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Impactful Connection 1 - or ‘The Tale of a Writer and a Medic from Different Worlds’ (When Genshin Impact unites Dimensions!)

Warning: This is a SI situation where the SI does not get exactly ‘inserted’ but establishes a connection with someone from the Zirca 2036 Pokemon AU. Who? You’ll soon learn.

I have been playing Genshin Impact for… a few years now.

I wouldn’t say I was one of the first players, but I was there when Sumeru was added. And that meant everything and yet nothing, I know, but it establishes something- I am not the most experienced on some stuff, but I have learned a lot and could do the most basic stuff.

One thing that, however, I have to admit I always excluded was the use of the Co-op system. I used it once when I first started and… It was a lot of verbal lynching for not knowing stuff that ‘should be easy to know about’.

It kind of ruffled my feathers on the matter, but I never let it bother me much. So, I never willingly enabled it. My plight was when a rare ‘unwarranted’ coop activation ensued due to one of the multiplayer events.

I had been blissfully unaware of it until I got a request.

DarkTypeYor wants to join your group.

Well, that’s a name.

I contemplated accepting it, seeing the colored bar representing the remaining timer for someone to accept the invite running fast to zero and knowing that things had changed a lot from the time I got roasted for having a ‘shit-tier team’.

I decided to give it a shot. I was better, sexier, and somewhat bolder with the kind of characters I employed. Especially my Ganyu. I had taken maximum care to maximize her Crit Rate and Damage to absolute BS levels and that Charged Attack of her had turned into a localized multi-shot AT rocket barrage.

As I accepted, I was welcomed by something the first Co-op attempt didn’t have- someone with a microphone.

Oh my, is that a Ganyu player?” A young woman with a hint of French accent spoke in English.

“Yeah, what about it?”

She’s overrated.”

That’s the very moment I came to ‘hate’ the woman known as Yorra. And the ensuing conversation would be the very moment Yorra came to hate me.

Well, Tartaglia is surely a ‘golden child’ for being a good brother… while also setting up his siblings to become part of the Pasta Soviets’ propaganda machine!

We were not starting on a good foot and, despite clear indications that were highly incompatible with one another, she still coaxed me to show her ‘how good Ganyu really was’. Turns out that she could go quiet when shown that Ganyu Supremacy is a reasonable thing.

The same, however, was partly true with her Tartaglia on the field. I swear, I never saw such a Tartaglia pull that much damage in so few seconds. It was… a rather awkward silence that came after that.

I thought it would have been just a one-time thing. I don’t know why Yorra just felt it was fine to send me a friend request. I accepted it and… a year later, I was actually accustomed to this woman.

If before I thought she used a voice changer to appear like a girl, I could tell she was one alright. She was also a student that was going to soon graduate in medicine at her university, and she had a job.

This created a bit of a ‘teasing air’ around the topic because:

1) I had dropped off Uni due to circumstances I am happy to keep quiet about which led Yorra to call me an illiterate idiot, while I found it amusing when I would find her whining about exams and how drained she was after going through those calling her a ‘fool’ for thinking it was going to matter much by the end of the day if she passed Uni or not;

2) I wrote for a living, and she was in charge of a… Gym? I was unsure how the fuck she got to own one considering how unprepared she was for physical activities but… money is money. And I still made enough to be comfortable with my humble life situation. At times.

Now, the first interaction should have shaped the most toxic relationship I ever had to deal with but-

“Ganyu banner rerun~!”

“This is so bullshit!” Yorra whined through the vocal chat. “I swear, Mihoyo has a Hate Bone for my husbando.”

“Tartaglia is trash, accept your fate.”

“Fuck off, John. I am not giving up! I will send them a strong email or shit like that.”

“Seethe and Cope,” I replied smugly, focusing my eyes on the screen as we were finishing some item looting from our usual rounds of bosses.

I was close to maxing out Nahida and Scara, while she was close to getting Eula and Yelan fully unlocked. We had been working our butts so much to get those goals done the earliest so our chit-chat hardly distracted us through our few hours of interaction and banter.

“Also… you are still fine with helping Jules? Like, you are not going to drop the ball on me about it.”

I huffed. “We have been at this for a while now, Yor. I don’t mind being the sane and wholesome guide to give your innocent friend some cushion before hurling her in the world of Gacha. Actually, why are you even trying to corrupt someone if you don’t trust yourself about it?”

There was a lengthy but heavy pause after that.

“I just want her to find a nice guy.”

This time, it was my turn to pause, my eyes looking away from the screen for a moment and… I was fucking confused as hell about that.

“Don’t you sleep around with enough guys to know someone close enough to handle her?”

“Dipshits,” She explained. “I told you I like it rough. You know, spit roasts and hardcore gangbangs that leave my big ass filled with cream- that’s not a good way to make new male acquaintances. Not gonna lie, it’s excellent to find new female friends of the slutty kind, but those are the furthest kinds of places where nice stable boyfriend-materials can be found.”

“But why me?”

“Because I know who you are, I have blackmail material on you and you are my friend too.”

I leaned back on my chair as I heard that last reason. It’s been a year, we never addressed our relationship much beyond being two morons that tended to kill our own brain cells on the game while also bringing up topics of our lives.

“I… Thank you.”

“You can thank me by banging Jules. I think that should get some of that unnerving shyness out of her system and away from my own social anxiety.”

Right as she said that, I heard a loud noise coming from her side of the chat.

“Buttons! Goddammit, don’t… Hold up.”

I shook my head as I saw her character stop. We were right at the edge of one of the bosses, so we were out of danger’s way but… the hell is going on with her cat? I knew she had a few pets and that they gave her grief from time to time but…

I am quite sure that cat just flipped a table or something of that magnitude by what I heard.

It may sound like an excessive comparison, but fuck that noise was loud to be just that. I waited for a while, I heard Yorra speak in the background to ‘punish’ her pet and then she was back.

“Sorry, he messed up the kitchen again.”

I hummed. “Yor, I swear it sounded like someone tore apart your fridge or something.”

“Well, if my dumb Incineroar could stop punching it, then everyone would be happy!”

Hold up. Isn’t Incineroar a Pokémon. Did Yorra just call her pet like a Pokémon just now?

“The hell you mean your cat ‘punched’ your fridge?”

“...What? Didn’t you hear me? I told you I have an Incineroar. Buttons is my first Pokémon ever.”

At this point, I was really frowning and thinking that Yor was deranged. It fit with her desperate depravity for cock and her general depressive mindset.

“I don’t believe you.”

There was a heavy pause at that.

“What the fuck, John? What are you even talking about?”

“You know Pokémon are not a thing. It’s a game made by the Japanese-”

“First, what kind of meds are you on? Pokémon are a thing and… the hell is a Japanese?”

…Wait, what?

“Yor, I don’t want to sound dumb… but fuck, I think something is up with this.”

“...What do you mean?”

“What language are we currently speaking right now?” I pressed on.

“We are…” She paused, sounding absolutely confused by what I was saying. “Hisuian?”

“English,” I corrected-


“You say Hisuian, I am saying English… What is the name of the country you are in?”

Yorra huffed. “The fuck are we doing right now? Ugh, Zirca.”


“...The Fuck is an Italy?”

“The Fuck is a Zirca?” I asked back. “Like, what is going on here?”

“You’re trolling and tripping on some bad shit. I thought you would have been smarter than to do this with a soon-to-be-recognized ‘Nurse Joy’ kind of doctor.”

“Yor, be honest with me, you are not fucking with me about you having a Pokémon.”

“I have a full team. And I am a Gym Leader, so what?”

I opened my mouth, opening the menu of the game as we had stopped playing the game altogether.

“...You don’t have games based on Pokémon, right? Like, if I said ‘Pokémon: Fire Red’ it would not ring a bell.”


Oh fuck.

“I am sending you a picture. Tell me if you have ever seen a game like this before.”

“...I am not much of a gamer though,” She half-whined, half-sounded unnerved at what was going on.

“Just trust me,” I said with a hint of unease, feeling my sanity dropping faster than any player that had gone the Tabby route in TNO.

I googled a picture of Pokémon Fire Red game with its box, the cartridge and even a Gameboy beside those. Copy-pasting it in DMs to Yorra through my Hoyoverse Account.

It didn’t take her long to see it and-

“Okay, what is going on here? Is that a Charizard?”

“Yeah, that’s the game of Pokémon. We don’t have any here.”

“...John, I just had exams yesterday. The fuck are you doing to my brain.”

“I am not the one doing this. You bringing up the fact your pet is not a cat but an Incineroar is the catalyst of all and… the fuck, Yorra! What is going on?!”

“I don’t have a fucking clue, you dumb bastard!”

“Stop insulting me, you cunt!”

“Stop giving me migraines then, you cock-sucker!!”

I sighed loudly. “I… Let’s just try to deal with this tomorrow.”

“...Fine. But this is fucked up. If I find out this is a prank-”

“Yor, I don’t need this sort of brain-fuck and I am not into this sort of shit pranks. Tell you what, let’s try something. I gave you this and you find where I am.”

I gave her my address, my phone number and other details which should technically dox me to hell and back. But I have a feeling she wasn’t going to find me at all.

“The kind of game are we playing here?”

“The one where I think we just found a glitch in the matrix.”

“John, what the hell is ‘The Matrix’”



Two brainlets playing Genshin discover that they are playing co-op through dimension.

Next time, the bitch of the group looks more into this shit and… it goes deep. Deeper than she had taken a dick, that is.


Alex McGregor

Deeper than she had taken a dick, that is. Well, I guess that explains how your playing the same game despite being in different dimensions lol

Austin Smith

Well long distance relationship is going to be real hard when its dimension wide

Glitched Knights

First, I was curious, now you have my attention. I'm very tempted to start playing Rasputin right now


Ooh this one will be interesting for sure