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So, in recent times, Patreon has passed some changes in regard to how the percentage they take from fees is handled by increasing it. While I used to not worry much about it, the last months have been bad for my family. Still, I am not here to write a tragedy, but I am here to draw in a personal interest of mine to create a poll in regard to unlisting Tier 1 and make it unavailable to new Patrons.

What does this means to those that already have that tier? You will not lose it as the Tier is not getting deleted, but unlisted to make it unavailable to newcomers. You will still pay the same without any raise to the fee. This is not going to be a sudden 'trick' to make people pay more, and you will not lose any privileges the tier offers you.
It's not an offer that expires, and it all depends on you keeping it. if you leave the Tier 1, you will have no chance to pay for it in the future.

Still, this is an announcement to explain what the poll will be about and the poll will come up later on today. The poll will last for five days so every patron can vote on it.

It's not the same as a Story Poll, so I ask of you, if you have specific opinions, to vote.



Es tu Patreon y debes hacer lo que consideres más conveniente para bien o para mal, aunque no hay mucho mal que suceda ya que acabas de explicar que quienes están pagando el primer nivel aún lo conservarán, serán solo los próximos en registrarse quienes no tendrán acceso y no importa mucho, honestamente prefiero el nivel 2 ya que permite votar en la encuesta semanal y no quiero ser grosero, pero para estar en el nivel 1 bien podría no pagar nada y leer tus historias en la pagina de Kemono.party donde se suben gratis, es por la votación del nivel 2 que me uni a tu Patreon para poner mi granito de arena al momento de elegir que leemos está semana, después de todo nunca sabes cuándo tu voto podría marcar la diferencia.


Damn. Sucks to hear that shit's happening in your life, but if the needs must, ya gotta do what ya gotta do, ya know?


It's not affecting current patrons and new ones are making an informed decision on what they want to spend. I don't think there's really anything to complain about if you unlist it. You do what you gotta do, man. Keep up the good work.