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Deep Fright - or ‘This game of GoT CK3 sure is turning vicious’ (F&H!SI!Adventurer in Hentai RPG Games)

You wake up in Oblivion, your mind is unable to find reason for you to be there. As you stand up from the dark floor, you realize you are not alone. A tall statue of sorts stands before you. Seemingly humanoid, yet inhuman in its details. Its beauty is… demonic? No, it’s divine. Just not the kind of divine you would expect.

It is familiar to you, but the migraine you are facing keeps you from remembering. Nonetheless, you are compelled to speak, something about this peculiar element drawing you to utter words which morph into a question.

Who are you? You ask nervously, feeling compelled to address the entity as someone rather than something.

I am God.

-Accept; (Acquire Passive Skill ‘Submission to Fear and Hunger’)
(x)-Refuse; (Acquire Passive Skill ‘Mortal Defiance’)

You choose to refuse the deity, a hint of surprise ejected from the ‘statue’ as it provides you with brief silence.

And how would you tell?

Indeed, how? After all, God is meant to be difficult to understand. Maybe the religion you followed lied for the sake of your sanity. Maybe this was indeed your God or… or maybe… just maybe…

(x)-You remember; (Acquire Passive Skill ‘Mental Ward’)
know; (Acquire Passive Skill ‘Bloodlust Ward’)

Despite the migraine, the images of a young girl with auburn red eyes fill your mind. Those innocent eyes that were subjected to the cruelty of the most ruthless dungeon within the worst human world draw a sense of sorrow through you.

“I remember you,” I hummed quietly, my mind finally out of the strange haze that fragmented it. “The Little Girl from that game.”

I am not a fictional entity, not in this realm of existence.

The admission is confirmation to me. I was looking at the God of Fear and Hunger, from the first game of Fear and Hunger. An Ascended God that was able to attain this status through the tedious efforts of a New God and a Prophesied Man meant to lead humanity to a new era. The child, the Girl, was the one that obtained such a duty. By reaching the deepest corner of the dungeon, where the Altar of Darkness stood, a creature unheard of in its conception and powers was manifested.

A God that pushed an already-twisted humanity into the Age of Cruelty, where hard work coerced the rise of goodness through the hopes of a better future. But as it stood before me, I could tell this wasn’t the same creature that the player had to battle against.

The flesh that it had shed was no longer visible, the sliver of humanity that persisted in the dying moments of the party that brought to its creation no longer there. Only a sense of eerie calm that was outrageously frustrating to endure.

“Why did you bring me here?”

I want you to do something for me. I want you to become a God in a world that lacks any worthy of the title.

I frowned, the request a bit weird considering the definition of ‘Proper God’ by the notions of Fear and Hunger.

“Why me?”

I need someone worthy of Godhood in such lands. Someone that can act as the middle man rather than the enforcer of either side. Someone that acts less as a ‘figurehead’ and more as an active punisher.

That was only leaving me more confusion. This answered things a little, but it wasn’t enough to truly satisfy my curiosity. Yet, despite my attempt to ask for more, the God was clearly uninterested about letting me know the full truth.

You shall understand your purpose once you will be brought to this world. Be wary that threats will be around all corners.

As the deity finished saying that, I felt the palm of my left hand burn, and as I brought it to my eyes, I was shaken by the sight of a circle with a ‘RЯ’ symbol in it. It was carved as blood was pouring out of the wound.

(Acquire Passive Skill ‘Brand of Fear and Hunger’)

A large panel akin to the Gamer manifested before my eyes.

John Bukharin
Title: Adventurer
LVL. 1

Body: 100/100
Mind: 100/100
Hunger: 100/100
Experience: 0/50

Attack → 10
Defense → 18
M.Attack → 10
M.Defense → 12
Agility → 15
Luck → 26

Passive Skills:
(Brand of Fear and Hunger) - Proof of your connection to the God of Fear and Hunger, it allows you to use Game-like mechanics;

(Mental Ward) - Your Mind/Sanity drops at a lesser rate and your soul is warded from Possessions;

(Mortal Defiance) - Despite your mortality, you are blessed with inhuman defiance. Your stats are doubled while facing a God-tier enemy;

Right as I finished reading, I realized that a hole had opened under my feet, forcing me into a tunnel of blinding white light. I was rotating fast, picking up speed in the fall and, ultimately, I crashed onto some grass.

Good news is that I didn’t die on impact. Odd news is that I am now no longer wearing my usual clothes. Those had been switched to what a normal medieval peasant would war and… I got a sword.

Short Sword - ATK + 20

I stood up, grasping the weapon and giving a look around to see where the hell I was. Some sort of unfamiliar forest- it didn’t have the creepy and eerie feel that was familiar with the Prehevil’s forest, but it was close enough to keep me on guard.

And this was a smart decision as something shifted by some bushes near me. A classic goblin holding a club.


A battle soon ensued, and I was reminded of a few things. First, since this ‘Game System’ is tied to Fear and Hunger, all mechanics from that game where implemented to some extent. And, at that moment, I was dreading the ‘hit box factor’. Similar to the VATs System from Fallout, there are several areas that have different HPs. Some were only meant to cripple or mutilate, others such as body shots and headshots allowed for quick victories.

Tall enemies could be decapitated with ease by first cutting the foes’ legs and then cutting the head. Instead, short enemies such as Goblins could be decapitated with ease. Depending on Agility and Luck.

I decided to give a shot at hitting the goblin’s head and… I was pleasantly relieved when the hit got the intended effect. Stunned by the swift attack, the goblin couldn’t react accordingly to stop my blade as it divided its head from its body.

Goblin defeated! Obtain 10 EXP and 10G.

…That’s very odd.

If there is something that I was expecting was a lack of LVLs in this system. Considering the fact that F&H is a Dark Fantasy, things such as the classic level up to become stronger are not a thing.

So… why do I have it now? Is it because I was… in a world where that was a thing? Or maybe the God of Fear and Hunger decided to ‘bless me’? I felt more compelled to believe the former, but… I wasn’t sure. I really wasn’t sure what the hell was even going on.

I need to find somewhere to rest and find shelter. And as I saw some smoke in the distance, I hoped to find a camp waiting for me. But as I ventured through and slain more Goblins and some Slimes, leveling up twice, I arrived at my destination and…

The village known as Daram was somehow familiar to my mind. But why?



John faces the ultimate Doom-Slaying task to wreck hentai games’ plot. Starting with… Tina, the Swordswoman of the Scarlet Prison!

Current Stats!

John Bukharin
Title: Adventurer
LVL. 4

Body: 130/130
Mind: 115/115
Hunger: 100/100
Experience: 20/80

Attack → 36
Defense → 24
M.Attack → 19
M.Defense → 21
Agility → 18
Luck → 38



I feel bad for any hentai rpg that has to face something from F&H... ... Nah not really, I'm looking forward to the story though!


I'm guessing John is the only one with the fear & hunger system meaning the other enemies don't have the body part attacking?