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Chubby Wisdom 4 - or ‘The wisdom of Bastardery giving hope to weak-minded morons in a fantasy world of Reverse Sexual Morality’ (Redeemed Ugly Bastard Isekai in a Fantasy World)

Human-Hoarder Dragon.

A Typology of Dragons that are infamous for their particular interest in securing human mates to breed and produce children with. Most of these monsters were females, with three particular tiers to worry about:

1) Youths- as the name suggests, they were those beasts that were young, thus weak and dumb. They were the easiest to face and a small detachment of troops could deal with it; 2) Average- these were adult dragons that would require a full military division to face and, hopefully win against; 3) Elders- this kind was as rare to find as it was rare to survive in a skirmish. Among the strongest, it was best advised to not try to stop those in a hunt as they can easily handle a full army.

The reason why these dragons hadn’t ‘exterminated’ humanity in this region was due to how rare those hunting sessions were. While their ‘kink’ was to hunt humans, many still sought to settle with fellow dragons.

So, when the commander of the detachment asked me if I had anything that could ward off an Elder Human-Hoarder Dragon, I was particularly… nervous. After all, this meant many things, and one of those was that the village may soon be targeted.

I went into a bit of a frenzy through my study room. Anything that could actually help was looked upon and researched within their limitations. By the end of that, I was just putting my hands on my head, close enough to scream in frustration as nothing here could do it. This was not a church geared to face a dragon- how the fuck am I supposed to deal with that?

Shaking my head, I went back to look into what was known about dragons. There was some sort of common weakness I could exploit somehow and… I found something that had potential.

Dragons are known to be prideful creatures. When engaging in bets, their magically-bound honor is forced to fully comply with any dare made on a lost deal.

My lips twitched in discomfort. It was a gamble but-

I have to try it.

Once I was done getting all I needed for this to be possible, I made my way to the local barracks. The guards standing outside recognized me, with one of them telling me that the commander was waiting for my arrival at his office.

With haste and unease, I got to my destination, seeing so many young soldiers around that could be easily decimated by the monster currently threatening the village.

“Can you really… beat it?”

“I have a plan. It’s not fully perfect, but at the very best it will allow you to delay the inevitable for a bit,” I answered truthfully. “Have your fastest scout keep an eye on me. Tell him to come and call for a temporary evacuation within the circumstance I perish. But only if he can truly say I have perished. Not anytime before.”

The man looked surprised by this, and inquired about the plan.

“It’s a difficult one, I would prefer not to say.”

Reluctance, but understanding. I was soon sent off. The scout would soon come to join me. Little Marten was a young fellow I had helped in finding his path in the military by offering him a place where to study in the Church’s library. He was dedicated and one of the fastest men in the area.

I trusted him to do a good job as I dabbled with the chore of surviving an encounter with a Human-Hoarding Dragon. The thing was still flying up above, so I had to bring her down in a safe spot that was far away from the village. Once I found a more than fine clearing where to force her descent, I sent a small-powered explosive spell up above. Most of its intensity was shifted to create a loud noise, and it did work in attracting the dragon to where I was.

Marten took cover in a far enough spot to not be found, but still close enough to have an eye on me.

The Dragon was a pure white-scaled one with wings with golden elements. Majestic and yet… ‘old’. I could see that the gold had paled a bit, and that the scales looked unkempt due to some of the mud and other stuff staining it.

Finally, a human and-” A loud voice exclaimed, and I couldn’t tell if it was a male or a female just yet. “Shit, it’s an ugly priest. Look, just… leave, I am looking for three handsome young men to kidnap.

“Who are you, Dragon?”

A loud sigh came through. “Human, I am the Great Comyt, Seducer of Mortals and Beloved by the Draconic Deity of Archelus! Step aside, or I shall smite you where you stand.

“I will not leave this place, you foul creature,” I started to say strongly. “My name is Father Takao, and the humans here seek peace which you want to disrupt. I shall not allow you to do as such, so I dare you- I will show you I am stronger than your flames and survive them.”

The dragon tilted their head to the side. “You what? You think you can just dare me like this, and expect me to just accept this kind of-


A weak insult, but you have to forgive me this time. Too much of an insult may have caused an overreaction. And I had to trick them to attack me with moderation, not with everything they got all at once.

...Fine. But don’t come crying to me as a ghost once I am done cooking you up, fatso.

Inhaling deeply, the winged lizard unleashed a stream of hot blue fire that suddenly was met with my strongest barrier. I saw a surprise flash from the Dragon’s eyes as their flame couldn’t break me. More flames, this time it covered the entire shield and roused the heat within it. Nothing that a cold-coat spell couldn’t assist me in facing.

This went on for a few more minutes and then I think the dragon stopped as it thought I had been done for.

See! Got you, you fat mongrel!

The celebration was brief as the flames were soon dispelled by the barrier, showing that I was still unscathed. I could tell Comyt was stunned by this turn of events but… I felt like I had to rub more salt on that wounded pride as I barely felt the drain of the barrier.



More fire, more protection. My barrier stood proudly against the infernal assault. And while to one this constant flashes caused by the flames clashing with the shield may sound like something of power, in truth the intensity of the flames was… weakening.

I could feel it, and I could see it as Comyt’s barrage soon came to an abrupt end as the dragon was soon holding a clawed hand over their scaly throat. The soft growling and glare felt actually… familiar.

For a moment, I saw a flash where instead of a dragon was a younger… me. It was glaring at me- no, not at me, but the one that had ‘broken’ him. And I could see Comyt’s share that feeling.

A-At least one,” They demanded weakly. “Only one to… to show them that I am still strong.

“...I am afraid that’s not gonna work.”

I said-

“Why? Why do you need human males to show your strength?”

My sharp question cut through an annoyed response, leaving the dragon stunned for a moment.

I… I need an heir.

“There are other dragons,” I reasoned, but the female dragon snarled.

Either taken as mates by other females, or too young to actually respect me!” She angrily rebuked. “I need this! I have to show them that I am still great, that I didn’t waste my life-

“Achieving nothing,” I finished that sentence, and I saw Comyt tense up for a moment.

There was a moment of silence.

T-Those eyes. You… Why do you have those familiar eyes?” She weakly inquired.

“Because, Comyt, I have been there myself. Wasting my life, thinking that claiming and winning over ‘mates’ was all that mattered without realizing how many lives I ruined. How much, by the end of the day, my life had gone nowhere. I can see it, I can tell- you know that you could have done this sooner, maybe enjoyed the beauty of a family and-”

I was too greedy.

“Like me.”

How did you… make it? What changed? Why do you look so… full of life now?

“I accepted responsibility for my action and that I could no longer ask for forgiveness to live a normal life,” I replied quietly, yet loud enough for her to hear. “I knew it was a tough journey, a total rework of my life from ruins I had ignored. But… Now, I am this. And I think this is a good way to start changing for good.”

I remembered how it all happened, and I gave her a calm smile.

“May I clean you?”

Comyt looked surprised. “W-What?

“When the priest that saved my soul found me, he saw my dirty clothes and asked me if he could clean them. So, I ask you, may I clean you from the dirt and mud your scales are stained with?”

She gave me a long look, and then… nodded. “Please do.

I know what many may think of this and nothing lewd came from this. Magicked water carefully cleaned the stained bits of her body, removing the filth and washing the pollution off her frame.

Staring as I did so, Comyt was quiet as she mused silently over my gesture. There wasn’t much to say there as I was soon done and-

“Thank you.”

I smiled and nodded my head politely. “You’re welcome.”

A tiny smile appeared on her face, and yet she asked me a rather nervous question.

“C-Can you… teach me? How to find… happiness? I am lost.”

I appeared thoughtful for a moment. “I can try. I can’t give you all the truth you seek, Comyt, but I can try to help you through it. The answer lingers in you, but you have to really work for your own sake to find it- to understand what is missing and what you need to do to be whole again.”

A nod came back to me, and I was soon praying for the dragon as she slowly turned to her human form. All dragons had one, and Comyt was no different than the rest. I had to fetch her some clothes so she could fit better within the village, but, by the end of the day and the beginning of the new one, I had an announcement for the churchgoers to learn about.

“Believers of Peace, I wish to introduce you to the new occupant of this church as she will work to help you all find clarity just as I do. This is Sister Comyt.”

The tired-looking and weary nun with sandy-blonde hair and piercing blue eyes nodded as she found herself given attention.

Today was the first step, tomorrow the next one and… hopefully, she will find the truth she is missing about life.



Despite her past as a serial seducer and all the titles she still holds, Comyt is actually a lot like Takao. She has children, but none of those seek to be claimed as her heir. They know what kind of reckless individual she turned out to be and something similar to Takao saw her ‘broken’ into trying to find strength in the old days.

Instead, she found a new path which will really amuse Takao a bit- she is no longer able to feel much from her body. Teasing doesn’t do it, masturbation no longer tickles her barely-existing libido, and the more intense the sex, the less she feels it.

Still, some of her children don’t know the truth and may try to seek her to know of her ‘golden days’. It may lead to some trouble… but ‘one step at the time’ things can be fixed.



Aponia? you have good taste o' Author-Sama