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Are we really friends? 6 - or ‘So, I got inserted in a NTR Victim’s body but… I am kind of not upset since I don’t know these girls?’ (Original Hentai NTR Subversion, SI!Victim(?))

“So… did you discover stuff?”

“Yes,” I hummed, currently busy reading a magazine on houses as I wanted to relocate mom and I to somewhere in town that was cheaper and less familiar to anyone worthy of trouble in dad’s ‘workplace’.

Satsuki had been aware to some extent that me ‘doing something’ involved a degree of illegality, so she had cleverly kept quiet until it was lunchtime. This time, we had secured a spot in the cafeteria, one of the corners away from potential eavesdroppers.

“And?” The tomboy pressed and I blinked, pausing a moment to flip the page.

“And it’s best to not discuss further as we are getting spied upon by a pervert.”

As she heard this Satsuki tensed up, expecting for it to be Misako, but couldn’t see her around, the girl deeply isolated at this point and very away from us to spy on us.


I can’t point at her, but it is someone I had a degree of ‘clash’ with.”

“Hm? You fought with a girl?”

“I fought with a yandere rapist,” I remarked, feeling quite ruthless today as I intended to bring an end to this situation before it brought further escalations. I didn’t let it ‘cook’, but rather I had been looking around online for a few phone numbers and a few laws in regard to police controls. “And she has her eyes set on ‘punishing’ me, I suppose.”

“That doesn’t sound… right. Why r-rapist?”

“She assaulted Morita-sensei,” I replied calmly. “But worry not, I have a plan.”

A plan that would see its full realization today as all pieces had been set, and it was time to blindside Mamiya so hard that she is going to get forcefully removed from my sight for good.

There are three ways to deal with a Yandere of that kind: you either kill her, hope that the police can keep the bitch contained or you break her. Since killing felt a bit too much to risk since I didn’t want to risk jail and the rapey culture of this world would allow leeway to this bitch’s deeds, I decided it was high time to give Mamiya a taste of her poisonous medicine.

And as the lunch break ended, things took a rather interesting turn of events when a few police officers entered the school. It was so ‘common’ at this point that the teachers were quick to collaborate with the officers as they escorted a struggling Mamiya out.

“T-This is not fair! I didn’t do anything wrong! It was Morita-sensei!”

I had not made that call to the cops. That had been Morita-sensei himself as we made a deal. He would write about Mamiya’s actions against him and his ‘concerns’ regarding her potential broken home situation… In return, I would make sure that Mamiya’s saving grace about this being an action motivated by fear of blackmail was no longer available to her.

The call with Yomoda Mikage, the real loli target of Morita back when he was just a high-schooler, was dreadful. I didn’t feel happy with what I had to say to her to get her on board.

I had to give her some bitter truths that, despite a lack of proof, she actually believed. Up to that call, Mikage would have defended Mamiya due to her hatred towards Morita, but I told her something that had been levied against the man that he wasn’t truly responsible for.

When Morita used to do it with the little girl, he was also allured by the mother. Now, this wouldn’t be an issue… if not for the fact that somehow the info got out even after Morita left. In fact, things would have been fine for Mikage if things had remained just that- some trauma and yet a happy family.

That’s when her mother’s illicit affair came up as someone spread the rumor.

Despite the lack of proof, the people believed in it. It was so absurd to Mikage because no one should be able to be so convincing by words alone and- and then her mother took her own life.

That’s where the true hatred comes from towards Morita. And then I told her the real culprit. She… believed me. I was surprised by this, but she explained why and it made sense to me.

When Mikage’s mother died, Mamiya was instantly hugging her, telling her she was with her but… not reacting with her. It may seem like a ‘strong and friendly’ attitude to be the rock, but it was the lack of genuine honesty within the comforting words that struck a chord in Mikage.

It was like a lie, and my words gave meaning to that confusing reaction.

So, even though Mamiya was going to try and pin the blame on Morita, Mikage would be the only key witness. And she wouldn’t tell the truth. Not for love towards Morita- that one she no longer cared for, but for the newfound hatred she harbored for her first and only childhood friend.

Someone that not only lied to her, spread the rumor that killed her mother and then tried to stalk and blackmail someone she had long erased from her mind- but because Mamiya was going to use her to enable her own dreadful desires.

Once the dust had settled, once the police and Mamiya had been out of school, I found myself walking back home with Satsuki, and I explained to her what happened and why this was not a victory.

“M-More could have been done,” Satsuki blurted out, unsure of what to say but clearly dissatisfied with the end results of this plan.


“I mean it,” She remarked with a stronger tone and… I sighed.

“I know.”

“Then why are you sounding like that?!” Something about her irritation just irked me further about this matter.

“Because I don’t like the situation either,” I admitted flatly, glaring forward as I felt moments away from snapping. “Do you think I am content with this? No. It should have been more. It needed to be more.”


“Satsuki, I had to talk with the victim of that accident. I had to tell her that she had to choose between letting out a dangerous monster that would prey on people through the sorrows of others to fuel the sick desires of her family or the one individual that destroyed her childhood,” I raised my voice, less about anger towards her but towards how fucked the situation truly was. “I had to tell her that she had to lie in court or else face the guilt of having let out someone that will be an unredeemable offender and condemn her old assailant. Morita is a monster, but at the very least his crime has been a singular case- Mamiya? She is broken beyond chance of redemption. She thinks all she is doing is normal and nothing can change that. Killing? Enslaving? Raping? She sees those as tools to further her desires and kinks!”

I felt spent as I finished saying that, and I had to stop for a moment. Satsuki was hugging me, genuinely trembling- no, we both were. I was so… so frustrated. I had tried to keep away from all of this, but just a mistaken turn took me to handle this horrible plot.

In the world of fiction… justification can be raised to lessen the disgust. After all, some hard themes are meant to add realism to the story- to make it clear to the readers through horrifying events that monstrous humans do exist.

And now I was in that world. Fiction to me is now reality. The monsters held within the white pages filled with descriptive ink were now running amok- real and unwilling to get caught until pushed into the cage.

I was not going to tackle any more of those. This was a decision I muttered to Satsuki. She perked at my words, but nodded nonetheless as she understood the points she was aware of.

We got back to my house and… she decided to stay for an impromptu game session up to the evening. I decided to escort her home and then walk back to my house. I was still tired at this point, but more at ease considering that I had been able to work the stress out by distracting myself.

I got back home, mom was busy in the kitchen. She had been given the video from dad and she had been floored for hours because of it. She actually stomached it better than I had predicted. Upset, but understanding of his reasons. It made her cry, but it wasn’t enough to drive her further deep into depression.

She was working through my aunt to find a way out of this situation, and I was back to my room alternating between doing my homework for today and checking on houses.

I just needed to get this Espionage thing dealt with and… things should settle down on their own.



Next time… Satoru is pushed in a corner to take some harsh steps towards a certain ‘former childhood friend’.



Gracias por el capitulo

Pedro Jose Bello Belen

No Yandere sex but given what was revealed here the MC definitely dodged quite the bullet