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No means No! 5 - or ‘In a world of depravity and lust, a single man stands against the noncon aspects of it’ (Hentai-world, feat. OC-Insert)

A powerful rich man, a tense individual of around the same height sitting in front of him, and a troublemaker bound and beaten up on the ground.

If I introduced this scene as just that, many would be worried about my wellbeing. But that perspective can easily change if someone was to put me in the role of the ‘tense individual’, the rich man being Mr. Madsen, and the bound and beaten troublemaker being his son.

How did this happen?

The question is reasonably complex, and not even I have all the details, if I have to be honest. It was morning, and I was surprised to find two ‘tall and muscular’ gentlemen standing outside my door right as I was done with my breakfast’s coffee.

The exchange happened through the peephole, and they made their point quite clear.

We are not here to cause troubles, we have been told to bring you to the boss without ‘roughing you up’.

Words alone wouldn’t have convinced me, but I heard Nelize whispering in my ear as that happened.

‘Trust them’, she said with a hint of confidence, and it pretty much set me to give it a shot. I made a quick call for work, telling my boss that I was going to skip things for family-related reasons and… get in the car with the thugs.

As they promised, I was spared from any violence, but I was also left in the dark on what was going on as they drove me away from any place I have visited before now. The warehouse in question was one near the docks, quite distant from most people, and I was soon into the scene.

A powerful rich man, a tense individual of around the same height sitting in front of him, and a troublemaker bound and beaten up on the ground.

“Mr. Talley,” The muscular and older black man that was ‘Mr. Madsen’ remarked with a respectful touch. “I am glad that you could make it to this meeting. I wish to apologize for making you skip work.”

“It’s an important thing, so I know you have your reasons to force me here.”

“Truly, truly,” The man hummed. “See, I have… a code when it comes to morality. Once, I was a bit of a mindless goon when it came to sexual stuff. I didn’t give a damn, tried to make a life for myself by claiming women and… then my wife came along.”


“Women are crazy. Some are outright frustrating, some are extremely weak and… then there are saints like my dear Denise,” The man remembered fondly, his voice shifting into a more understanding tone. “Now, Mr. Talley, the situation is simple. I know you have caused grief to my son after he started getting handsy with some chicks, going as far as intruding into one of those girls’ houses and trying to get intimate with her.”

I nodded and-

“Which is why I want to apologize for the inconvenience.”


“I get it, you think: how can this rich guy that clearly allowed his son to get out of trouble from the US now wants the brat’s ass kicked? And the truth is- I sent him here to be monitored. Turns out that the fucking money I put on his minders seems to have vanished. So, this rascal started to get frustrating again- I taught him many times that women shouldn't be harassed but- kid is dumb.”

“I… I see,” I muttered with a hint of confusion. “So, you just changed for your wife?”

“That bitch made my life happier and whooped my ass into an upstanding motherfucking smooth rich guy. I think I owe her for that- plus, she gave me good sons… and a bad apple, I suppose.”

He finished saying that while looking at his gagged son, who angrily struggled against the ropes keeping him bound.


“And I want the kid to be given one last chance. This time, he can’t be bothered to be kept around ladies, so I am shipping him to military school for guys only,” The rich man answered readily, then retrieved a document. “What I want for you, Mr. Talley, is your signature so that you will not push for charges against this dumbass. And to make things smoother, I already sent checks with compensation to the troubled individuals.”

That was… well, surprising. Maybe he isn’t an utter bastard. A potential criminal nonetheless, but not a rapey one from the looks of it. Plus, I doubted any criminal charge would go anywhere. No, he wants to just keep things clean for his son so-

“I will sign.”

There wasn’t much for me to say or do to get a full win, but I could tell the guy meant it when he said that he was going to get his son ‘fixed’ or something. It was a hunch, and one that, truth be told, would still bring an end to this little situation entirely. Without the bastard, there wouldn’t be any threat to the group of people I met recently.

I was still going to train in judo, but I definitely had less pressure about it for the time being. Soon I was walking back home, a relieved look on my face as I felt a burden was now off my back as I made my way to my flat to rest, call Riho and-

“Muhaha! I will humiliate you, Magical Girl Mako!”

…What the fuck?

I ended up entering a fairly busy street as a large crowd had formed around a battle between a magical girl and the forces of evil. The latter were made by two monsters from the looks of it.

One was a tentacle-specialist creature which was using his tentacles to spread the girl’s legs and showing her panties to the world. The other, a muscular kind of beast, was merely standing by, clearly waiting for his turn to strike.

It took me just a few seconds into staring at this familiar scene to groan and facepalm. Kiliu’s work, the one with the ‘magical girls dealing with naughty and powerful monsters’. I also remember Kiliu being the artist where ‘casual harassment and sudden penetrations of the cheating or rapey type’ is kind of a comedy sketch on most occasions.

Still, this was real life and… I wasn’t in the mood to stay idle about it. As I looked around for anything that could help, my eyes settled for two bricks. A big one and a small one. The former came first as I used it to deal with the Muscle Monster. I struck from behind, thinking it was going to just stun him but-


The brick broke his head and the bastard fell down on the ground, twitching and bleeding out. Only a few had noticed this but didn’t see where the brick came from. I didn’t waste this opportunity to pick the other brick and use it to hit the flying monster. it was a bit more difficult to get the trajectory right but-


The brick struck the back of the head of the monster and releasing the girl in the process as it died once impacting on the ground. The crowd of perverts and curious ongoers nervously dispersed before this double development, leaving the magical girl to recover from the close rape encounter and… fail to see who had helped her as I had bailed as fast as possible as soon as I saw the last monster die.

Most of Kiliu’s female victims were young girls and married women- I wasn’t going to fuck around and find out what kind of lewd luck could come by hanging around one of those.

I just walked back home, hoping that the next issue wasn’t going to be based around that but- I know, I am asking too much at this point, but one can still hope…



Tutorial Arc is over, but Riho will remain a major character/harem member. After this brief encounter with a work from Terasu MC, we shift to Kiliu! The magic number is: 210121.



oh... shit, that universe is funny and a bit screwed up xD. Thinking that you were going to Ratatatat76 that there are a couple NTRs I think they are simple to save the day but this is fun, now it's time to find out what makes men act like rapists


Gracias por el capítulo, ahora toca Killiu y debo decir que me gusta su trabajo es erótico y extrañamente hilarante.