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Chubby Wisdom 2 - or ‘The wisdom of Bastardery giving hope to weak-minded morons in a fantasy world of Reverse Sexual Morality’ (Redeemed Ugly Bastard Isekai in a Fantasy World)

There is something very odd in being called a ‘demon’.

In my youth, as a terrible youngster that hustled many relationships to land in the bed with naughty MILFs, this was a common insult and one that grew to matter little to me. But as I took steps into this new life, I have to say the term had gotten a certain meaning of amusement to me.

After all, the ones calling me as such were young girls that were unfortunate enough to have me as their Sunday School’s teacher. The initiative had been allowed by the local mayor as he thought this would provide basic education to the children. I thought of mixing in some of the old religion I came from, but I realized it would just irritate other ‘divine beings’ if I started to preach about a ‘fake god’. Or, at least, one that didn’t exist in this world.

But as the initiative started, so did some amendments to allow it to unfold without any irritation. A week of doing this was enough for me to find the right balance of autonomy and restrictions.

“It’s not fair!” The squeaking voice of the child I caught flashing her poor male classmate rebuked as I led her to the ‘horny jail’.

In truth, the name of it was ‘indecent booth’ and it was a small section of the classroom with some gates meant to keep the ‘naughty children’ apart from one another and away from other classmates.

Still, this was half the solution as the girls (as it was mostly girls that ended up there) were keen to be quite ‘showing’ their naughtiness. Learning the basic spell to conjure a small and harmless blast of cold water seemed to be enough to put an end to those instances.

I wouldn’t say that it was perfect as I didn’t like to punish children like this, but the way some were behaving, so bold and so horny at this young age… Yes, it was best to instill some boundaries to them at once.

The mothers ‘hated’ it as they complained I was being ‘too harsh’, while the fathers were… a mixed bag. Some were annoyed by the harshness too, while many were still quite ‘intrigued’ by creativity. I learned that some more punishments were starting to come up much to the chagrin of women, but even that was solved by a switch of punishment from daughters to mothers.

In a rather peculiar development, this ‘demon’ of a good priest made marriages stronger by indirectly spreading the culture of BDSM. It was a fantasy world, so it made sense that such a common fetish in medieval times would hit so ‘nicely’ to many women. The main reason it didn’t spread before now was possibly the fact that the tools that were perfect for such a task were restricted to nobles.

Well, villagers were ingenious with their free time, and woodworking was still a good business around so it made sense that commissioning curious variants or even improved versions of common BDSM tools in this realm of existence.

All sounded quite well in this regard but it would be a lie to say that life had been relatively calm. Yesterday in particular was an intense day as an emergency came up in a way that made me realize the boundary seals were not as effective as I was taught them to be.

I received an urgent call from one of the guards in town that had been asked to investigate a small family. Father, mother, daughter. It was a relatively normal group, and the lone child was a tame female at that.

So, when the news of debauchery within the household came up, the guards found out that the child had been spelled into being ‘depraved’ and was spreading the spell to others.

Considering what I studied on the topic, lust spells were not ‘infective’ and the only reasonable circumstance behind this was far worse than a mere magical spell- a Succubus had taken over the child’s body.

It was one of the cases which the kind hag warned me to worry about- the seals would alert me when those beings of dangerous power passed them, but wouldn’t reach up to cover the entire village, only the borders. Within the body of a normal living being, a magical beast could easily pass through unnoticed and cause a legitimate ‘lust epidemic’.

Without skipping a beat and dropping my chore of cleaning the chapel, I bolted after the guards, sweating profusely at the intense run but cooling myself with a quick basic ice spell to be ready to handle this hussle.

The guards had caught the situation in time, right before the spread could have fully extended to the parents. Both were shocked and clearly mentally-drained by a few days of having this situation happen to them, and were staring in pure worry at their now chair-bound daughter.

She was snarling, eyes now with black sclera and pink slitted eyes. She was rather resilient, the many ropes that seemed comical in numbers to keep a mere youth restrained feeling more fitting considering the ruckus she was causing.

As she saw me, however, the agitation ceased and a mature chuckle erupted from the girl’s mouth.

Oh, if it isn’t Father Takao. We heard so much of you, and to think someone with your body would-!?

I didn’t spare a moment to regard the demon. Those were not worthy of respect for trying to taint a child. Instead, I stepped closer, using this chance to go through the steps needed to exorcize a succubus in this realm.

Surprise appeared on the child’s face as my right thumb opened her lips briefly and my other hand, coated in magic, went to pinch something inside. Shock turned into panic, but before she could have done anything to push me away, I managed to yank what I was looking for. In a rather surreal twist, a big-tiddied and big-hipped red-skinned woman with horns and wings emerged from the girl’s mouth.

How did you-!

No mercy was given as I hurled drops of holy water on her face, weakening her while distracting her with the painful effects of this liquid. Just in time for me to raise a specific book I brought for the occasion, opening to the right page and uttering the right incantation.

“By the power of faith and holiness, I banish you to the realm you came from, demon! Begone!”

I couldn’t kill a succubus- no one here could. These were creatures with natural magical resistance and their physical endurance was bound to their unusual magic- they could be hurt, but no normal sword could slay a succubus.

Still, this mess was solved. In part. As I spoke with the parents and the child, I learned on how she may have gotten this possession from. Ilford may be a small village, but for a time it was bigger as it stretched into a section of the ‘Verdant Forest’ before a major raid of orcs and goblins a few decades ago.

Some of the abandoned houses were still there and… could be used as dens by monsters. The child, together with a few friends, were told of a ‘legend’ that some of those places were haunted by ghosts. She was dared into entering one of those and… the rest is story.

I was tempted to say I could have done something about it myself but-

“I want your captain to send a messenger to Magnarok and request three exorcists from the Church of Altenius to handle a small-to-medium den of Succubi and Incubi.”

The guard nodded, stunned by this assumption as it sounded so sudden for such a group of dangerous demons to make their nest in a place like this. Ilford lacked the numbers to be a prime hunting ground for Succubi and Incubi. Something about this didn’t feel right to me either.

I decided against investigating this further as I wasn’t equipped to handle ambushes. My barriers were good, but I wasn’t cocky enough to put my life in jeopardy for that. There were specialists for this and, as far as my duties reached on the matter, I focused on setting temporary seals to further oppose any encroachment from these specific monsters.

The reason I couldn’t make them permanent was tied to the way these seals worked, needing a magical leyline in the terrain that would naturally regenerate but could end up depleted when too many seals were being used.

The ritual would take place at night, taking on the ‘kind offer’ to join the patrols around the village so that I wouldn’t be caught off-guard by any other monsters wandering the surrounding area.

Hence why I was tired the next day and… glad I got a magical letter confirming that the exorcists were to join us within three days from that morning. I was glad to hear this, yet…

I have this grand feeling that there was more to this story than just a mere isolated nest of succubi and incubi.



Takao is trained to handle possessions, but he is not good enough to handle a full-on assault on a demonic nest. After all, his introduction to magic and training with it started a bit more than a month ago from the current chapter.


Alex McGregor

A Level 1-2 Priest doesn't do quests designed for a Party of level 8-10 characters, yep, makes sense