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My Girlfriend is the Hero Rabbit! 3 - or ‘My School Sweetheart is Mirko and… no one but a few knows about this!’ (MHA, OC!MC)

Breakfast was an awkward affair. At least, for Ryuko and Kobo.

To Rumi, this didn’t feel like a situation to be too fussy about. Well, beyond the fact that a blonde could spill the truth on their relationship to someone else. But that worry was put to rest when Ryuko swore she was going to keep it a secret.

And that was all for her- still, the fact that Ryuko had peeped on their steamy love-making was technically an issue. Sure, out of all girls in the group of Pro Heroes, Ryuukyuu was the most trustworthy, but the fact she spied on them doing some hardcore mating was something of a ‘no-no’ situation as she discussed it with her boyfriend.

Kobo was not shocked, but rather embarrassed. After all, their private time was meant to be private. Rumi was less upset by this, but she found it nonetheless tasteless from someone like Ryuko.

“I-I am not a pervert,” The blonde blurted out in embarrassment. “I was- I needed to go to the bathroom, heard noises from the bedroom and-”

“Saw us doing it like wild animals,” Rumi flatly remarked, causing the fellow woman to appear scandalized by the phrasing.


“And you started to masturbate.”

Ryuko glared at the table, the shame building up. “I-I did.”

“So, you liked it.”


Rumi grinned at this. “So, ya like us?”

“I-I would never-”

“I think Ru-chan is trying to understand why you just started to tease yourself after finding out about what we were doing.”

“I-It’s just… I am not a homewrecker.”

“If you were, you would be broken in half at this point,” Rumi flatly admitted, getting the girl to tense up. “Still, answer the question~.”

“I-I suppose you two were hot. Like… really hot.”

“Oh? Like this~?” Rumi pulled her shirt up, revealing she had no bra on and that her tits were out.

Ryuko’s eyes widened astronomically while a blush dominated her face.

“Uh.” The blonde smartly replied, her brain haywire after that sight.

Still, Rumi’s grin was brief when Kobo reached out to pinch her cheek.

“Drop it, Ru-chan.”

“Mah, but why? She is clearly into this.”

“It still doesn’t mean doing it so suddenly is right,” Kobo remarked, huffing and causing Rumi to lower her shirt. “Still, I want to apologize for what happened, Ryuko-san.”

“I…I am fine. It was just so sudden and…” Ryuko gulped nervously. “She is not wrong.”



The blonde looked at the young man. “R-Ryuko-chan is fine. And Rumi-senpai is not wrong as I… I kind of expected yesterday to end in a… well, in a threesome.”


“It’s just like in the Doujins, you know- those where the girl is caught looking, then she is pulled and dominated and then shown who is boss.”

“Holy shit, that’s what happens in this sort of stuff?” Rumi asked, eyes widening in surprise while Kobo sighed. “So, that’s why you keep on looking at those ‘for inspiration’. I wanna see some too next time.”

Ryuko tensed up at this. “W-Wait, you use those to- to-”

“Spice things up in the bedroom,” Kobo added with a hint of awkwardness. “It’s always fun but-”

“It can always get funnier~,” Rumi happily admitted. “Still, heh, I don’t think we can consider doing a threesome just on the spot. Like, isn’t that a bit too abrupt?”

Kobo nodded in agreement, while Ryuko frowned.

“W-Wait, Rumi-senpai. You- You are actually considering it?”

“Heh, why not? It’s not like you’re trying to do anything but get a bit of action… plus, aren’t you a virgin?”

Kobo gave Rumi a stern look for calling the blonde out like that, but Ryuko merely nodded.

“Yeah, it’s just… shouldn’t it be awkward?”

“How so?”


“We aren’t doing it in a few days or something. It’s just that we’re going to think about it. Plus, you said it: you like us both and would be up for it. So, we can plan a day which would be ideal and be prepared for all.”


“Plus, Kobo was amazing during our first time,” Rumi proudly pointed out, making her boyfriend blush. “Like, I thought he would have been clumsy or trying to push his limits, but he was rather caring and careful about it all. So, you’ll have fun.”

Ryuko gulped at this. “I-I see. Th-Thank you for considering.”

“Ah, none of that. You’re one of those heroines I can trust to not be trouble. I wouldn’t be that open to others like the Mountain Dumbass and Midnight.”

Ryuko shuddered at those names, knowing that they would only cause trouble the moment they learned of Kobo’s status as Rumi’s boyfriend. Still, the promise of a potential threesome to finally give up her v-card was something that made her very happy.

The two women were soon out for their shift, leaving Kobo to do his own chores, unaware of a ‘grand threat’ coming towards the young man.


Kobo was almost done at the grocery shop.

He had noticed just in time that there was a lack of carrot juice, and he knew that Rumi would have gone nuts if she didn’t have her beloved carrot-flavored ‘divine brew’ to her reach. So, he went to get some of that before tackling the rest of the chores.

And right as he was about to finish paying, he noticed a familiar face getting through the cashier, most of her bag already out and getting counted.

“Oh, Ichika-san.”

Kyutsumi Ichika was one of the neighbors and a rather friendly one considering their shared passion for home cooking. The foxy lady perked up in delight, a lovely smile manifesting as she turned to greet him back.

“Kobo-san, it’s been a while now,” The woman pleasantly beckoned. “And to see you out this early in the morning.”

“I had to get some carrot juice for the lady. You?”

“Only doing the usual round of buying ingredients,” The vulpine lady replied mirthfully. “Speaking of your girlfriend, I wanted to give you this.”


She passed the young man a paper with a recipe written on it.

“It’s a carrot cake my mother had in her recipe book. I remembered about it a few days ago and asked her if she still had it. So… I wanted you to have it.”

“You’re too kind, Ichika-san,” The young man beamed and… Ichika blushed a bit.

“N-None of that, Kobo-san. I am just- just being nice and that’s all.”

The young man frowned at this. “Ichika-san, I didn’t think it was flirting. It’s alright.”

The shy woman eased down a bit, giggling nervously. “S-Sorry, I always tend to get like this with compliments.”

Kobo nodded and spoke some more with the polite lady.

It’s been roughly a year since they met, and they have kept a rather cordial relationship in regard to cooking. She was single, but not exactly ‘looking to mingle’ as she wasn’t ‘good with flirting’ as she put it.

Still, they found talks over the recipes to be somewhat refreshing. She had inquired about Kobo’s girlfriend a few times, but he always ruled the topic out due to the hero status she had.

It was clear there was curiosity, but she wasn’t willing to push too hard about it.

But now that Rumi had opened up to speak with others about our relationship, maybe it wouldn’t be bad to soon tell Ichika-san about this matter.

She didn’t look like the sort of individual that would make a mess with this information to Kobo’s eyes, so it was fair to say that maybe something could be done with this.

But for now, it was best to just let things go as naturally as they should.

Another day of chores welcomed him once he was back at home, and he was sure things were going to get dirtier quite soon…



Ryuko being at the stage of ‘I have been a virgin for long enough that I kind of don’t care about the purity thing anymore so I wanna threesome my way out of it’, and Ichika (known actually as Ippan Josei or Ordinary Woman or Best Girl by MHA Author) may have a few feelings on the matter too.



Gracias por el capítulo, ese trio se convertirá en un cuarteto

jordan pickering

Need more Rabbit GF!!!!! This is really chill and sweet