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Are we really friends? 13 - or ‘So, I got inserted in a NTR Victim’s body but… I am kind of not upset since I don’t know these girls?’ (Original Hentai NTR Subversion, SI!Victim(?))

There was silence as I was calmly pressing several inputs on the keyboard, yet I wasn’t the only one in the room.

Satsuki was lying on my bed, looking at the ceiling and thinking about what I had told her. It wasn’t, after all, a pleasant circumstance since it meant we had to get close and personal with some supernatural hentai shit.

“Do we have to?” She actually asked quietly. “Like, what are the chances that your aunt and mother are targeted?”

To be fair, this has been something I had been pondering much about. I shouldn’t be exposing myself, I had repeated that to Satsuki and myself plenty of times. Yet, this matter was unique and not to be tackled with normal approaches.

Demons were troublesome, especially when they had a cult going on. The priest never left the church, same for the rest of the family with the sole exception of that rule being his daughter.

Stuff like groceries and other supplies were brought through proxies. ‘Volunteers’ to the church that had ‘found the faith’ through the ‘charming father’. I could tell we were now bordering into a semi-cult situation, and it meant that this was getting far bigger than just a demon using his magic alone to accomplish his ambitions

“Mild to high,” I answered distractedly. “I know, it’s not what I told you a while ago about being rather neutral about those things but…”

I sighed, stopping my research for a moment.

“This is the kind of stuff that will spread within the area.”

“That girl?” Satsuki guessed, and I nodded. “And are you sure it was, you know, demonic? Couldn’t it have been mere magic?”

I leaned back on my chair. “I thought about it, but there are many details that say otherwise. Specifically, this kind of priest seems to have been exiled from Russian lands by the high Orthodox authorities in the Eastern Siberian area. There is actually his name on a list among people and creatures that are deemed by this website as ‘a threat to the Holiness of Christ’.”


“And they tried to purge him first before the exile. They killed his son, who was supposedly some sort of Anti-Christ  that pretty much raped all nuns in the church they worked at. So… that’s going to be rowdy,” I elaborated and then glanced at the big bag that the girl had brought when she came into the room. “Did you buy what I asked for?”

Her dry look melted into one of pure childish delight. “You should have been there. I got two Deluxe Super-Soakers and a few ‘Extra Big Loads’ and… Oh God, I just realized those are innuendos.

Satsuki’s world crumbled as she shut her face with her hands in a comedic way, and I chuckled at the sight as the poor girl was given no mercy about this sort of stuff.

“It’s just some innuendos, hun, I think we have seen and handled worse.”

Her lips twitched as a smile crept at the use of ‘Hun’. Ever since we got in a relationship, it got easy to get her flustered on command. Then again, Satsuki was not that behind in that regard and had her way to have me stammering when needed.

“Still, what are those for?”

I stood up from my chair as I remembered it was time for us to get going for our big stop today. “Well, we need to fill them up with Holy Water. Can’t fight a demon with a gun or tasers.”

“Oh? That means you have found a good church that does that?” She asked, and I nodded. Yet, this prompted a valid question. “For a fee?”

“Yep, but it’s an affordable one. We aren’t paying for the city’s water supply after all,” I argued, and Satsuki rolled her eyes.

Still, we were soon going. Mom was not affected by any of that. It was clear the ‘Daddy Demon’ was keeping within the church- maybe there was an interest in not exposing himself too much beyond the ‘strong walls’ of his.

It was an advantage for now, but it was best to not rely on luck for how long this restriction was  going to last.

The Church I picked was Catholic in nature, and yet manned by an English Missionary. Father Reginald was a bit on the posh side, but he seemed to take our grievances seriously as he took us to his office.

While for a moment we were perplexed a priest would just take our words for true, he explained rather swiftly that there was something else that gave our explanation some weight.

“Your hand, young man,” He explained in accented Japanese. “The foul stench of corruption- I can sense it.”

Can priests do that in this world?

Despite my many questions on how different religions worked in this world, the real worry was that I knew he was not wrong. That was the hand that had been grasped by the girl, and the one I thought had been cleansed.

“Is it still corrupted?”

“Corruption of this kind works differently. Especially since it goes deep and requires some proper care to be expunged. Which is why we have… this.”

The man shifted to the side and retrieved a low container with some liquid there. Holy Water, and it was ‘reacting’ to my arm. The priest gestured to me to have my hand lowered in the small basin. As I did so, I felt my arm sharply hurting as if it was burning from within. Dark liquid poured through my veins and out through my fingernails.

Satsuki stared at this with a mixture of awe and unease. She could see I was slightly hurt, but handling it well. Ten minutes later, the cleansing was over and the holy water presented no signs of tainting.

“That being said, if this is the result of a brief hand-holding, I believe it will have to contact exorcists in the region. I request for you two to keep quiet about it as we handle this situation.”

That was… convenient.

“So, you will just do it yourselves?” I asked, and Father Reginald nodded.

“As much as I can praise two youths’ dedication to protect those they care for, we would never endanger people that are not prepared for these sorts of issues. It will take a week to prepare a potential ‘raid’, so I ask you to not try anything foolish in the meantime.”

“We will not-”

“I am more inclined to give this warning to your friend, young Satoru,” The priest interrupted, turning to Satsuki. “I can tell you bear quite a temper. I am not here to judge you about it, but I would like for you to be careful about it within corrupting areas as… there are some dangerous demons that could use any wrathful instigations to possess any of you.”

I was surprised Satsuki was the one most at risk, but I would say my wrathful mindset was situational, while hers tended to be mellow but far more frequent for smaller insignificant things.

Despite that ominous warning, the priest allowed us to refill some tanks and the soakers with some holy water. I paid the fee for the service, and Satsuki and I were soon making it back home with some good counter to demonic issues and yet a renewed understanding that the world was indeed bigger than it looked like.

As we were close to her house as we agreed to bring our stuff there, Satsuki decided to make some small talk.

“So, do you think they will handle it?”

“They will,” I nodded with confidence. “However, I know that somehow stuff will happen to complicate our lives.”

“And? What will we do if that happens?”

I merely smiled, ready to provide an answer but-

“Right, Holy Water,” Satsuki hummed. “Forgot about that, but… no risky crap?”


The path back home was one devoid of trouble, but the plan for the time being was to keep an eye on both mom and auntie. Hopefully this was not going to create any issues in the long run, but I didn’t worry about it.

I was going at maximum preparation, so I wasn’t going to let some small issue go under our nose without some retaliation.



Next chapter’s gonna be a thick one due to some big events happening. Let’s just say that



Hope they get to save the sibs (somehow or in some degree), from what I remember of the doujin none of them knew was was happening for real until there wasn't coming back, plus their agency was deep into the realm of negative numbers thanks to the isolation...


Save then through the power of headpats!!!


Gracias por el capítulo