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Blossoming Bond - or ‘A Nice Gift Changes Everything’ (PPG Doujinshi, OC!Brother to Mandy)

EDIT: This is an AU of A Grim Bond, and it is set in the Powerpuff Girls Doujinshi comic by Bleedman. Different Timelines, familiar characters.

Blossom Utonium. Unofficial leader of the Powerpuff Girls.

She was a bubbly girl with a brave mindset, a good morality she was renowned for, and many friends. She would say that Megaville had given her the chance to expand her horizons a bit in terms of new interesting individuals but, at the same time, gave her a list of new villains to worry about.

Normally, she was the one that had to handle this sort of pressure the least. Her and her sisters were tough cookies after all, and never once they allowed any bad villain from putting them down for long. She was supposed to be on top of that as their good blend of bravery and normality.


“I-I hate this! W-Why can’t I stop shivering?!”

Blossom had a problem. And a lingering one much to her grand chagrin. It all started a few days ago. An escalation had ensued which led her to be kidnapped and put through a trap by one of Dexter’s foes, Mandark.

The taller genius was at odds with the redhead because he wanted Dexter to ‘suffer’ for allowing him to kill Deedee, Dexter’s sister and Mandark’s love interest. Insanity was not a novelty for her and the girls had to face some villain, but the way she was put through the worst possible left her… weak. Even now.

Floating inside a tank-tube that started to fill up with water, her legs and arms restrained so that she couldn’t break free with her own powers. It should have ended up with her rescue- Dexter was going all out to just get to her and ignore Mandark but…

Time is cruel at times. Missing on swimming lessons has been the main issue as she couldn’t hold her breath for long. Unconsciousness followed by death as her lungs filled up with water.

The glass broke, she was freed of her restrictions but her body was not working. She saw it happen even if she wasn’t conscious. Blinking over her body as she was donning a white tunic, ready to leave.

She saw the Grim Reaper there, the slim skeleton mustering his scythe and approaching her to take her away from that setting. He was stopped by a familiar spirit- Deedee had moved to spare her. Quiet whispers were exchanged, and the Grim Reaper allowed her to go back.

She was ‘revived’ and she was fine… at first. For a few hours, Blossom was smiling as she helped the others clean up the mess left behind from the battle. Then she went to sleep, she had an easy time slumbering and… then the next morning went down the drain.

Right as it was her turn to the bathroom, she had planned to take a warm bath for the ordeal she went through the day before. She had finished filling up the tub with the clean liquid, removed her clothes, dipped inside and… proceeded to have a bit of a seizure.

Shocking, and yet terrifying.

Blossom literally broke the tub to try and get out of that situation. Her throat had clogged, suffocating her for a few too many seconds and she had found brief peace by cracking her body out of the white porcelain-like material keeping the water in the tub. The event leading up to her seeking help from Professor Utonium.

The man gave her a quick check-up, asked her a few questions and… told her to stay out of school for the day so he could monitor the situation better. Buttercup and Bubbles were surprised by this turn of events, but Professor Utonium promised that it was a passing ailment. She didn’t push on it, thinking it was just a fleeting situation but… it didn’t improve.

Even though she started to rely on showers, avoid water whenever possible and not look for those large water bodies around to avoid further seizures, Blossom still had brief bouts of shivers. It was like her body needed to react like this to be ‘fine’.

Professor Utonium said it was going to leave her eventually, but that there wasn’t much to do beyond finding something to ‘distract her mind’ and refrain from these reactions. She couldn’t understand what he meant, saying she did but… it didn’t help.

Right now she was sitting in one of the deserted halls. It was time for the midday meal and she had purposely skipped the cafeteria to let the trembling go away. Back against some lockers, gritting her teeth and muttering her annoyance over the event.

“S-Stop it. I don’t want this- I am stronger than this.”

In her distraction, she failed to notice someone was standing in front of her. Rushing out of one of the classrooms after finishing some detention, the boy had been on his way to the cafeteria when he spotted her in that awkward spot.

But that lack of awareness was brief as he soon spoke up.

“Are you alright?”

Panic erupted within Blossom at the voice, eyes snapping open as she stared right at the source of that question. She expected someone she was familiar with, but the boy didn’t seem to be anyone she was aware of. Short black hair, confused blue eyes and a perplexed look on his face.

Part of her wanted to reply with a ‘yes’ but… she was shaking too much. It would have been fine if she could have held back, but Blossom was not an idiot like Buttercup in those situations. Pain made it difficult to lie.

“N-No. S-Sorry.”

She was meant to be a superhero, and here she was shivering like a leaf to the wind! It was so horrible and-


Her crestfallen look faltered as she stared at a chocolate bar that the boy offered her.


“I had that before too- I still have at times. Dunno what got you frightened that much, but chocolate helps.”

She blinked, snatching it out of his hand and unwrapping the thing. The sweet aroma of the snack was soon followed by the good taste of it as she stole a quick bite. Her eyes were aimed at the bar, devouring it slowly and focusing on enjoying it.

For a time, Blossom thought this was stupid and would just fill her belly since she skipped her chance to eat at the cafeteria with the others. So, when she was done, she thought of telling the boy he was stupid, but two things came to her attention as she was done eating.

First, her shivers were gone. In fact, the cold sensation wrapping over her body had vanished completely. She stood up, watching all over herself as she could tell she was now fine. A smile appeared and then she tried to locate the boy that helped her. Turns out he left while she was nomming on the chocolate and… Blossom pouted for a moment.

She didn’t know his name, and was quite sure the break was soon to be over so she couldn't find him in the cafeteria. Despite that, the Powerpuff Girl had a goal in mind after making sure to keep some chocolate on herself from now on.

Blossom was going to find the nice boy that helped her and thank him properly!



In an Alternative Dimension, a certain demonic daughter is cheering up for her parents.

Still, a quick reminder that this is not the same as A Grim Bond. Changes have happened, specifically the ‘one-day as a Reaper’ for Mandy and Mandy’s dog Saliva not getting hit by a car before moving to Megaville.

There’s more, but this will create a unique situation for someone that is far more experienced in Grim Adventures with his Sister and friends and very less so towards tales of evolving friendships.



Huh why did dee Dee die?


During one of the classic Dexter vs Mandark fights, Mandark came close to kill Dexter but Deedee jumped between them and got hit, dying by bloodloss.


Ohh is this one of the future episodes where after deedee died Dexter became a beefcake a scaredy cat and a super old Alzheimer?


Well, it is implied that Dexter and other characters are a bit aged up. In the specific, they should all be 11 at this point. (The kids, that is)