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Noxian Red 2 - or ‘Outta Jail with a Friend’ (League of Legends, Self Insert ft. Jail Friend)

Here’s a meme for the chapter.

Briar was not the kind of girl that liked being coped in a room for too long.

It was no secret that this was the reason she trusted her current only and possibly best jail friend. At first glance, as the plan he gave her worked and she freed him too, her friend didn’t look like much.

Sure, he looked far scrawnier than most guards around and he definitely was not someone like her, but there was something in him that made Briar aware he was unique. And no, it wasn’t the fact that he seemed to reciprocate her friendly manners back to her.

It was something she couldn’t put a finger on- both physically as her fingers were currently too sharp to touch anything without killing those, and mentally as her mind was currently lost in the bloodlust that consumed her.

Three were the current goals the experiment of the Black Rose focused on:

1) Eat;
2) Escape;

3) Protect her Jail Friend;

The priority was a bit silly for many, but Briar was horribly hungry. And there were so many tasty treats between her and her way to freedom. Her Jail Friend was also too weak to fight as the bulky guards rushed to stop them but… Oh well, she was up for a frenzy~!

It was clear the guards thought they still had a chance when her pillory snapped and allowed her mind and body to go full berserk, eyes sharply blood red as her pronounced claws and bladed wrists allowed her to cleave and cut into the flesh of those trying to harm them both.

She was rejoicing at the massacre, reminded of what she had been missing for two long years now and-

“Ohi, Jail Friend.”

Her attention snapped at her Jail Friend, the young man currently standing on what looked to be an elevator and holding a lever to it with his left hand while his right hand grasped what looked to be a sandwich he got from the janitor’s stuff.

“We need to go up.”

A nod, but rather than jump to the elevator, Briar was swiftly jumping on the walls, rushing fast as her hunger had yet to be properly satisfied. She doubted she could get what she had been missing for two years, but a tiny snack was acceptable for now.

After all, she really wanted out of that place.

The constant screaming, the whining, the pain, the sorrow- so boring!

In fact, another reason that had driven her to be so happy to make her Jail Friend… Well, her Jail Friend was the fact that he wasn’t one of the whiners and was relatively quiet with others. He was acceptable- no, he was the very best friend she could ask from this madhouse!

He was smart, he was lucid and he was friendly towards her! One thing that really sold his ‘act’ to her was that he was afraid, yes, but he also looked awed by her. She was indeed the cutest of them all!

And as more guards rushed from the main gates to seize them, Briar hurled herself once more into the frey, clawing and slashing and biting ruthlessly into the meat and the bones of those trying to stop them.

She was deeply engrossed in the hunt and the feasting, her belly rumbling in delight as blood poured deep in her welcoming stomach. And yet, she made a ‘tiny’ mistake. As her Jail Friend was trying to find a way to open the main gates… she may have briefly mistaken him for a running guard.

Rushing forward, Briar slammed herself and her friend through the main doors, breaking them and… then drooling a bit on his confused face as he reached out to boop her nose and-

Oh right!

“Jail Friend~!” She remembered, her moment of focus allowing for her mobile pillory to recompose itself, limiting her powers once more but returning her the sanity she had during her imprisonment. “Sorry, I forgot you were there.”

“...Am I so forgettable?” He asked jokingly, but Briar’s mind wasn’t fully there.

“N-No, I just- I was a bit on the frenzy and I tend to get silly, you see~.”

“Oh. I’ll keep that in mind to not be around you when you’re like that. Don’t want you to make a mess out of me.”

She giggled at the response, but their little moment of peace was ruined when she heard guards rushing from the prison towards them. Growling, Briar got off from her Jail Friend and stared at the troublesome morons trying to ruin their happy friendship moment!

The worst part was that Briar couldn’t go back in a frenzy so soon. The crystal that kept her pillory stable was suppressing her too much and she needed to have some time to get it loosen enough to snap back into ‘murder time’.

However, while she contemplated just coercing her Jail Friend to run with her, she was surprised when he took a few steps forward while grasping what looked to be a small blue orb in his hands.

“Don’t blink,” He hummed, gaining her full attention as he clicked a button on the ball and then hurled it at the guards.

The sphere caught on fire, blue flames coating it as it suddenly landed on the chest of the leading guard, sticking to it much to his surprise and, as it started to glow more and buzz harder, Briar felt her world detonate just as intensely as the explosive blast that scorched and wrecked the silly troublemakers away.

She gasped, the massive result giving Briar a giddy smile. “That was awesome~!”

“Yup.” He smugly said as he started to lead her away from the prison, the girl following right beside him.

“You’re not useless!”

He frowned at that, “Well, you are not as mad as I thought you were early on, I guess we are both up for surprises.”

Briar pouted at being called mad, but then she realized he was just kidding and she grinned once more.

“By the way, what’s your name, Jail Friend?” After all, she was getting a bit bored of calling him just that. It was clear he was bound to be around her for a bit longer than she had expected so… she was now curious about his name.

“My name? Hmmm,” He thoughtfully said, and Briar thought he was just thinking if he could say or not at first.

Then he looked quite lost in his thoughts as if he remembered something. Or rather did not remember it.

“I don’t know.”

That surprised Briar. “You don’t remember?”

“Yeah… I think… I think that’s what I had to pay for this power. Remembering my… name,” He mumbled. “I only remember that it was something like Jo… Something that started with ‘Jo’.”

Briar tilted her head left and right, pondering about this and then thinking of a smart guess.


Her Jail Friend gave her an intrigued look. “I don’t think it is that but… I like it.”

She smiled and- and was not expecting for him to pat her head.

“Thank you, Briar.”

For some inexplicable reason, that gesture made Briar truly smile at her newest only friend.

And as the duo were soon away from the prison’s reach, it was time to think of what to do next.

“We will be ‘tourists’ for now. Let’s see what’s interesting in Noxus.”

“I like that! Let’s see if we can cause some trouble and make more friends~!”

After all, she had much to discover and remember, but also some loose ends to ‘deal with’ in due time in regards to her creators~.



Next chapter will explain about ‘Jojo’s Price and why it is bigger than Briar can comprehend. Also, Briar being cute… and both of them needing a fucking bath because they stink!



Road trip!

Pedro Jose Bello Belen

Because you’re now named Jojo you need to add Hamon, Spin and/or Stand!