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Rebuke of the Tatsu-boy 13 - or ‘How SI!Tatsurou outfucked and outcucked the Dark Lord’s worst fiends’ (Taimaninverse, Tatsurou!SI)

It’s been a few ‘rough’ days.

I wouldn’t say it was bad for me in terms of emotional distress, and I could say that Rinko had recovered well from our father’s passing. It was still a sore topic, but one that was easy to handle if not approached for the time being.

Still, what really made these days tough was the ‘reshuffling’ I had to go for the elderly council. No one got kicked out, that much I promised, but I had to move around some of the positions to create a ‘proper council’.

Most, if not all the posts had been claimed as ‘acting elders’ with some of them having no clue on how to handle their affairs and relying too much on the staff working under them. So, without annoying people by offering proper monetary compensation, I had the entire council revamped to have the right minds in the right places.

Right on time to then make the formal announcement of the change in leadership and a speech on why this happened so abruptly. Some people were upset, but none dared to speak up about it as they made for a rather tiny minority within the overall clan.

All branches seemed to be relieved when I offered a rather constructive announcement on what was planned for the clan’s future and how we will continue to follow a line of friendship and trust with the Igawa Clan and the allies of the Mizuki Clan.

Economic aspects were briefly touched, but it was general points as the details were best kept behind meetings with the council to prevent any confusion or potential effort to delegitimize my plans.

The clan had the means to become an economic powerhouse through its ample presence of non-Taimanin workers. I was thinking of investing in those activities they owned to expand them in return for higher taxes by a small percentage compared to their income’s growth.

Stress was running a bit high but… I had someone that helped handle that. I think Felicia had been waiting for this very moment as she was quite earnest to have sex with me when I asked to do something to ease down on my nerves.

So, pounding her happy was both therapeutic and pleasurable- for the two of us. Despite the pinkette thinking I would play it soft with her since I didn’t exactly have ‘experience’ in the matter, she was quite ‘shocked’ when the first position I put her through was a Full Nelson.

Ah~ St-stop being so sudden~!” The female vampire was clearly unprepared for a proper round or two of lovemaking when we got to do it the first time.

Her pussy was tightening around my cock so much that it was clear she was spouting this silly rebuttal out of habit rather than real unease as the next words were quite-

Ha~-Harder! I want it harder~!

Telling! I mean, I had a few doubts early on but this was the thing that gave away what Felicia loved in sex: roughness within the concept of doing it with someone she loved. And that double-kink combo was so incredibly powerful that I managed to find the right positions to get her to not only fuck but also kiss me.

Missionary, Mating Press, carrying sex and even Amazon Press when she felt on the funk of ‘being in charge’. Truth be told, she was really weak once a good dick was inside of her, so the Amazon Press would last briefly as she would climax herself to ‘submission’.

It was a fun sight, really, considering the fact I expected her to be domming me despite the advantage I got while having a youthful and energetic body at the moment. Turns out that my worry was for nothing.

Holding hands was also a weakness that I exploited, headpats too- I was up for some intense love and she was all for it. After the first time had gone by, I noticed she had mellowed a fair bit, enough to help me out of instinct in finding words for some of the announcements I was drafting.

She wanted to be part of the system, but was fine in the role of advisor at the very best and truly detached at the worst. So yeah, time to get some of this stuff fixed up and-

“What in the actual heaven is this?” I asked flatly to Asagi.

The girl was my boss, and yet she wasn’t exactly alone at the moment as both her aunt and grandma were there together with a rather puzzled Sakura.

“A mere request for… a betrothal.”

Senshu gained the attention of Asagi, Sakura and even his daughter as she answered calmly at this.

“Grandmother, the practice is no longer active and it has been that way during grandfather’s rule.”

“I am aware of that, Asagi,” The ‘old’ woman remarked. “But… I thought it would only make sense that we consolidate our friendship with the Akiyama Clan.”

I could tell it was a lie, and I could tell the reasoning was stupid. How can I tell? It was the odd smugness in delivering such a line while lacking faith in it.

Plus, this Seishu didn’t seem to behave like the backstabbing hag of the timeline she was introduced in- and, considering how odd this timeline was, maybe she was just a ‘nice woman’ despite her rough exterior.

“Is it because we would make a ‘cute couple’, isn’t it?” I guessed, drawing a few stunned looks back at me.

“...Is it wrong?”

“Grandmother-” Asagi went to the charge, but the lady huffed.

“Bah! I am just trying to keep an eye on Sakura. She speaks a lot about the boy, I should be evaluating her chances with him.”

Sakura raised her hand. “But Tatsurou is my friend. I just like to play with him at the arcade or at the park. That’s all.”

“Which is quite fine for a girl your age,” Senshu remarked politely, while his mother was-

“Bah, she should be aware of more important stuff. But I guess her sister has gotten too soft over her boyfriend’s ‘slow approach’ to see the issue with that.”

That prompted a bit of a clash of ideals and… I managed to sneak out of the place with Sakura and play at the arcade. There wasn’t much of a conversation about this, but she had questions on what a ‘betrothal’ was all about.

I provided her with as much as I could without going too deep about it, and the orangette was pleasantly… annoyed by the notion itself.

“But isn’t it unfair? I mean, shouldn’t I and you have the choice to say who we want to marry? Plus, aren’t we a bit too young for that?”

Surprisingly mature if not out of character but-

“Wait, it’s like the sex thingy that the tutor told me about? The one where I have to find someone to do it because I couldn’t get a chance to do so in the future?”

It was indeed an awkward conversation, but one that vanished as soon as we got deep into playing at the arcade. Time passed, I got Sakura back home, then made it back to the Akiyama Compound, ready to catch a nap when-

I stumbled on quite the sight with a certain Akiyama Rinko was waiting in my bedroom, wearing a loose kimono with nothing under it and… holding a bottle of sake close to her chest. Also, there was a box of condoms that I don’t remember seeing.

Felicia was, for some unknown reason, not around. And I have a thought that she may have been behind that.

“Otouto~! Welcome, hic~!”

I sighed. “Rinko-nee, what are you doing?”

“Waiting for ya! So we can make a baaaaby!”

“Rinko-nee, you are barely holding yourself together. If we were to do anything right now, you are going to be hurt by it.”



She deflated. “Awww.”

“Which is why you can stay over for cuddling and then, tomorrow, once you are through what I can tell will be the hangover that will make you hate alcohol, we will consider something. Okay?”

Despite Rinko being the stubborn girl when she was at her normal, the alcohol had mellowed her to be quite appeasing of others.


So, she was sold to the idea of cuddling and-

“We kish too, ‘ight?”

I nodded, smiling faintly at her adorable voice. “Sure thing, Neechan.”


I may be behaving nicely around my sister, but a light lecture was bound to happen the ensuing day and I was also going to spank that silly vampire slut of mine for being a dum-dum.



Also, I may put the story in a similar situation to Moon Brother as I may make a thread out of it once it comes out in public release in full. So, this may get excluded from future polls.



Fbsjtiebr I was sure I left a comment here! Damn it. Well, first thing first, really glad that this story is gonna get its own thread! It's hardly a secret that I love the setting (even if I hate the plot of the ovas) and I love how your Tatsurou's been making waves. Really looking forward to the out-fucking/out-cucking part of the story, that I guess will happen after things stabilize in Gosha and he get out the Shota zone :V Once again, thank you very much for the chapter!


Ahora esto está más actualizado en QQ que aquí xD bueno da igual de todas formas estoy en ambas plataformas