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My Girlfriend is the Hero Rabbit! 4 - or ‘My School Sweetheart is Mirko and… no one but a few knows about this!’ (MHA, OC!MC)

Fidgeting at work was nothing new for Ryuko, but the reason she was doing so was driven by two reasons.

One, she was now the ‘external tutor’ in charge of the so-called ‘Big Three’ of U.A. for their third Hero Agency Internship program. Togata Mirio, Hado Nejire, and Amajiki Tamaki- these three have long been considered the best U.A. could offer in its formation for the generation.

Still, it was common for this experience to unfold each year, lasting a full week and allowing students to further grow familiar with the matters of being affiliated to an agency. Despite the fact the trio was deemed the best, they still had to do this.

And these three in particular had already been there at Endeavor’s Agency. The difference was that the previous year had them under the watchful gaze of Hawks on that occasion. Nothing much came from it, but now the duo in charge of the students was… potentially troublesome.

Ryuko was already nervous for the assignment, but it was the fact that she was paired with Rumi-senpai that turned her into a stage before feeling like a wreck.

The bunny-eared woman was clearly showing no hint of what conversation happened two days ago and now that Ryuko had returned to her fixed flat, things hadn’t gotten easier due to her wet dreams.

At the very least, she wasn’t destroying anything due to those…

Now, the real issue wasn’t even the personal matters between them, but the fact that Rumi-senpai was not… good with kids. In the sense of being a teacher of sorts.

So, when she came to the office, just shy of five minutes of being late, Ryuko braced for trouble as she finished explaining the same basic things to the trio she was partially in charge of.

Mirko is finally here, she thought, and she has… notes?

The pile of papers she was grasping tightly with her right arm soon sat on the desk used by Ryuko, and the Hero Rabbit quickly greeted and introduced herself to the trio. It didn’t feel fake, but it was clearly dismissive and noticeably so.

Peeking at the papers, Ryuko was sure she had seen this handwriting somewhere else- and she knew it wasn’t Rumi-senpai’s own hand behind the notes.

“Now that we are through with the silly talk, I’ll make this brief so we can get to work fast. I heard a lot about your potential- and I will see if you are actually what teachers chit-chat about. I care not if you feel respectful and polite, you will be under my command most of the time.”

Ryuko wanted to oppose this as, technically speaking, she was also the co-tutor of this situation but… it was also true that Mirko was the ‘internal tutor’ and the one that was meant to yield most of  the decisional power in this situation.

Plus, something about her confidence was built around some planning done beforehand- the notes being proof of that.

“So, I will have you do some intermediary stuff for warm up and we will all tackle big cases. You can quit early on, but you ain’t gonna do that if we are in the middle of stuff. Got it?”

“Yes!” Mirio exclaimed excitedly, the rest nodding, with Nejire the second most delighted and Tamaki being the gloomiest.

“Good~! I hope you’re all ready, because there will be no mercy this week.”

Ryuko shuddered a bit as she could tell Rumi-senpai was not joking. She was going to be as ruthless as she promised to be, thus leaving Ryuko to pray for the safety of the trio.

“But first, I have to give you this, Ryuukyuu.”

Blinking, the blonde was soon holding some of the notes and, as she gave it a quick read, realized a few things: first, it was Kobo-san’s notes; and, second, he was giving her some ‘tools’ in the form of knowledge to keep her senpai under control and away from being too harsh on the students.

Blackmail- she literally had blackmail on her senpai! Then again, it wasn’t that big of blackmail but… it was enough to give her hope that this may not be a bad situation for them.

Not if she handled the blackmail accordingly and… tried to understand some more about her senpai and Kobo-san’s relationship through this.


Kobo’s day was going great. He was done with cleaning the floor, the windows, the curtains- he went to clear the dust in the attic, and all in all things had worked as intended when-

“Why did ya give Ryuukyuu some private stuff about me?!”

His beloved girlfriend came back home with a fair amount of grievances.

“Hm? You mean a deterrent to keep you from going too far?” He asked back calmly, and the girl snorted.

“I told ya I had it under control!”

“Did you?”

The comeback was met with a degree of awkward silence.

“I-I wasn’t that bad.”

“And the blackmail wasn’t as bad, I can tell,” Kobo hummed. “So, how was your day?”

“Kids are trying to please- Lemillion kid is the most frustrating with how ‘All-Mighty’ he behaves. Hado is the middle ground but a bit too cheerful and innocent at times- I can smell she is not a saint. Tamaki is… well, a good kid. He just needs to get his ass kicked in the right direction from time to time.”

“I saw on TV he helped with a robbery.”

“As I said, he is good,” Rumi confirmed with a shrug. “Still, I have to punish ya.”

Kobo blinked in surprise at this, but was even more stunned when the woman picked him and settled him by the counter.


“Hmm, you look so yummy like this~,” Rumi mirthfully mentioned, licking her lips. “How long has it been since I gave you a titjob?”

Right as Kobo was about to answer, Rumi proceeded to pull his pants’ zip down and reveal his pole. Soon the upper section of her suit was brought down, revealing her juicy tits glistened with sweat.

“H-Horny much?”

“More like stressed, hun,” The girl admitted, eyes lustfully aimed at the cock as he enveloped it with her boobs. “Plus, punishment.”

While one would question how much of a punishment that was, Kobo was smart enough to keep quiet and merely groan as his girlfriend pulled the cockhead into her mouth, warmth and wetness doubled as her tongue started to worship her ‘favorite carrot’.

Her blowjob skills had hardly ‘lessened’ in the past few years, and her delight in pleasing her partner like this was usually a kink both were into. So, it was no surprise that her masterful cock-sucking led to a quick ‘happy ending’.

The woman was also a notable swallower, never being a spitter despite having originally found the idea of drinking cum a bit too dirty for her tastes. The taste ‘grew’ on her.

A cheeky grin adorned her face as soon as this was over, immensely smug over having ‘handled some justice’.

“I beat you~!”

The competitiveness was usually a sign that she wanted more, so Kobo was quick to turn this back to her. Shifting off the counter and kneeling down right behind her, Rumi had little chance to stop him as he started to lap against her pussy and tighter hole. Her hands parted her ass cheeks, allowing for an easier way into pleasuring her this wonderfully from the way she moaned at the way she was being treated.

Just like with the blowjob, she was overwhelmed by the tongue-fucking and eventually led to a quick orgasm. Girlcum was happily drunk straight from the tap, leaving the girl drained but far from defeated.

She giggled a bit as Kobo picked her off the ground in a bridal carry, took her to the couch, fished a box of condoms and lined up to her hungry hole. Soon they were at it, both giving up any form of aggressive flirting and teasing as the two were at ease.

His hands wandered to her bunny ears, using the expertise of years of doing it to her to get the right kind of touching going, driving her to blissful moans as she closed her eyes at the sudden petting.

This felt like a natural thing, and it was wonderful.

Sex went on for a while, both lovingly keeping by each other until it was all over. Then, cuddling came and both rested together by the couch. Another good day spent together…

One last day of peace before things started to pick up in a rather lewd but overall wholesome fashion.



Kobo knows how to fuck his girlfriend happy, beaming, and moaning.



Gracias por el capitulo


That last picture could.almost.pass for wholesome if you didn't see the bottom lol