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May Story Concepts Poll Reroll Results 1!

1) A Grim Bond (Grim Tales from Down Below, OC!Brother to Mandy)

2) With Pride and Blood (Mass Effect, Senator Armstrong!SI)

3) Alcides the Berserker (Fateverse, Herakles!SI)

4) Dull Edge (Xenoblade Chronicles 2, SI)

5) My Dark Lady Shouldn't Be This Cute (HP SI, feat. Fem!TomRiddle) - Patron Suggestion

6) Spiritually Driven (Destiny/Destiny II, Spirit!SI)

7) The Red Ascendant (Pokémon, Zirca 2036 OC-I)

8) Chubby Wisdom (Redeemed Ugly Bastard Isekai in a Fantasy World)

9) Buggy Circumstances (Hollow Knight SI, Pre-Infection) - Patron Suggestion

Note for those that missed it: those are the results. 'Votes' happening in the comments of this post will be disregarded.