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A Princely Guide to not be an Otome Target - or ‘Being the Prince in an Otome Game is sure a Drag!' (Mobuseka Prince Julius!SI)

There is some twisted irony in being Isekai’d in a world where the main theme is indeed Isekai. After all, this started as a normal Otome Game, then Mobuseka’s plot happened and… now I am here.

I am confused just as many here are in regard to the logic backing such a situation, but it all happened one day as I woke up in a room that wasn’t mine, a world that wasn’t mine, and the body I now owned which I could see reflected back from the full-body mirror right beside the bed… was not mine at all.

I am… handsome! And look like a prick!

After some quick thoughts induced by the abrupt awakening into the Isekai situation, I managed to formulate a more rational idea on the situation. I have replaced Julius Holfort, Crown Prince of the Holfort Kingdom and… big brother to many. Also, the main target of two Otome Heroines, the classic one and the ‘mockingbird’ candidate.

Ghh! Just the thought of the latter had my blood run cold.

But- no! I can’t give up the thought of being damned by this gilded cage. Mobuseka was a series I followed a while back, but I could still remember the basis of the first chapters.

I barely remembered much of the villains however, so that was going to require some personal reading into the kingdom’s current situation before I can draw plans in that regard.

It was early in the morning, earlier than the prince was meant to wake up as no one was coming to have me drawn out of bed. Knowing my situation, I used this window of opportunity to look around for something like books or even a journal- this effort culminated with the finding of a diary penned by the original Julius. It was filled with the same words he used with Angelica and others- those that didn’t understand his ‘plight’ in being born rich.

Never once felt so much disdain for a dipshit that couldn’t be bothered to put an effort to see the goodness of his situation. Sure, he may have cared, but he was not mentally and intellectually prepared to handle the chore of helping people and was socially ineffective to prevent a little bitch from getting a collar around his neck together with friends and brothers.

I am mildly upset at thinking that, and I knew that Marie was going to be my worst recurring enemy in the long-run. Not only was she a woman that plotted to replicate a ‘The princess’ jewels’ situation by having so many guys under her feet, but she was a nasty person for an Isekai.

One that didn’t care for the feelings of others. Which is why, out of commitment to keeping my word and actually favoring some kind-hearted big-tiddied fiance to other ladies, I decided that I was sticking by Angelica’s side to the very end.

There was still a problem- From the pages of the diary, the last ones to be specific, today was the day I had to leave for the Academy which, sadly so, deprived me of the chance of making an ally out of someone in my family. Someone trustworthy and someone that was a fellow Reincarnator.

It wouldn’t bode well if I pressed the matter now, deciding to tackle one minor problem at a time. After all, I needed to get ready for school and I had to keep this diary away from others’ reach. I can only dread what the moron caused by leaving behind such an important piece of royal knowledge for potential conspirators to find and exploit to their advantage…

By the time I was done with my bathroom chores, I was already walking out of the door a few moments before the servant sent to wake me up arrived. The poor maid had a bit of a heart attack at seeing me leave the bedroom already dressed and fully refreshed.

I turned to her and smiled. “Apologies, I woke up earlier.”

“W-Would the prince request for breakfast to be made earlier then?” The young woman offered bluntly and I shook my head.

“No, I am just looking to find some time to read. I will have breakfast at the same time as usual.”

The girl nodded and left with a bit of a hurried step. Couldn’t blame her as I frightened her a bit, but I focused on what I had told her I was planning to do- read more from my diary and get a greater understanding of the inner wimp that was Julius and his take on his own family.

Father? Uncaring SOB.

Mother? Loving but a klutz- the moron was perhaps trying to correlate with some of his family, ignoring the nickname his mom had as a young woman before she married.

Little Sister? Cute but content to being ‘sold’ to political marriages- she was my fellow reincarnator and someone that was my ‘elder’ due to how long she ended up living in her previous life. She is smart enough to know that the kingdom’s needs come first despite the chance of ending up with a bad match-up.

Half-Brother? Cocky, an upstart and a troublemaker- he has the right mind, but the worst timing and methods to achieve his goals.

Foster-Brother? He is always so quiet- he is struggling to keep his standing so he is desperate to be a good ‘pet’ to Julius. Low self-esteem and a keen interest to suck the toes of those that make him feel worthy of existing. Not a good ally/friend situation.

After breakfast was served and I selected a few plates to have a full belly but still far from being too bloated by it, I was ready to take on the Academy with what little knowledge I had and-

“Bwaah! My son is leaving his Mama!”

There are cliches I tend to hate in an objective manner, but that love if subjected to those. Having my cheeks crushed by those huge mammaries owned by my beloved ‘new’ mother, Queen Mylene, was definitely something I was going to dream about for a while.

God, you merciful Lord of Mercy. Thank thee for this Big-Tiddy Milfy Mommy I can love like a good son~.

Ah, to be tempted to pull an Habsburg Move or two…

“Mother, I-I will be fine. Don’t cry, you are too pretty for that.”

I left her tamed with a tiny blush and stuttering over the kind compliment. I waved at her and my sister, Erica, while stepping into the carriage which was going to take me to the Academy. I was alone there but… I remained quiet and didn’t do much beyond dozing off a bit.

I was a bit drained by the idea of having to deal with so much shit that I just couldn’t be bothered to burn my brain so early in this ‘mission’ of survival and conquest. I didn’t intend to let this chance go to waste after all.

Still, it was just the first day at the academy and, if I remember correctly, nothing of relevance was meant to happen beyond some visual introductions for the MC. So, I should be safe from any major changes.

That was my thought before I ended up walking out of my carriage and… noticed someone approaching me. It wasn’t anyone from the so-called Prince’s Entourage, but a woman. Not Marie, not Olivia (the classic Otome Protagonist), but-

Angelica,” I replied ‘flatly’.

I hated this- I knew the girl was aware I was meant to be on edge with her and I knew Julius had to have walked away from this talk on the first day due to how that chapter unfolded. And fuck, the thing that pissed me was… she is a wonderful fiance. She isn’t a bitch, her rack was amazing, her gigawatt smile was close to force me to smile back at her- Fuck, she is a 11/10!

“Julius,” She replied with a tiny smile. “It’s been a long time since we last met.”

“It has,” I replied curtly, and she took a step forward, appearing quite nervous.

“Would it be… proper for me to join you as we enter the Academy?”

I blinked at that, thinking on what to do from this. Standard Julius would have said ‘no’ and just ignored the girl. The hate-bone came from the fact he believed Angelica to be ‘like the other nobles that do not care for the poor’. In truth, Angelica was neutral on the topic and she was not part with whatever conspiracy he was so asshatted about.

Yet, I couldn’t exactly say ‘yes’ without making it a statement of ‘tension’. I had to make it so that it was a win, but also a bit of a power-move on my part. And as I thought on the spot anything that could work like that, I felt a cheeky idea creep in my mind.

“I will accept, but I have one condition?”

The girl raised a perplexed brow at what I said but she soon realized the real trouble was the thing that was causing her to blush like a silly girl as we peacefully walked together through the gates of the Academy, everyone staring as girls gossiped, guys stared in awe and I…

Proudly held Angelica- no, my Fiance’s hand as we started our first day at the Academy together.



There are so many things to do, but Angelica will surely focus on this goal alright~!


Wrath of Vajra

Continue this, its going to be hilarious when Leon and Marie find out the prince is not what he seems.

Glitched Knights

What does one do when isekaid in a position of power? Nuke cannon. HARD


Let's hope the Angelica and Olivia "Friendship(Yuri)" route hasn't just been locked due to a lewd handhold cause he's definitely gonna swoop in when he sees Olivia get bullied. Also want to see him smack his friends upside their heads for being Simps lol.


Looking forward to seeing more of this

Jack Freeman

I await the "No thanks, friend."


Really like this so far, looking forward to more please!


Eh esto es extraño en QQ ya salió el cap 2 xD por eso busque si tenía más aquí.


Because, as I had explained already, once a series is fully published on QQ/FFN, the rest of the updates are posted publicly. This is meant to prevent any bloating of the archive here in Patreon while also keeping a steady source of juicy new ideas.


Oh~ igualmente aún leo tus historias en QQ es costumbre gracias