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A Grim Bond 6 - or ‘The Grim Adventures turns into Broken Tales’ (Grim Tales from Below, OC!Brother to Mandy)

Mimi’s life was painfully weird.

One would think that someone that had gone through the agony she was put through would be unable to find balance and peace, but her room felt like the first breath of fresh air in months.

It was her own free room, it was ‘happier’ than it had been the one back in Megaville and less oppressive to the one HIM gave her when she was done through the conditioning.

After breakfast, Arthur took her around to pick things to put there, and Mimi was given a budget to keep an eye on. Part of her wanted to be troublesome and take more than she could afford, but she realized that there wasn’t just enough to fancy her attention to the idea. In fact, she ended up falling short of a couple of bucks that were given to her as pocket money.


Jeff helped patch the place up to be fitting with what she envisioned out of it. It was pretty, it was hers. And… then that was it. Sure, a child should want more. But she got a new room, she got a new wardrobe which, sadly so, wasn’t as big as the one that HIM had forced her to get as a ‘make-up gift’ for ‘being too rough with her training’.

It was enough for her. It was something she could proudly say was hers and that made for a stable foundation for her new life. She was still ‘HER’, she still had claws but, this last bit may soon change.

From what her new dad (or Godfather, which made no sense due to how silly the title was) told her, he had contacted a few individuals he had worked with in the past which had a department meant to help people that had lost limbs.

The process was going to take a while, but from what Arthur told her, they were ‘quite good at helping in that regard’. Further inquiry eventually led him to explain some more about this group and what its goal was.

The Speedwagon Foundation had been founded close to a century ago by a British Gentleman who made a fortune in the US by finding several oilfields. With the funds made there, further expanded by some clever investments, the Foundation is ‘renowned’ as an organization that acted as a major medical vanguard in the country- and it was known to Arthur as a group that was good in securing advanced inventions to safely improve the wellbeing of people.

Considering a ‘favor’ they owed to him, he wanted to cash it for some solution in her current situation. Mimi was slightly annoyed by this, but she understood the weight behind that offer and his promise of ‘not trying to force her back to being a human, but to give her a choice’.

That much… mellowed Mimi by a considerable amount.

But where she was happy with her present, she had to admit that there was something she couldn’t ditch- her phone. First thing she did as she waited for breakfast was to block HIM’s number, and check on Chi.

It wasn’t like she expected the girl to be too worried, after all she just sent 5000+ messages to check on whereabouts after going missing for more than ten hours. It ranged from playful and inquiring to deranged and worried. Eventually it all sobered up, just enough for Mimi to offer some explanation.

Chi was a case of ‘good friend that also wants to be in her pants’ sort of nutcase. Daughter of Aku, the Underworld Idol was Mimi’s first and closest friend ever since she lost those in Megaville. It was the sort of friend that couldn’t be harmed by HIM despite how bold she was.

An arrogant brat at worst, but a sweet friend on the best occasions… Chi was a yandere. To Mimi. Would it be true to say that Mimi ignored this for fun? Yes. It would be immensely true.

After all, Chi was someone that sought attention and was desperate for it. When she first made a bout to befriend her after that kidnapping attempt against her, the Idol had shown herself to be ‘deeply indebted’ to her. Which soon turned into a desperate case to do something more than just… being Chi’s friend.

Early on, that didn’t translate into her going full lesbian for the Devil girl, but it happened and Mimi had now to care for someone’s need to bomb her phone with messages and pictures, some borderline sinister and sussy.

Still, the news that Mimi got a new dad seemed to get an overall positive from Chi. The only plight there was that Chi now wanted to ‘properly meet him to discuss future associations in regard to Mimi’.

In layman’s terms, she wanted to demand Mimi’s hand. And, knowing how no-nonsense Arthur was, that was going to end quite awkwardly. Nonetheless, Mimi was fine to just ignore this mess for now. It was going to take a while anyway for that meeting to occur and… Mimi had other situations to handle.

Specifically, she was… quite sure that Arthur’s presence did something to her Devil Essence to the point of rendering it docile. The Devil Essence was something that formed the ‘core’ of her Devil Form.

It was deeply enforced to her biology, and HIM had once mentioned that it was a fragment of a higher hivemind which was easy for him to manipulate even at lengthy distances.

Yet it had gone quiet ever since she laid her eyes on Arthur. Something from within burned through the screeching and craving to do bad things- to be a pest, to be naughty, to be a menace- to be HER.

She would have thought this was temporary, but something about Arthur’s close presence weakened that hold over her mind to a degree which made her feel… normal again.

Some of her silly habits persisted, but she had control over her thoughts rather than being actively coerced to be bad. She couldn’t truly say why she felt that way- why now and why around her new dad but… she had a feeling it tied up with the feeling of protection he gave her.

He even mentioned her as a baby being less prone to crying while he was holding her so… maybe that’s that. Maybe she recognized him as her real dad or something of the kind.

Still, regardless of the many dilemmas in her mind, Mimi knew one thing as night came and she found Arthur resting on the couch as he couldn’t drag himself to bed with how little sleep he had and how tired he had been up to that very point.

Mimi’s life…

The devil girl used this chance to worm her way to Arthur’s chest and nuzzle against it, feeling a sudden wave of blissful need to slumber hit her tired brain all at once. She was soon sleeping, a tiny smile flashing out of happiness.

…was now pleasantly bizarre.



This is probably going to be introduced more as an interlude in the eventuality of this becoming a thread. I felt like pushing for the main event too soon after Mimi was taken in was a step too ‘fast’. So, I let Mimi ‘talk’ a bit of her own take with this situation and set up a few important plot points for the future.

Also, Mimi’s new clothes!



Like the interlude. Gives a view on what Mimi's feeling cause she's not a big talker yet. Also Chi and maybe Aku (if he finds out his daughter left) will be coming for a visit. I can picture Mimi being his anti-thot daughter when he's not aware.


This was nice. A little breather with Mimi’s point of view and with hints of Chi. An eldritch level evil whose powers can be used by others as it is still sleeping, is that how you intend for where Mimi’s powers come be interpreted as?


It's how the lore interpreted it as. The 'Devil Essence' is a fragment of Giygas by what I found on the Wikia. It was used by HIM to fully transform Mimi into a Devil Girl and its removal would revert her to a human form.