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Sensei is Ruthless! 3 - or ‘When you can’t make a big difference in the previous ‘series’, then you can make it in the ensuing one!’ (Boruto, Ninja-Teacher!SI)

Uchiha Sarada was sure of it. Her sensei is insane.

Such a statement may sound perplexing considering the high compliments she gave to him before her mother, but that’s because… she could tell the insanity was a good trait.

After all, progress could be seen being made.

As much as Sarada hated to admit it, Tatsuno-sensei was by far the most controversial and yet funniest teacher at school. The Academy was advertised and remembered by many previous students as a source of formal and polite education, one meant to inspire students to become ninja.

…Yet, Sensei was described by her mother as someone that Sarada should listen to. Not because he was just her teacher, but because he wasn’t wrong with some harsh lessons that may put her through hell.

Specifically, Sarada was someone with ‘great potential and great physical power, but a lacking chakra reserve’. This notion baffled her in its simplicity and how it translated into ‘corrective exercises’.

First thing first, diet. Sarada had been relatively ‘neutral’ in terms of dieting as her mother told her that listening to ‘silly girls’ was only going to be bad for her in the long-run. And she had been right. But her teacher now wanted her to do two things: eat more and train more.

The stress of that would have been detrimental to a civilian girl, but since she had been training a fair bit while not studying, this felt more like an improvement to her usual routine. It wasn’t bad, but it was tiresome at times due to the homework.

Speaking of which, Sarada had learned to hate it to some extent. It wasn’t anything written, and it was always an exercise tied to control or, like Sensei told her, something that uniquely helped her in terms of improving her reserves- by improving her control.

Reserves tended to grow with age, but most of the time those were ‘limited’ by a general lack of control in using them. Energy was pumped out too fast, and too unrestricted, draining the reserves inefficiently.

So, having a healthy body, healthy mind and a healthy grasp of her chakra was going to give her the means to ultimately grow those at an appropriate pace. It was the reasoning that got her into this specific exercise.

“Why? Well, do you think your Sharingan will go on through happy thoughts and memories?” Sensei had jokingly pointed out. “But yeah, I have been told many times that the Sharingan can and will tax young users and individuals that have little amount of energy in their bodies. So, you need to keep up with that.”

That had been something Sarada was really involved with. After all, the Sharingan was something that connected her to her father, so it would be something to get unlocked before he came back- as a surprise! Yes, she knew that it was going to take a while for her father to make it back but… she could at the very least get an achievement down to the count.

The Sharingan was her priority.

There was, however, an issue with that plotting. Asking her mother resulted in her saying ‘it was going to happen, eventually’, asking Lord Hokage resulted in him being busy and also unsure on how it works and… asking Sensei resulted in more training.

“It will come up if you train really hard.”

“But- But how do you know-”

“You want it?”

“Yes, but-”

“Then it will come up.”

And soon hell was unleashed upon Sarada. She was put through more intense training between exercising water walking into a private onsen bath that sensei had left for her to train on- which resulted in a lot of training for medical jutsu to patch her burned skin, and the irritating exercise of outpacing some of her classmates while wearing weights.

It was painful, it was outrageous and-

“It’s not working!” She snapped, throwing her politeness in the trash can with Tatsuno-sensei.

She could be forgiving, understanding- but this was too much!

“Hm? You want to contest my authority on the matter?”

“You don’t have anything to claim any authority on this! You are not an Uchiha, you can’t use the Sharingan!”

“But I have seen it in use,” The smug-looking sensei admitted, ignoring the glances the other students were giving them due to the loud exchange. “From afar~.”

“No, enough. I am not going to do this again!”

“Well, I think you will still do it… unless, of course, you can prove your point through spar.”

It was planned. The bastard had seen her anger coming from a mile and had conjured the finest situation for her to not get anywhere with it. Angry as she may be due to the frustrating training, Sarada was no idiot- she knew her limits and she couldn’t beat her sensei. Even if he told her that a single hit was enough to claim victory, and the fact that he was ‘going to hold back against a petulant student’.

Had her mind been clean of any wrathful thoughts, the girl would have paused and backed away. She would have seen the bait coming at her but… she just couldn’t see it. Her sight was red, her teeth were gnawing and she was soon dealing with the worst thing within that spar that she had hated through the training.

A general lack of progress.

She tried to hit her sensei through her mighty punches, but he was faster than her, and he was belittling her from time to time. The smug look, the verbal poking at her lack of reaction time and- and it was getting to her.

It was the first time something like this got so deep under her skin, and Sarada felt-


Something snapped as she let out a snarl, her body flexibly shifting towards her Sensei as she finally saw where he was going and she struck there. To her surprise and delight, her fist connected to his elbow… actually, it was stopped by something small. Spherical in form, something suddenly appeared between her punch and its target.

A bubble?

It started so swell, its blue glow growing from faint to intense as… as she felt the chakra in her fist drained and rendering the attack easier to withstand for her current sparring partner.

“Well, congratulations for making it, Sarada-chan,” Tatsuno-sensei announced, snapping her out of her frenzy as she noticed how ‘clear’ everything was.

How easier it was to see things and small details.

Sarada blinked twice at that, slowly turning back to her sensei and ‘memorizing’ his smile. It was a praise, that much she could tell but… the kind of praise that meant one thing with all that talk and the sudden drain on her chakra.

“I-I unlocked it? The Sharingan?”


Euphoria washed over her, dampening her adrenaline and… leaving her a bit tired. She tripped forward, her legs suddenly going stiff, and she was caught by her teacher.

“Exhaustion and… chakra exhaustion.”

Oh. I went too far, actually.

She focused on her eyes, feeling the chakra going into them and slowly draining from it, releasing the Sharingan and removing the drain on her reserve. Soon she was standing and… she recognized the look on her sensei’s face.

“You… knew?”

“Of course I did. Why do you think I wanted you out to spar while you were angry?”

“B-but then- the training-”

“Was meant to give you a headstart on the drain and also cook you up into an angry kid.”

Sarada was shocked to the core. “S-Still, you said- You said that you didn’t know about it.”

“And I lied,” Tatsuno-sensei flatly remarked, leaving her gawking. “Young miss, I already showed you and your classmates that I am not someone that will always tell the truth if, by the end of the day, it will be useful to you all. Still, it’s either anger or hate that triggers the Sharingan mixed with a strong and intense moment of stress.”

That sounded fairly… ominous.

“Why anger or hate?”

He huffed. “The origin of those eyes are not pleasant. So, while I advise you to train with those as a tool, I suggest you avoid abusing it or trying to go too deep with those until you’re old enough to go to the next level.”

Sarada slowly nodded and…

“H-How did you know it was going to work?”

“Simple, you got that pet peeve from your mother: you hate it when you don’t get something right on an academic level you feel excellent about. And you are not a doormat.”

She gulped nervously. “O-oh. I see…”

While this was the end of her lesson as now she had to train her Sharingan without going through that hellish training anymore, Sarada couldn’t help but feel a bit sad that it was over.

After all, the end result was the famed Sharingan and… Seeing Sensei smiling and praising her~.

‘I want to have that happen again in the near future…’ Uchiha Sarada prayed nervously, feeling a bit shy and… giddy.



Thus Uchiha Sarada unlocked also her Mother’s infamous Fan Girl trait. Worry not, she is not crushing on her sensei or anything, but her daddy issues are showing a wee too much.

Also, here’s a wholesome bribe about Sarada.


andrew rousseau

Lol, right up until sarada decides that shes going to marry her sensei and goes after him with all the single minded stubborness she got from her mother


Sadara deserves headpats


Logro desbloqueado *Fangirl Uchiha*