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Oshi no Shugosha 4 - or ‘I refuse to kill this poor Idol, you heartless scum!’ (Oshi No Ko, Ryosuke!SI)

Hoshino Ruby, formerly Tenjou Sarina, was having a blast.

Sure, it sucked that she couldn’t be around Gorou-san, but being reborn as her Oshi’s twin daughter was just insane! Not only did she get the chance to have a somewhat loving family this time around, but she could also…

Suck the sweet milk from Ai-momma’s boob!

Ah, to be such a repressed young girl that now has to go through childhood again. What are the odds? Also, she was healthy like her brother as he had gone through therapy and was now fine after going through a bit of a troubled phase after being born and… she was the only one reincarnated!

Part of her thought that her baby bro Aqua would have been one too, but the toddler was just behaving like a child his age should. Hell, he was so silly at times that he tried to mimic her in a rather fun and yet crude manner.

Still, Ruby knew that this event was crazy. Reincarnation meant that someone up above was behind all of this and… that others could be reincarnated to. So, when her mother ‘introduced’ them to her new assistant-producer or manager, the guy being about a few years older than Ai herself, and then told them that ‘he was going to be like a Papa to them’, well…

Ruby knew something was stinking about this. And it wasn’t Aqua’s diaper this time around.

Ryosuke didn’t look anything special at first glance. After all, he appeared like the ‘ideal’ guy for Ai to have around. He was not a creep. In fact, he behaved like a prick around her. Calling her out on being ‘too fake’ about something, and getting some odd reactions from the idol.

Out of all potential people Ai could have chosen, this one felt ‘wrong’ when paired with her. At least within Ruby’s rose-tinted glasses. To her Ai was perfect happiness. The girl that got through it all and got to where she was now. Did she already know that Ai was a liar? Duh! But that didn’t mean she thought less of her.

In fact, she could empathize with her. That smile was so familiar to the one she had to pull up when around Gorou-san that it felt fair to say that Sarina… knew that path could have been hers. She just felt it, deep within her, that Ai was a model to a future that would have been likely hers had she been born with a healthier body.

But such is life, and crying on the spilled milk felt like a mistake already.

So… Ruby felt miffed at how stupid Ryosuke-baka was around Ai! It was like he knew he was purposely pressing on a sore spot, and yet pestered her about it. And the way Ai looked when he wasn’t was… URGH! It was so confusing! How come she would appreciate that?!

It was mind-boggling, but Ruby was not an idiot. She knew better than engage in a direct confrontation unless a circumstance favorable to her could come up. And such a chance came through a few details: first, Ai was busy with her new ‘video-making’ chore which allowed her to keep closer to the twins and yet keep money flowing; second, Miyako-san was tired from babysitting so much so Ryosuke would take care of them at the moment; third, Aqua was happily asleep, thus leaving just Ruby and Ryosuke around for a… talk.

As she confirmed the room was clear of trouble, Ruby dropped her blocks and slowly acted as if she was crawling up to her ‘Uncle’ Ryosuke. The young man was busy with his laptop, but he noticed quickly when she had her tiny hands pat at his feet.

“Hm? Does Ruby-tan want to climb on my lap?”

He sounds so fake! Not even his baby voice feels right!!

Despite these thoughts, Ruby nodded, happily allowing herself to be lifted and settled on his lap and-

“You should stop being a jerk to Mama!”

Oh yes, we are going to hit hard and-


There was a pause.

“Heh?! I will have you know I am an angel speaking for this child, so you- you have to listen.”

“You definitely are an angel for sure, little one. But you are not going to sell it with that.”

Her lips twitched. “W-Well, then god will punish you?”

“I hardly think God wants to punish me for being what you are, Sarina.”

And then, the world froze up. Ruby’s red eyes widened in surprise at this response, stunned as she realized that her secret identity had blown up.


“I am a fellow reincarnator,” He calmly admitted. “And I am not exactly from this ‘world’.”

“...Are you an isekai protagonist?”

“Kinda? I may have hijacked your role as a deuteragonist.”

“A what?” Ruby asked, unfamiliar with the term.

“It’s a term used for a character that is a protagonist together with another one.”

The little blonde nodded. “Still, you should know that Ai doesn’t deserve it!”

“She surely does deserve that, hence why I am drilling her about it.”

“It’s unfair.”

“It is not. It is for her good,” The boy argued.

“T-Then, why are you calling her a liar so much!” Ruby whined angrily.

“Because she deserves it, and she knows that,” Ryosuke flatly rebuked, cruelty manifesting within a lack of genuine care for the weight of those words. Seemingly. “She has kids, she has a family- she knows what it means to have a mother that lies and hurts, so she is struggling in that matter.”

“...What?” Ruby actually frowned at this bit, unfamiliar with this bit. “W-wait, you know about Ai’s background.”


“...All of it?”

“I wouldn’t say I know ‘everything’, but I have the general points.”

This time, Ruby felt intrigued by something very specific.

“You… Do you know who our father is?”

“Yup. And I can tell you that he is not a good person,” I remarked calmly. “After all, he tried to have a fan kill Ai at the hospital only to end up killing your favorite doctor.”


“Ai sends him pictures, he uses the pregnancy to convince a low-life to ‘seek revenge’ after telling him where she is getting treated.”

No. This is- This can’t be that bad.

“And not only that, he would have had Ai killed within two to three years from now,” He then said, delivering a fatal hit to her chest with those words. “Same low-life, this time, went to kill her off at the flat once she had retired as an idol and started a career as an actress. It was only then that she truly, meaningfully, told you both ‘I love you’.”

“A-And?” Ruby held back the pure pain from that information. She didn’t need to know- she truly didn’t need that!

“And I have taken steps to not only prevent her death, but also take care of the man within the appropriate care.”

“...is that so?” She sounded so quiet now.

“I am trying, but I learned that a divine crow goddess may be involved in this mess and helping around this jerk.”

“A- A what? A goddess?”

“Nothing to worry about, I am… going to deal with that too.”


Ryosuke shrugged. “I will think of a way.”

So he doesn’t know how!

Then again, Ruby had to concede that such a matter wasn’t that simple. He didn’t sound like someone with the means to face a deity and if there was a bad one trying to kill Ai off through their crazy dad then… yeah, that was going to be tough.

Also, something else came up.

“And it would seem like you soiled yourself. I guess your body is prone to ‘react’ at less intense shocks.”

Ruby realized she had pooped. A lot. In her diaper. And that- Oh, nope! That’s not happening! Sarina was then struck by what many baby-inserts would learn to call ‘Post-Poop Clarity’. She would have someone that knew of her true identity clean her poopy butt.

“C-Can you call Miyako-san?”

“And bother her in her slumber? Oh no… plus, aren’t you the one that had been enjoying the ‘pleasure’ of sipping Ai’s milk like a proper baby? I guess you can also take the idea of being cleaned by your male babysitter like a champ and without being silly.”

“I-I need an adult.”

“I am one, silly Ruby-tan.”

That day, Sarina learned two things: one, Ryosuke was her ally to protect her new mama and… two, feeling Ryosuke’s hands through the towel used to clean her butt was something disturbingly pleasant.



Crikey, Ruby/Sarina may end up with a Papa/Daddy figure! Worry not, Aqua will learn a lot from Ryosuke to be an utter memelord when the right time comes.



I must not laugh when I'm supposed to be working, I must not laugh when I'm supposed to be working, I MUST NOT CACKLE WHEN I'M SUPPOSED TO BE WORKINGSDFGSDGFHDFHGJDFGH


Another pill to keep away the darkness.


Totally know what that's like. I've had colleagues asking me why I'm smiling so hard, multiple times.


Amo el meme de "necesito un adulto"


Great as always. Memes are the path


And so begins the path of: "Don't worry, your mom calls me daddy too."


Pure serotonin, i swear i have a smile so wide that i might as well be called "Joker".


Ruby will suffer in silence while she hears her mom getting her cheeks clapped at night. When it eventually happens.


Is it the caring parental figure kind of pleasant or the reincarnated woman is perverted like Rudeus Greyrat kind of pleasant?


Please don't make this weird Bukha. At least wait for her teens...