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Not Much of a Bastard 2 - or ‘I may be Fat and attractive to Skanks, but an Ugly Bastard I shan’t be!' (Ugly Bastard Subversion XOver)

Mami was no stranger to harassment. Not in terms of being the subject of it, but rather handling it.

Being a concerned Oneechan, she had all the reasons to stalk her beloved imouto’s potential boyfriend and sample them herself. It wasn’t just pleasure, it was a chore and a duty she had towards her cute baby sister.

But, this very case was different. Not the boy- Kouta-kun was quite the shy treat now that she cornered him by the train. The boy was skittish and fidgety but… it was normal for people to get ‘squeezed up’ in wagons, so it was easy to create the situation where her lovely breasts was pressing against the cute boy’s face.

Mami could feel him hardening at the feeling of a mature woman’s body pushing against his- so fragile and yet so horny~. This was a lovely setup for a potential case of debauchery but-

A hand suddenly grasped at her shoulder. Thick and strong, enough to make her almost jump in a mixture of surprise and… pleasure?

The source of it was a round fellow. Not truly ugly, but his frame was quite large and lacking muscles.

“My apologies, is this woman causing you trouble, kiddo?”

So blunt! Mami’s eyes widened in panic as her gaze darted to gauge reactions all around. Only a few had noticed this but had shrugged it off. Japan was quite the ‘shy’ country when it comes to calling out shameful displays if those were not too much on the face but- But this round man was just doing it so effortlessly.

“S-She didn’t do it on purpose.”

Relief was brief, however, as her current ‘troublemaker’ was far more stubborn than she could have imagined.

“There’s plenty of space. She just timed the right moment to bump you on a corner.”

At this point, Mami felt truly embarrassed. One thing was being accused, another was being called out to this very extent. The way this fat young man was purposely ruining her chance to ‘sample’ Kouta-kun made things difficult- the notion that this could go through some legal trouble was far more dangerous.

“Boy, find another seat. I will keep this woman company so that the police can entertain this issue.”

Despite some reluctance, Kouta merely nodded, too weak of a soul to stand his ground for something and ultimately becoming as much as a weakness as a strength depending on the circumstance.

In this very turn of events, Mami knew this could end up poorly for her if she didn’t dodge this problem. Within the chance to her cute Yui-chan learned that her Oneechan was a sexual molester, that would cripple her hopes of being part of her life once she matured in a beautiful flower.

“I-I wasn’t-”

“Miss, I caught you doing this twice already a week ago and then four days ago.”


Mami’s thoughts were collapsing in despair, but she had one last trick to play. After all, she was a gorgeous woman and this man didn’t seem to have much of a game with ladies so… she decided to give herself up with the hope of avoiding getting arrested.

“Hm? What if I just took care of you, Mis-teh?”

Her forwardness was broken off by a very ‘mistake’ she made. Mami had closed the gap between her and the round man, reaching for his groin with a hand and expecting to find something small.

The manly dick, still flaccid but fairly big in its softest state, made her hesitate for just a moment.

Her wide eyes and blushing face were in full display of the calm-looking man. He offered a tiny smile.

“Sure. I guess I will teach you to not prey on kids.”

Once the train reached its closest destination, the two individuals walked off to where the toilets were. Mami wanted to just dodge this situation. Her body screamed at her to not go for this. That this man was too much for her.

But… she realized another thing. Her body was being a tsundere to her. Because, despite the unease, the fact her panties were the most drenched possible made it clear she also looked forward to it.

Once they were in the most isolated section of the toilet, the ‘fun’ started. Mami was a bit stunned by the man’s request for her to drop her underbody’s clothes. She was worried that he was just going to use her as an onahole and nothing else, said assumption further cemented when he dropped his pants and underwear and… revealed the fattest shaft she had ever laid her eyes upon.

How long has it been since Mami played with something so big? Two years? Three? Regardless of that, it was quite clearly the biggest one yet.

Still, the man didn’t fuck her on the spot. Rather, he engaged in a conversation with her

“Why were you hunting kids?” He inquired. “You clearly like a proper man’s cock.”

The simplistic rebuttal made Mami so nervous.

“I was… protecting my sister. That one was her most recent male friend, Kouta-kun.”

“And how does molest him and then possibly fuck him help you ‘protecting’ her?” The question came through, but Mami was distracted by the man putting on a proper condom on his cock and then walking up right to her. “I mean, isn’t your sister eventually going to find a good kid to be happy with that isn’t touched like that by her big sister?”

The logic she had used to ‘test’ potential boyfriend-materials for her sister started to falter. Even more than before as she felt the rubber-covered dickhead rub along her drooling cunt. Yet, no penetration occurred and she felt her heart burning with desire when the round man just offered a small smile.

“Lady, I think you are just horny and turned what should have been a loving effort from a good big sister into something depraved. If you want a proper dicking, you just need to look around.”

“Ah… I guess th-that I could have done that but- Hmph~?”

The kiss that captured her lips mid-response was not too rough on her. A soft one, quite chaste, yet the care and love put into it made her entire body go stiff with arousal. It wasn’t anything of the horrendous callousness she expected her current lover to show her. Rather, she felt her heart fluttering when she felt his cock move accordingly to tease her pussy, simulating a lower-body kiss.

The fact that they were also holding hands further made what should have been a rather outrageous effort to avoid legal consequences for her actions into something that she only hoped to find in a proper relationship.

Yet, that changed for even better when he claimed her. It was unexpected, but he penetrated her gently, suddenly claiming her womb with his mighty shaft and stretching her to fit properly inside her. Mami came twice during just the first penetration and her pussy was soon hosing sweet nectar as the pounding began.

Not too harshly, not too softly, her womb was getting hammered in a way that scratched her the right way. Her moans were hidden by the intense kissing still ongoing, turning sloppier and messier for how long that has been going.

It all felt like a natural progression and… she loved every single hour of it.

Still, four hours was her limit. Her body couldn’t go beyond that as she asked him to stop. Much to her surprise and delight, he did.

“Look, Mami-chan. I get it. Being a big sister is a lifelong chore, but that shouldn’t be tarnished by your own untreated desires,” The man remarked kindly, fishing out what looked to be a business card. “Here, if you need someone to tend to your needs, I will make sure to plan something to make it up for you.”

She nodded, glad that he helped her clean up and put on her clothes but… she hesitated from leaving the station just yet as he wandered off. Lost in her thoughts, Mami hummed to herself while reading the card.

Kagehisa Hayato…-kun. What a handsome name.

A dreamy sigh left her lips, but her pleased mood lasted shortly as she received a call from her little Yui-chan. Her eyes widened in a panic as she realized she was late.

“Sorry, Yui-chan. I was going out buying some ingredients for a pie,” She apologized and explained, lying through her teeth and yet… not truly. “Oh? What kind? A… creampie~.”

Lucky for her, her sister was quite the dum-dum when it came to sexual innuendo so…

Time for her to buy stuff for an actual cream-filled pie or two to cover her butt~.



Ah yes, wholesome sex to teach Oneesans to not prey on the shotas.

Story is attached to: 259264.


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