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Oshi no Shugosha 6 - or ‘I refuse to kill this poor Idol, you heartless scum!’ (Oshi No Ko, Ryosuke!SI)

It’s been a year since I started to have my life tied to Hoshino Ai, her kids and the declining B-Komachi.

That’s not to say it was a horrible year, but I would hardly classify feeling constantly watched, having to adopt numerous backup plans, keeping around a baseball bat in my bag in case I needed to defend myself in a melee competition of the stan-assault kind, a ‘good year’.

So, my life suddenly got full. No surprise, after all I turned into Ai’s Jiminy Cricket when it comes to many important decision, I was coaching her to be a good mom, and I was pretty much confirming what would have ended up happening to B-Komachi: without a lot of steam behind the group beyond the one mustered by Ai, the notion of keeping up a whole group of idols felt like a massive drain of money.

Plus, after interviewing the rest of the group I could confirm none was really up to keep up with this for long. So, a plan was established with the manager’s permission: there would be a slow ‘fragmentation’ and then closure to B-Komachi, while the ‘Hoshino Ai’ brand was meant to take off with the appropriate merchandise.

The money should come from what wasn’t being invested in the other girls as they could do without the ‘job’ as they were either in a comfortable life situation or actually were on the verge of marrying with their boyfriends. I wouldn’t say they were getting economically killed in this turn of events.

Rather, the real issue was how to get Ai to drop off from being a conventional idol and retreat into being a Web-only one on most occasions. An announcement was made in regard to her health.

It wouldn’t be a lie to say that she was legally expected to take a break from any tiresome job after becoming a mother, but keeping quiet about the specifics and allude to it being related to her voice managed to be enough to stave off most of the potential onslaught that would come after her.

Those that were unwilling to listen to reasons were subjected to quite the phenomenon that had started to manifest mostly online: the ostracization of ‘Antis’. The term was used for those individuals that were deemed hateful towards a public figure of the idol kind.

It was mostly used in the Vtuber realm, but considering that Ai had started to get more sheltered behind the walls offered by the internet, that sort of protection was coming handy as any form of hateful comment on the matter was ratio’d by fans that were unwilling to let ‘their Oshi be subjected to this unfair amount of hate’.

The internet outlet had allowed for oversea fans to tag along, thus creating a slightly moderated community compared to the traditional one. So, online-wise, that sort of threat was contained.

The ‘murderous ex boyfriend’ source of trouble was still quite infuriating nonetheless as some of the upset fans were getting clues on where the office was, and one of them tried to commit a massacre with an emergency ax. Sadly for the guy in question, I had been quite intense in having everything reinforced for a potential invasion.

The door to the office took a few scratches, but the reinforced metal applied to it made it impervious to a potential mini-riot. This didn’t curb the problem entirely, but it limited the actions available for this bastard.

So, instead of playing a game of cat and mouse, I decided to press back on his ass now that he was getting BTFO’d a lot through his attempt. Surprisingly enough, hiring an investigator with my current stipend was possible.

I mentioned to the guy I hired what kind of individual he was up to face. He was skeptical, after all I was giving him a description worthy of a Ted Bundy-tier kind of dangerous killer. Japan had plenty of chances to experience ‘evil people’ in the Post-WW2 era, but boy this was a bit of a shocker.

Nonetheless, the guy was on the job, and he promised to have something prepared to hand to the police within five months. That was good news and, if possible, it would put an end to this issue for good if done with enough caution.

So… everything else. What to say… It was good. Uni was good, my other job was fine, the kids were growing, and Ai was clearly hitting on me after the six month mark.

Oh right, I forgot to mention- Ai is into me.

I may be blind at times, but I am not dumb. I can tell when someone with clearly no major or relevant romantic experience was trying to get rather close and intimate with me.

How can I tell? Well, it kind of went straight on the nose when the manager and his wife offered to have a private trip on the beach for Ai, the kids and I, and thus I needed to help her find a new swimsuit since her breast size had gotten bigger.

Hence why the shopping session defined one thing- Ai was trying to get my attention on her frame.

The swimsuits were basic at best, but boy she was putting emphasis on those: the first one was a normal blue one-piece swimsuit that was reminiscent of those used by schoolgirls. It was normally fine if not for the fact Ai was arched to show more of her butt. The second one was a simple yellow two-piece swimsuit that she covered with a shirt that was not that ‘covering’ being see-through and finally a white two-piece curtail swimsuit that was rather showing off her cleavage.

Now, that could be ruled out by some as ‘a coincidence’. And I was willing to accept that view myself up until I was finally able to see which option she picked of the three she showed me. Turns out, much to my surprise, that there was a fourth unknown option which was quite the interesting thing.

The black two-piece swimsuit she was wearing had a major focus- the underboob. It wasn’t too revealing, but the eyes tended to go there. Plus, the orange semi-skirt around her underbit was also ‘eye-catching’ so it was an extra effort to draw attention to her.

I was able to not ogle too much, but even then I had a devious little devil to keep quiet between breaks from those interactions at the beach.

“Mama sure looks gorgeous,” Ruby happily commented as she and her brother were enjoying some ice cream. “Don’t ya think so, papa~?”

Ever since Aqua started to call me that, Ruby had decided to just enforce the mistaken role I had towards them. Little brat decided to wage war ever since I made it clear I was going to make her childhood as embarrassing as possible. But see, I am an adult so I can be pettier than little Ruby can ever hope to be.

“She is quite beautiful, Poopy Princess,” I hummed mirthfully, using the very nickname she grew to hate with a passion.

“I-It’s not my fault my body is like this!” She angrily replied out of instinct, pouting at Aqua as he tended to alternate ‘Ruby’ with ‘Poopy’.

The little boy was so adorable and so helpful in times of needs like this one.

Still, Ruby was on it. And she loved to ship my mother with me. Should I feel nervous about it? Yes. Immensely so. But I could also tell she was doing so beyond the mere idea of pestering me for being a ‘jerk’, that she wanted me to be there tightly by her mother’s side in case anything happens.

Plus, I would ‘fix’ the family and make it united. I couldn’t blame her for thinking that, but I had to also be careful for the implications of-

“Oh my, it’s a wonderful day~!” Ai’s voice came from behind, right before I felt her breasts squished against my back and she tilted to the side to spy from my right arm. “Don’t you think so, Aqua-tan and Ruby-tan?”

They both smiled, the boy because his mommy was giving him a pretty smile first and the gremlin because that was working to her plans.

Goddammit, Ai. I know you’re technically a MILF but… isn’t it a bit too early in your young life to play cougar around me?



Next time, Ai scores and… John faces the… Uh… Genius Child Actor Who Licks Baked Soda?



Gracias por el capitulo

gabriel bezerra

It's amazing that this is like Pokemon, When you want and is trying to search the Pokemon it never comes close to appearing but when you are actually okay not having it, they appear like rabbits; sometimes even as a Shiny RyosuBukha has now found the equivalent of the situation,Also we are going to see the equivalent of the Pepsi Man for the fans of oshi!,good luck Bukha


I need more of this. I love that Ai is, well, head over heels. She's goooone.

Tony Kirkwood

John's sanity is tested by Ai's desire for him to be the father that stepped up


The pictures are 404, do you know why ?

Sofyan Rahman

I am using chrome and the image isn't found as well. What browser you use?


It's not a matter of 'which' browser. It's a matter that any browser has a chance, depending on the user's connection, to create error while loading pages with static images. Sometimes it can be solved by trying to load a page multiple times, in rarer occasions it's just a connection issue.