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My Dark Lady Shouldn't Be This Cute 2 - or ‘The day I had to become a bit of a teddy bear to my beloved Dark (Cutie) Lady Tammy’ (HP SI, feat. Fem!TomRiddle)

“It’s… cute.”

Tammy couldn’t exactly tell more of what she felt without feeling too negative about it. Diagon Alley was quite a lively place, yet the jovial air and candor of some people around felt dissonant with the amount of Aurors, the magical police, wandering around to ‘keep the peace’.

As Zeke had foreseen, there had to be a catch within the beauty of such a magical place- the Wizarding World of Britain was at war, and it had been the case for many years now. Gellert Grindelwald had been active from time to time, having tried to conquer Britain and the world on many occasions through his ‘For the Greater Good’ revolution.

The mere name of it got bile rising from within her belly- how can anyone really believe this kind of fat lies? Her brother had so kindly kept her from politics by mentioning how dumb those were, but she didn’t expect it to be so bad. She always wondered if some ‘strong heads’ could produce better platforms compared to the same old leaders- at least in regard to fixing the Orphanage with new funds but…

It was bad. Tammy gave it a look at their ‘program’, the issue of the Daily Prophet she was able to snatch for free while no one was looking, giving her quite the disappointment as she was done reading it- it had to mean something if the thing she stole made her want to return it.

To make it clear in a single sentence, Grindelwald was pathetic before Tammy’s understanding of the basic ideology he was proclaiming- a realm of equality among extremists? That sounded like idiocy of the finest kind.

Despite her mood being soured a tiny bit by this novelty, Tammy still found the visit to be endearing. Especially when they were browsing for wands and pets. The wand bit was fascinating as it felt the most magical aspect of the prospect, plus it made her feel happy on how it resolved.

Her wand was 11”, made with holly and with a phoenix feather’s core. Nice and Supple. It was meant to be a powerful tool for those that seek to protect others and was ideal to those ‘that had anger issues’. It was ironically fitting considering how impetuous she tended to be.

Zeke’s want was actually cooler and it made her a bit jealous he got that one.

It was 13½”, made with yew and with the same phoenix feather’s core as her wand. Sibling wands, that was something that had stunned Mr. Ollivander but that got praise towards Zeke because his wand was ‘the tool of an ambitious master of life and death’.

Which is cooler than mere protection!

Her pouting was indeed warranted, and the headpats did nicely in soothing her most righteous irritation. She liked when her brother treated her that nicely- he was her brother after all.

Once the wand section was over, they went through the process of getting the school robes which were quite dull-looking but the dress-maker that owned the shop assured her would ‘take colors’ once they were sorted in the four houses.

Oh yes, the four houses. Slytherin, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Despite the potential ‘bad reputation’ given to the first choice, Tammy was delighted to know her brother shared the same idea of going there as it was where the more ambitious would go.

Ravenclaw felt like a second choice, but Zeke made a case that they may be those individuals that ‘favored only knowledge and ditched the rest’. This was quite a drawback which made her feel more tempted to go Hufflepuff due to how hilarious it would be to dominate that House.

Still, Slytherin was her ideal house. She didn’t even consider Gryffindor due to how many ‘praises over their bravery’ they were showered with as they asked for more information on the matter. Boring, boring, and possibly fake.

After the ‘dress-up’ where she saw how lean her brother was getting much to her soaring mood, it was time for the books and the potions-related equipment. And her brother had an idea.

“We could start studying in advance,” He remarked as a suggestion. “You know, be aware of what we are up to from any bullies there.”

And it made sense to Tammy as there was no way a magical school would be lacking magical bullies. The mere idea of many Billy Stubbs wielding that sort of power was chilling, but Tammy was not one to give up on a dreadful prospect. It just made her intrigued by the complexities she could entertain to get the most wonderful show of strength without hurting anyone.

Plus, the idea of trying out potions by the cave under the orphanage felt hilariously enticing. There had to be some things that could be useful as tricks against their future foes as there was a chance their fellow students were going to be naive about keeping counter-potions on them. Plus, the idea of achieving invisibility was endearing for a few reasons. Some being less innocent than others.

Once they were done packing their ‘new’ trunk boxes with these new items, it was time for the pet-choosing. Actually, it would be a lie to say that there was much of a variety in the picks.

Tammy didn’t like animals enough to be put through the burden of being responsible for one, but since the Wizarding World worked with some magical pets, she deliberately took the one her brother chose. Owls.

She never thought she would end up taking care of an owl. But the one she got made her quite happy due to how well-behaving she was. Plus, the pretty white plumage just felt so refreshing to look at. She also liked headpats, like her.

Yes, Hedwig was her best option for an owl and… for some reasons, her name made Zeke look quite amused by it. Tammy wasn’t sure why, but she could tell he wasn’t trying to call it a silly name or something. Oh well, she didn’t care. After all, her Hedwig was better than his ‘Onyx’.

The black-feathered Owl was slightly bigger than Hedwig, but he was a peckish pet. It took a few tries of Zeke getting his hands close to be munched by the big bird, but eventually he got the headpat done and ‘conquering’ Onyx’ trust. Not truly, but it mellowed the pet to him.

Once all fees were paid, they just had barely enough to sustain themselves. One of the shopkeepers had mentioned that the Goblins could exchange British Pounds with the Magic coins such as Galleons, Sickles and Knuts.

So, if they found some ‘summer jobs’, they could fix their economic plight somewhat to handle other purchases in the future. But, for now, their stipend was a tiny disappointing thing. And what was left was spent to buy some ice cream as it was enough for that.

Tammy took a seat by the table while Zeke went to buy their snacks and… someone was sitting by one of the two other available chairs. Blonde hair, blue eyes, Hogwarts school uniform that lacked any House colors.

“That boy is quite handsome, the one you were with.”

The comment came through like a train wreck, shredding any sense of peace as she knew this blonde idiot was talking about her brother.

“Willow Greengrass,” The blonde hummed, turning back to Tammy.

Harlot. Shameless skank. Utter bitch!

She was ogling her brother. HER ZEKE!

It was one thing that she had this issue in the orphanage for a while, but she had solved this diplomatically. But now they were all older, now there was someone that could match her in pranking capacity and that put poor Tammy on the edge.

“Tammy Riddle.”

“Is that your brother?”

“Yes,” The curt and yet dismissive tone seemed to only amuse the blonde.

“Apologies if that sounded a bit too forward. I just like beautiful people, such as yourself.”

The jovial tone felt genuine. And it confused Tammy. Thus, it made her angrier. After all, the people that left her without much of a verbal footing were those that wanted to control others- and she refused to be dominated.

Not by Willow, not by others and… maybe her brother can dominate her a bit. Only because it would be lap pillows, head pats and nice stories before going to bed. She may be 11, but that didn’t stop her from loving those fond moments with her only meaningful family.

“Oh, who are you?” Zeke’s question was answered with a smile by Willow.

“Willow Greengrass. I find you handsome.”

The anger bubbled, but Tammy wasn’t too deep in the red mist to miss the perplexed look on her brother’s face.

“Oh? How so?”

“Your magic. It’s so pretty.”


“I am sorry if I sound a bit ignorant about it but… you can see magic?”

A slow nod from Willow confirmed it. “Yes, I… It’s a condition called Mage Sight Curse. I can see people’s aura but it makes it difficult to see people’s faces without… these.”

She retrieved glasses with some ‘runes’ on the side and, as she put those, Willow spotted the annoyed look on Tammy’s face. Recognition flashed through her surprised expression and then embarrassment.

“S-Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound too forward towards you two.”

Apology not accepted.

“It’s alright, I can tell it is a dreadful condition,” Zeke assured with a polite smile. “And… Greengrass, right?”

The blonde nodded, and Zeke’s smile grew a tiny bit. Tammy was quick to spot an opportunistic streak within that expression.

“Sorry for asking, but this is our first time visiting a magical place and I heard your family name used a few times. Traders, correct?”

Important family! That makes sense- they already discussed creating an alliance with relevant groups within Hogwarts so this may be a good opportunity to get something done before school started.

Apology… accepted, then.

“Yes,” Willow’s shyness slowly vanished.

“Well, I will not bother you about it if you don’t want to deal with that. I am Ezekiel, but you can call me Zeke. I assume my sister already introduced herself.”

“Yes but… I may have been a bit too forward. It’s a… thing when I am not using glasses. It makes me a bit too bold at times.”

“It’s alright,” Zeke assured, smiling in Tammy’s direction. “Tammy is not going to hold it on you if  that’s the case.”

“I am not,” Tammy agreed by instinct, knowing that she couldn’t appear antagonistic.

No matter how much she was nervous of letting a fellow girl, who has a thing that allowed her to switch into ‘harlot mode’ towards her brother, close to the source of her love and affection.

This is going to be tough.

Despite some unease, the entire chatting didn’t devolve into anything worse. It didn’t help, however, that Tammy was bummed by the encounter, knowing that now she will have to really contend with true shallow girls in that school and that she will have to double her efforts to protect her brother’s purity.

“Tammy, why are you in my bed?” Zeke’s tired voice made her smile against his shirt as she nuzzled his chest.

“Had a nightmare.” About some bitch stealing you from me.

“Oh…” He hummed, head patting her before going back to sleep.

Sorry brother, but I will have to be as close and tight to you as it is needed to ward you off from these skanks. Even viciously if needed.



Tammy’s Yandere Side is awakening! Next time… Hogwarts!



Nice chapter! Hope this fic keeps going

bob hooligan

Love it. Need it. Want it