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Romantical Magic of the Stalker Kind - or ‘I am in a Slice of Life Anime, but I have OP magic powers.’ (Horimiya SI)

So, I have a confession to make- I don’t know why I got reincarnated in this world.

Usually, an Isekai involves a guy going into a world where a degree of action, drama or something that could be massively changed is involved. Hence why I was gassed when I woke up in the body of someone known as Ishikawa Ninsei.

A nobody that was meant to join Katagiri Senior High School during the last year for Hori Kyouko and Miyamura Izumi, the titular characters of the Horimiya Series. I wasn’t aware of the romcom situation until I started school there but… fuck, it left me in a mixed situation.

On the one hand, I wanted to have a reason to have magic powers, but it is also true that…

It’s fucking Horimiya. This is peak romcom and I was in it. The two protagonists being wholesome made my existence worthy of being.

I wasn’t even in the same class of the titular characters. I was younger by a year to them, which was good to play the role of supporting background character. And also play around with magic without ruining the country. After all, magically conjuring money was the equivalent of poisoning the economic well into damnation.

Maybe I was looking too deep into it, but as I managed to produce myself a cup filled with choco-milk for breakfast from nothing but a brief drain from my reserves… I don’t think I am meant to be the ‘sane straight guy’ of the situation. Maybe I was meant to be the chaotic one.

Heh, I will just chill.

I produced a… map. I think. It was the city where we were and I took notice we weren’t exactly in Tokyo, but close enough to it. Nodding to this detail, I kept on studying my situation. I was an orphan that owned this nice flat, had a budget that was fifty times the current monthly rent to pay, and I was… well, the fridge was full.

I could produce from nothing anything I was missing, but for now I was fine with what I got. My bed, my PC- it was an average computer that severely needed new pieces, but I could conjure them and, since it was Sunday and the school day was bound to start the next day, I focused on conjuring pieces and upgrading the rig I got. End result? I was going to be gaming hard from now on.

Oh yes, this is going to be some wacky Looney Toons kind of fun crap for sure.

After that lovely exercise, I kept on studying more about my situation- in the specific, ‘personal life’. My parents died in a car accident when I was very young. I lived in an orphanage for some time and managed to make enough money to get myself landed in this spot.

Well, it was less than I have now as whoever got me here also put a few extra zeros on my available funds, but it was still Gucci as I was still in the perfect circumstance to enjoy this wonderful world without having to get set against dangerous opponents or deadly situations.

That was my mindset before I got to school. Oh boy, I forgot how intense anime can get in some situations.

I had the uniform right, the proper textbooks, several empty exercise books, and also a big ‘TARDIS’-tier bag where to store it all without feeling any weight on myself. I was planning to start this first day with a good impression. Both for others and myself.

The first red flag was a sign on the floor that said a section of the hall was wet. Considering the many students around, I had to struggle a bit to make it without stepping on the wet floor and… I realized it wasn’t meant for me.

As I was passing by, I had not seen that the main couple was also making their way around, a few steps behind me, and that a certain individual, a certain ‘love interest’ to the girl, was dashing to try and get to her side. By running on the wet floor.


I was just done with the ‘going around’ section ready to resume through the free space in the hall when something- or rather someone came dashing from the side. I barely noticed this before I got hit, slamming instantly head first on the ground.

Fucking Owww.

Luckily for me, I brought my arms close to my head in time or I was going to get something really bad going with that abrupt fall.


At least she was apologetic. I just didn’t feel like wasting too much time.

“I am fine.”

She stood up, I stood up after her, and I merely graced her with a glance over my shoulder. Yup, Sawada Honoka- In a rather amusing twist to the usual romcom, the female lead has a stalker because… this girl has traumas. And it has to do with her brother. Does that mean she has ‘brother issues’? Possibly, but I didn’t care as I just continued to walk away.

She said something along the lines of ‘wait’, but I just left. I mean, it’s a dick move. But I really didn’t want to be anywhere near her. Honoka is just an infuriating character due to her obsession with Hori, the fact she was a softcore yandere minus the murders and hurting was just plain frustrating.

I wandered off to get to my classroom- which by Divine Coincidence was also the same classroom the girl was assigned to.

Honoka noticed, but I had already taken steps to be in the furthest desk once I was done introducing myself in the classroom. That should have been enough- and yet she kept on ‘trying’ to apologize for something I had ignored. It should have ended with what I told her, but no. She tried to corner me or something, stuttering and struggling to come up with words to use without being too harsh, too stupid or appear genuinely a moron when handling guys.

I just deflected and turned away whenever it was needed. Honoka’s persistence was, however, particularly high and undeterred by the level of genuine disinterest many would have taken as a ‘no, I do not want to talk with you’.

This lasted until it was time for me to leave for home. I had kept behind to ask ‘questions’ to the teacher. I didn’t need any real info for the subject, but I wanted an excuse to keep behind for long enough so that little annoying lesbian could get off my ass.

Twenty minutes later and a prayer delivered to the Lord, I ventured out of the classroom- conveniently finding out that she had been waiting there for that long out of principle.

Doesn’t she have a girl to stalk or some shit like that? What is it with this character stalking me of all possible people?!

“H-Hey, I- Wait- don’t just leave- I-”

“I don’t care, I have made it clear I am not interested and I have more important things to do.”

Did this stop her? Nope! She kept on following me. Trying to reach me to stop me, but I was moving faster than she was expecting and I moved even faster while going downstairs. We were on the second floor of the school, so I had to commit to the staircase and then a big lap to reach the entrance. After that, I was going to be free.

Yet I was quick to notice an issue in that instance. Right as I started to go down the stairs, I couldn’t help but notice that the girl was leaning too much on the rail- despite a fairly big warning on ‘NOT DOING THAT’ was plastered on the wall in full sight. I turned to say something to Honoka about it but… that’s where I fucked up.

The railing broke, causing the girl to shift and start to fall down the stairs. The sight induced panic in me as the fall would have been deadly either way she shifted in that fall. Instinctually, I drew on magic and I stopped both the girl and the railing in the middle of their descent.

Honoka’s eyes were wide open, shocked by both the near-death experience and the fact it didn’t turn into a proper death experience because of something I was doing. She could tell this much as I calmly ignored the fact her feet were not touching the ground and that I was dragging her back to it. The railway then moved to fix itself with the rest, mending and restoring it to pristine condition.

“W-What was-”

“This my only warning. I will hurt you if you don’t respect it,” I threatened, bluffing as I really didn’t have a reason to hurt her until she decided to hurt me first. “You will stop harassing me and you will actually pay attention to where you are fucking going. You creep.”

She looked scandalized, but didn’t speak as the threat got to her. I thought as much as she didn’t pursue me after that and I was spared from any trouble for the duration of the day.

I got through homework as fast and neatly as possible as I was at a severe disadvantage as I started a few months into the beginning of the school year and that would normally constitute a drawback for my grades.

The next day-

“Help me charming Hori-senpai!”

“Fuck no,” I whispered back, loud enough for her to catch and be a Rin Tohsaka about it.

An utterly insufferable Tsundere.



Despite the premise suggesting a lack of action… there may be some. Just a wee bit, but the most is through character dynamics.



No se nada de Horimiya pero se ve bien el fic

Alex McGregor

I have no clue what is going on


When I saw the title, I thought we’d have an mc with magic stalking the romcom leads in an effort to watch the unfolding romance and be the explanation of some anime tropes. I am fine being wrong cause this case seems more interesting.


Huh love this idea


Love it like to see more