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The Red Ascendant 3 - or ‘It is now my duty to protect' (Pokémon, Zirca 2036 OC-I)

Hospitals always have this sense of ‘unwelcoming welcome’ that tends to render patients and visitors alike displeased whenever they are within this sort of building.

The ‘clean’ smell of disinfectant was quite outrageous at times, but the need for it was one thing I was very familiar with. It didn’t make it any less frustrating for my nostrils to pick up, but I could hardly make it an issue.

The walk to reach Suzuen’s room was brief, much to my delight, but it was mostly because the hospital was relatively small and many people were thus forced to the waiting rooms before being granted the slight hope of being given a room to be treated in.

This place isn’t properly equipped to handle the level of danger all around…

Right as we entered inside the Gym Leader’s room, the attendants and I were greeted by quite the sight as Suzuen seemed to be quite annoyed by an unfamiliar man that was giving him a flat look.

Suzuen himself was bound to his bed. His headpiece rested on the bedside furniture by his left, with the Gym Leader wearing a hospital gown and a few bandages all over his body, right where he was wounded the worst.

The unfamiliar man was dressed in a somewhat… ‘Japanese’-themed outfit which reminded me of those old-styled clothes once worn by men in Japan roughly around or even before WW2.

“-need anyone from the Champion! I made my stance clear when it comes to… oh?”

Suzuen paused mid-rebuttal and took notice of us. This abrupt interruption was caught on by the man and… I couldn’t help but feel a foreboding sense of judgment being enforced on me.

“I wasn’t made aware that you were waiting for people. If I had, I would have cut this conversation shorter,” He turned his full attention on me and then nodded. “I don’t believe we had the chance to introduce ourselves. I am Kingston Crossbell, I am a bit of a… legal handyman for Champion Vos Xavion.”

The Champion’s… lawyer? Why would he be here?

It was quite the unsettling individual, especially when he seemed like he ‘recognized’ me or something close to that. It was a faint feeling, but the ‘feigned unawareness’ caught me off-guard for a moment.

“Evan Morris, I am just a Trainer and… hopefully a future Police Officer once I get back home.”

“Hm? Police Officer? That’s a bit of an unexpected ambition for many,” Kingston remarked. “Still, I am sorry to say this but I have other business to attend and… I believe Gym Leader Suzuen doesn’t seek to keep me around any longer.”

“I-It’s not a problem.”

He nodded, offering a thin smile before walking out of the room. I felt somewhat shaken by the encounter. It wasn’t fear- it all felt like I was being scanned by a machine and… and it had found something that made him quite ‘pleased’ and ‘intrigued’.

“Don’t spare him too many thoughts. Kingston is known to be an unnerving individual,” Suzuen pointed out bluntly, gaining my attention and offering a small smile. “So, you are the one that pushed back Zephiel. Evan Morris… you are not from around here, aren’t you?”

“I am not,” I replied truthfully. “Kanto, Pallet Town.”

“Oh?” Suzuen looked surprised and quite giddy- a bit of a ‘far cry’ from the solemn youth that some tended to describe him as and he appeared to be behaving close to a guy this young. “Kanto, I didn’t expect a trainer from there. Are you here to… go through the circuit?”

“That was the plan, yeah,” I admitted. “But I suppose that can wait-”

“For just a few days,” Suzuen replied out of pride, puffing his cheeks. “It was bad at first, but I will heal fast. I am not the 42nd Lorekeeper for nothing.”

“I see… Well, just don’t strain yourself about it.”

“I am not a child, I will not,” He half-whined half-rebuked, surprising me with that ‘comparison’.

Did he feel like I was trying to mock him or something? It was odd, but actually fairly rational considering his young age.

“Actually, I know this may sound a bit sudden but I would like for you two to leave us for the time being.”

The two masked attendants didn’t show any surprises at this, and complied with the request. Soon, it was just Suzuen and I, a chance he didn’t waste as he bowed his head to me.

“As the Gym Leader of Santa Devante, I have to thank you for your help in keeping Zephiel at bay,” Suzuen commented, his hands grasping at the sheets. “He has been… a threat for a few years now.”

“Is he one of those Gang Leaders like the other Teams targeting the various Regions?”

My question was one born from suspicion- while it may sound like Zephiel was just that, the way he handled the situation felt less like a Giovanni or a Ghetsis- it was less ‘evil’ and more ‘murderous’.

“No. We have a team like that which has been quite frustrating for a long while, but they are nowhere as dangerous as Zephiel and his group. He is… Rather than planning the mere subversion of order for a new one, he pursues the annihilation of it entirely- to destroy the system rather than reshape it.”

Suzuen’s words had me frown for a moment.

“Why? I mean, I heard from the local police that he just does this out of mindless interest but… that didn’t seem the case when we fought.”

The Gym Leader looked a bit frustrated. “It’s… Officially, that is the case. But Zephiel is methodical and he has been someone that the Champion deems to be the ‘first greatest threat in decades’. Enough to warrant active military operations to try and catch him.”

That sounded like a lot and-

“So, he is a terrorist, correct? Since he tries to attain destruction to spread fear and destabilize the system-”

“He can be considered that, yes,” Suzuen interjected, sounding a bit upset about it but not shying away from the reasoning I laid out. “Beyond that, your good work was essential in saving people both directly and indirectly and…”

The young man paused and reached for a Pokéball that he had set right beside the headpiece.

“This is a reward. This little one has been taken in by the temple just two months ago and… she is a bit troublesome, but that’s because she is not a Pokémon seeking to settle- which is fair considering her biology.”

I walked up to the bed and retrieved the ball. I released the Pokémon it held on the ground and… I found the ensuing sight to be utterly mesmerizing.

Tiny but strong-looking, I was greeted by a canine standing on two legs and giving me a curious look with her red eyes.

Rio…lu?” The Fight-Type asked, confusing me briefly before I saw her spotting her Pokéball in my hands. “Rio-Arf-Rio!”

“Hm? I was given this ball and I was told you were looking to start a journey by Lord Suzuen.”

“‘L-Lord’ is a bit excessive, call me just Suzuen.”

I smiled. “Only if you call me Evan.”

“Sure thing!” The Gym Leader beamed… before catching up to his reaction and appearing embarrassed about it. “Y-You didn’t see anything.”

“What didn’t I see?” I playfully questioned, causing the young guy to groan before I turned to the now impatient Riolu. “Still yeah, I am a trainer and I would love to have you in my-”

Before I could finish this sentence, Riolu tried to punch me. The large paw was comically too slow to connect as I swatted it away with a soft slap. Riolu blinked, but this only encouraged her to try for a longer effort.

This one, however, saw her defeated again. Two punches and a kick, the first two attacks deflected and I pushed her back by catching her leg and letting her fall on the ground. She huffed a bit, but stared at me with slightly wider eyes as I saw… respect and wonder.

“Yeah, I am no slacker in fighting myself, Riolu.”

She pulled herself off the ground and gave me a smile. “Rio-lu! Rio~!”

I reached out at hearing the positive ‘bark’ and I was pleased with a good reception for a head pat.

“...This is the first time I saw her react like that,” Suzuen commented, breaking the silence he held up to this point. “I suppose you will be a good trainer for her.”

I smiled back at him for saying that and-

“SUZUENNNN!” A loud masculine voice screeched from the entrance of the door as the door was slammed wide open by a young man with blond hair who was clearly out of his goddamn mind. “Don’t die just yet! I bought you the candy you like!”

Suzuen growled and snapped back at the guy. “Emille, you dumbass! I am not dying- and I don’t like candies!

“Oh!” He tensed up, surprised by this turn of events. “My bad then~.”

The guy then noticed me.

“Who is this?”

“He is-” Suzuen tried to introduce me but-

“Hey, wanna fight~?” The blond asked giddily and I sweated a bit at this unexpected circumstance.

NPC trainers do find a way to always target you where you think you are the safest from them, don’t they?



Oh Evan, but this Himbo is not just a NPC… he is your trip buddy! Emile Alexandrova, a man with ‘style’, a deep affection for Les Miserables, and a mystery to solve in regard to his missing big sister!

Next time, he will get introduced more while training happens and… he isn’t a bad guy, just a bit off with the timing of his battle requests and understanding of Poké-related stuff.



Been reading from 1-3 and been loving the story, can't wait for more! :)


Ok. I have caught up on some of the lore from twitter mostly just character bios by the picture ain’t pretty and I think you might have undersold me on how bad the leader is not to mention the elite four. I pity and wish to comfort the dark type gym leader for trying to keep those who wish to challenge the insane top 5 trainers at least be able to survive in the end. Maybe not whole or even the same but at least alive and not another dead body for the league to sweep away. I am extremely interim this story now. Wonderful chapter and love the riolu as the second Pokémon.