaky clean, but I was caught by a yawn as I felt the stress of going for several hours without a chance to sleep. As she heard me utter that noise, Briar turned to look at me with a smile.

“I’ll keep watch!”

I frowned. “That means not trying to bite me.”

“I will not! I have plenty of blood and I like you too much!”

That sounded genuine enough. Plus, I was too sleep-deprived to make a conscious decision.

So, I kind of took it. Queen-sized bed with some holes in the mattress upstairs, here I come hugging ya. Twelve hours would go by, and I would be spared by any trouble. In fact, when I woke up, I was greeted by a most perplexing and yet amusing sight.

In her boredom-induced stroll back and forth in the bedroom, Blair had made her special blood basin, one that had been chosen because it was long enough for her to carry despite the pillory, fall on the ground and spill the content on the ground. I woke up to find Blair, licking it off the ground, clearly close to crying over the spilt blood.

How ironic and yet sad. I patted her head but let her finish her meal in peace.

After all, the journey up ahead was a difficult one… as we approached closer to the capital of this ‘vast empire’.



Next time… Briar and Jojo make a new friend! And then… Demacia!


Lost Story of winds

Ooh. The situation together with the picture is making me sad. Once again great job Bukharin-san


I can just imagine the "Stressed Gremlin" noises coming out of her as she tries to lick it clean.