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My Girlfriend is the Hero Rabbit! 2 - or ‘My School Sweetheart is Mirko and… no one but a few knows about this!’ (MHA, OC!MC)

Tatsuma Ryuko, known as ‘Ryuukyuu’ and the ‘No. 9 Pro Hero’, hates her Quirk. Sometimes.

Not always, but definitely a healthy amount of times considering how troublesome it can be when she is having trouble sleeping. As an individual that is very invested in the duty of saving people, the notion of lives being lost tended to leave her in a somewhat agitated slumber. And her body reacted by shifting into her other form and trashing the entire bedroom and more.

She had some medical drugs prescribed to keep her mind clear during her sleep whenever those issues happened, but the first ‘clues’ tended to go unnoticed and her flat was the victim of some acts of vandalism from its own owner. It was a sad occurrence that Ryuko was quite shy to bring about, but… this time she went a bit too far.

Actually remove ‘a bit’ as she groaned before the expected timeline to see the place fixed. Three days- this was a record for sure, but she had to admit that trying out some chocolate liquor she was given by Mt. Lady may have galvanized her usual destructive sleep.

Who would have known alcohol could do me so dirty…

Nonetheless, she was without a place to stay for a few days, and this left her to ask someone for help. She crossed out a couple of names she was familiar with, the first being the one that put her in that spot, and started to scratch her head over the limited trustworthy individuals she was willing to give a chance and ask.

In a rather interesting turn of event, the one that gave her hope was the one she didn’t expect to have the space to give her. Mirko-senpai was quite renowned for her habits, not always cleaning after the few lunches she consumed at her agency, and the tendency to not be that open about her ‘home situation’.

Many even thought she just slept by the gym or someone like that, but when she inquired if she had somewhere for her to stay… She offered a friend’s house.

“W-Well, my flat is a bit unusable for another person, but I do have someone you can ask to,” The fellow heroine offered. “And don’t worry, he’s an old friend I am still close to from Middle School.”

That didn’t seem like much, but the house itself was big. And when she met Kobo-san… any worry he may try to exploit the situation was dashed away from the fact that 1) Mirko-senpai visited frequently and 2) Kobo-san mentioned having a rather loving but unforgiving girlfriend.

The way he mentioned the woman felt familiar, but maybe that’s because he ‘compared her to Mirko-senpai in terms of attitude’. It made sense that Mirko-senpai would be quite close to the girlfriend herself due to ‘how cool she was’. For some reason, however, Kobo-san made an odd look at this last comment, but didn’t expand on it.

The first day, the ‘testing grounds’ for this temporary circumstance, proved to be a wonderful experience. She was no slacker so she helped around the house a bit, and Ryuko couldn’t help but love the way the place was ordered. It was clear that a touch of genuine care was put in making this a potential family house.

The living room in particular had many pictures. Some were family ones, but those that caught her attention were those showing Kobo and Mir-Rumi-senpai. The oldest picture was from back when they were in highschool.

They looked quite happy back then, and while this feeling persisted through the other pictures, the polite distance seemed to lessen to the point where hugs and unusually intimate poses were taken.

Ryuko wasn’t experienced enough in this sort of friendship plus she felt it would be impolite to pester either of those two about this matter, so she decided against doing so. As the night came and Mirko-senpai left for her night shift, Ryuko went to her provisional room and then slept wonderfully through the night.

The door had been closed shut, a chair against it out of ‘silly fear’ that this may be some of those doujinshi plots that escalated in some unwarranted depravity. A silly idea considering that none of that happened. And she needed to be less willing to think her life was an hentai- not when she had never gotten laid!

Ryuko woke up early in the morning, helped around in making breakfast and was surprised when Rumi-senpai mentioned that day was going to be her free day so she was ‘going to invite herself for the remainder of the day’.

It was a bit stunning, but the closeness of these two confirmed that it wasn’t the first time she did that and that Kobo-san was fine with this. The more she thought about it, the more Ryuko felt a pang of envy hitting her deep in her guts.

Sure, being a hero meant relationships weren’t easy to find. But she was kind of aware of how lucky Kobo-san’s girlfriend was to have a guy like that. If he had been single, the Ryuko would have dared- it may have failed, but the chance made the effort worthwhile the potential failure.

Still, the second day didn’t see much of a change even as Mirko spent most of it there. Ryuko had to go out for her shift, but found both close friends doing their own things as she returned there.

Dinner soon came and passed, with the trio ending the day early as the previous day but… Ryuko was soon huffing at a relative issue of taking some of the meds she was supposed to regularly administer to herself- she needed to pee more frequently than usual.

It was around midnight that her bladder made its urge known to her, pulling her out of the bed and pushing her to find the bathroom. She was right by the door when her ears caught a noise coming from Kobo-san’s bedroom.

Maybe it was curiosity, maybe it was a chance to see a man masturbate as she could recognize some of that lewd noise from some of the naughty videos she ended up finding from time to time to handle her own needs. But as she peeked from the door, the blonde paused at a rather unexpected sight.

Plap~! Plap~! Plap~! Plap~!

It wasn’t just Kobo-san in that room. The womanly shape had a familiar dark skin complexion, white hair fluttering freely, bunny ears and lustful red eyes that were aimed at the sight of her pussy engulfing the fat cock Kobo-san was gifted with.

Rumi-senpai is riding Kobo-san’s dick!

Her jaw dropped- could this be a NTR situation? Was Kobo-san cheating on his girlfriend with Rumi-senpai? The more Ryuko thought of this the more she realized it wasn’t that convoluted and devious. No, it was… simpler. And wholesome!

The pictures, the lack of those showing Kobo-san’s girlfriend- in truth, the use of comments to boast the girlfriend’s personality from Rumi-senpai was a self-boast. In truth! These two! Were together in an intimate relationship!

And she missed all those clues- Ryuko couldn’t deny it now. No. 5 Hero Mirko/Rabbit, was dating someone that wasn’t a hero. He was her househusband! And they were keen to do a lot of lovey-dovey sex!

This was… one of the best outcomes one could want in that situation!

Pressing her back beside the door, Ryuko had one hand over her mouth to hold back a gasp, and the other… shamelessly prodding her groin. The fabric of her panties were damp with arousal, and who couldn’t blame her? She had seen the best thing she could ask for in a relationship. And these two were going hard at it!

But as she was peeping on them, unable to peel her gaze away from the pounding Kobo-san was giving to Rumi-senpai, her eyes widened as Rumi-senpai orgasmed right as cum erupted deep inside her welcoming womb.

Ryuko’s fingers were drilling fast at this point, trying to put an end to this embarrassing masturbation but… as she turned away, trying to focus on this very action, she was surprised when-


When a very annoyed-looking and very nude Rumi-senpai stood by the door, giving her a flat look.

The fact she had just finished riding a dick and getting a cumload inside didn’t seem to alter her usual irritation, yet it made Ryuko somewhat intimidated by the situation, and the fact that her senpai looked so ‘stoic’ in that irritation despite the fact some of the jizz was slowly trickling down her leg from her pussy.

“R-Rumi-senpai, I can-”

The door shut on her flatly, not even giving her the chance to reply… or see more of what was soon to happen. Rumi-senpai’s lack of care behind being discovered and being peeped upon by Ryuko stunned the blonde but… she gulped nervously, bolting for the bathroom to finish her arousal there and then pee too.

By the time she got back to bed, a single thought cheekily annoyed her a bit.

If this had been a hentai plot, this would have turned into a steamy threesome. And that didn’t happen. Because she was caught… lacking.

She just could tell she could have said or done something to score. To lose her v-card in a threesome with Rumi-senpai and Kobo-san!

This is so unfair! But maybe… I can do something about this. Starting… tomorrow!



Cue Ryuko trying to score, failing miserably, appearing adorable and getting teased by Rumi.



Jajaja, esa cabecita está bien loca

Crimson Grave

Oh god this is hilarious. Ryuko believing her life is a Hentai, and she is depressed that she is failing to live up to the trope. XD I never knew I needed something like this. XD