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Jumachi! Is it wrong to be a gun-blazing Adventurer in the Dungeon? - or ‘Lord Tachanka willed me to be his Chosen One, so I can gun trouble down with the power of Lead, God and Anime on my side’ (Danmachi, Lord Tachanka's Chosen One!SI)

EDIT: Explanation for ‘non-believers’ - ‘Lord Tachanka’ is from Rainbow 6 Siege and he got quite a memetic divine power to himself due to his absurd equipment grade.

EDIT 2: Why Jumachi? Ju (銃) is 'Gun' in Japanese, Machi is from Danmachi.

When one starts an Isekai adventure in a familiar world, they tend to take some time to ultimately reach the ultimate weaponry needed to fend off minor supernatural monsters - I was blessed by a particular circumstance as I ventured the renown Dungeon of Orario.

A large group of Goblins and Kobolds had rallied at the Fourth Floor to try and counter the deadliest assault their kin had ever experienced - an Italian armed with a Lange Pistole 08, better known as the ‘Artillery Luger’.

Compared to standard pistols, the Artillery Luger was the result of the simple question that was ‘What if you give a handgun a 32-bullets drum round plus stock?’. Was it clunky? Truly. But was it more than enough to handle the intense numbers of monsters that were trying to kill me? Definitely so.

Still, I think this slaughter hardly explained a very simple thing: how did I, an insert, gain control of a Skill that allowed me to materialize… guns?

Well, the answer to that connected to the very reason I was there. One moment I was sleeping in my bed, the next one I was floating in an ethereal and a Russian Military Operator from a fictional world was flexing his muscles, keeping his face hidden by his helmet and telling me that I was his Chosen One and that I had to ‘show badassery’ in Orario.

Lord Tachanka was as ‘powerful’ as the meme may suggest, but he had found his way to Orario in an effort to ‘make this reputation real for once’! It sounded like some deep insecurity, coupled with the shirtless flexing… yeah, I could tell I didn’t have much of a choice.

As cringe as it was, he literally set me up to 1) go through the hardships of Orario’s competitive environment and the Dungeon’s hostile nature for the sake of ‘showing the world’ and 2) he told me to make this first trip worthy of enough cash to pay for a proper place for his new ‘religion’ to set foot in the country.

From my understanding, he already spoke with Ouranos and somehow managed to get greenlit on this idea. So, here I was, gunning my way through the first four floors of the Dungeon and getting a lot of magic stones to buy a place to live.

It was as I was checking out the current limits of my gun-spawning ability, Gunpowder Arsenal, that I realized a few things.

First, the Skill had levels and, at this very point, I seemed stuck to guns prior to 1910 and, while that may not sound much, there were some nasty things made in the pre-WW1 period that were quite effective during the Great War.

It did help that the Skill made the gun not only ‘impervious to jamming’, but that it allowed me to create ammo for as long as I wanted… and for as much energy I could provide to it.

This skill was quite draining. I had been using two guns and I had been feeling winded for a while now. The first gun I tried to summon was the standard M1911 but… it was there that I realized that I couldn’t summon anything post-1910 just yet as the second gun I mustered was the Artillery Luger. And this thing was hitting hard on the illiterate critters of these floors.

It was early in the morning as I compiled the paperwork to be licensed to be an adventurer, and I have been doing this for hours now: killing monsters, claiming magic stones, killing monsters and claiming more magic stones.

Kobolds were resilient, but less in numbers compared to Goblins. They all fell to bullets regardless of that, and my vicious killstreak against the illiterate mongrels was enough to warrant a lot of magic stones for me to make a profit without overburdening myself in carrying those out of the Dungeon.

By the time it was lunch time, I had amassed enough magic stones to leave the Dungeon, go back to the Guild and get myself enough cash to consider buying a starting place with a plot of land to further build on it- a grand palace, but not one that was there and existed only in the dreams of Lord Tachanka.

Before that, however, I had a bit of an interesting exchange at the guild. Part of me expected to be speaking with Eina but-

“You killed so many monsters in your first trip to the floors?” The question was accompanied by a twitch of lupine ears as the young woman known as Rose Fannett looked impressed… but stoically so about it.

Behind me, two big sacks filled to the brim with magic stones that I planned to exchange for Valis.

“That is indeed the case.”


“That’s a secret.”

“An illegal secret?”

“A rather legal one, I just don’t like to be stalked by people that may want that ‘kind of power’,” I assured, with the young woman nodding as she gave up on prodding for more info just yet.

Instead, she focused on the bags, spending roughly twenty minutes gauging how many magic stones those had and the quality of each stone. The labor was meticulous and I could see adventurers and fellow Employees sparing surprised looks at the unusual circumstance.

Rose was quite beautiful, but not an individual one tended to find an easy chance to approach. Not for a general dislike for men or anything that may be ‘expected’ from such a stoic girl, but rather she was aware that any adventurer she got close to had a chance to die and leave her once again ‘alone’.

Sad, but it was a fair approach to avoid pain. Was it good for her to be so isolated? No, but I was nobody in her eyes to tell her it wasn’t a good coping mechanism. Hence why I said nothing as she focused on counting the magic stones. In the end, the werewolf had the tedious task wrapped up at a proper pace.

“That will be 20.000 Valis.”

Which was not good enough for a big house, but enough to get a humble warehouse in disarray with some land that could be built upon. Not the best development, but not one I was too disappointed about.

After giving a look at the crappy place I had to fix up before the end of the day, I decided to first go for a lunch break since I needed to get my stamina up and my hunger dealt with.

I had 5000 Valis on me, so I didn’t expect any trouble in getting a modest meal at the Hostess of Fertility. As I entered the place, I was glad that I didn’t have any concerning eyes on me. Everyone was busy as I was greeted as a normal customer.

The last thing I needed was Freya on my butt. My reputation was nonexistent at this point, but I expected my name to pick up some attention due to the intense Dungeon-trips I will have to go through.

All the maids were busy, but I was passed by Anya Fromel for the order. She was in a bit of a predicament and she almost tripped while trying to ask for my order- luckily for me, I was a ‘interventionist’ for potential disaster and moved to pick some plates off her hands to help her find balance.

She was thankful, but a bit blushful as I offered to help around with her slice of orders just to ‘avoid issues’. It was a rather thoughtless action as I really saw no point beyond avoiding chaos in that regard.

I was done with it fast, the cat-girl thanked me again and I got my good meal served in time to have a nice solo lunch before focusing

After paying for my lunch, I was out and… free of any potential trouble on my way to my new ‘base of operations’. It was odd, really, considering that Isekai situations had a tendency to hurl BS situations to their MC and this first day was quite devoid of it.

How… strange.

I didn’t think further on this to dodge a ‘you called this on yourself’ situation. I wasn’t up to jinxing myself after all, and soon I was off to get back to the warehouse to clean up and turn into a decent ‘house’ to start the grand palace from.

Quite unaware that one of the maids had been eyeing me for a while, only to glance at me leaving with a dreamy sigh by her and… intrigued hazel eyes aimed at my butt.



Chloe, Chloe, Chloe, your molester tendencies are showing.


But Chloe doesn't have Hazel eyes... still, she is not off the table just yet. (Despite her being more into 'pretty boys').


A weapon cap of 1910? Damn that means no fiat mod 1915

Jack Freeman

Well, the worst comes to worst you have plenty of options, might even need a Model 97 eventually. Also Lord Tachanka be with him, for the maid be upon him

andrew rousseau

Lol i can see loki being interested and causing him all kinds of chaos, plus its entirely possible Ais will wants guns so she can 'get stronger' 😆


I'll laugh if he can make artillery, cause what is artillery, but just a big fuggin' gun?