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A Sweet Bug Problem 4 - or ‘I have a very small, adorable but all in all troublesome brigade of horni entities trying to fuck me. Luckily for me, one of them can be bribed with good food’ (Semi-Original SI)

WARNING: Loli and Shota nudity and ‘indirect teasing’ in this chapter. The only lemon is, however, MILF-centered.

“Are they really going to be nice with me?”

I patted Sweetie’s head as I walked with her to our destination. She had decided to stick around for the time being, but since I had chores out of the house, I decided against keeping her holed up there.

“They will be. You will like Beth and Alex. Rambunctious as they may be, they are real sweethearts. Same for Brienne- lovely lady she is.”

The bug girl beamed at this and I was glad that the woman was fine to let her kids have Sweet as their playmate for today. She and her husband owned the Pastel Daycare, and they were quite… ‘nudists’ on some occasions.

I was a bit weirded out by the notion, but overall many in towns were into this stuff and it was legal so… unless it became a direct problem to me, I had no reason to complain. Then again, the ‘nudist’ card gave me the chance to view some interesting sights from time to time.

Lovely MILFs with curvy tits and asses out? Sign me in!

Beyond that, I could say that both Brienne and Loras were pleasant individuals to talk with. Brienne was the one with the ‘pants’ in the relationship, but it was less on the butch dominance this may entail. She was the ‘strong mother’ kind of Ara Ara. And extremely beloved due to that.

Loras was feminine and, from what Brienne told me in a private circumstance, he is also not that well-equipped. Which made the poor Gazelle woman particularly lonely at times.

The first time I had to entertain debauchery for her was a few days after the couple told me that they were swingers and that Loras wouldn’t mind if his wife had some fun when needed.

I think they were expecting me to be some sort of ‘prude’ or vanilla guy. But with a MILF like that? I decided to give her what she craved and more. After all, this wasn’t a legitimate babysitting job but a ‘courtesy visit’.

We finally arrived, and after just two knocks at the door, we were greeted by a gazelle lady that opened the door and beamed at us with kind eyes.

“John, I am glad to see you are finally here,” Brienne Charon opened the door… with nothing on. Stunning me briefly, but not stopping her from smirking at my brief ogling at such a curvaceous yumminess. “The kids have been waiting for you for a while~.”

Just as she said that, I heard small footsteps approaching.

“Big bro!” “John!”

The Charon siblings were equally nude, with the eldest, Elizabeth jumping up for a hug- I caught her mid-air and gave her a tight embrace much to her big smile. Likewise, her little brother, Alexander, gave me a hug around my legs.

“I missed you two too, kiddos!” I happily exclaimed, ruffling Betty’s hair and causing the bunny to huff and giggle.

She went back to the ground with her brother, “John, how are you?”

“Oh, I am well. What about you two rascals? Still giving mommy and daddy troubles?”

“At times,” Betty remarked cheekily, causing her mother to sigh.

“They are behaving but Betty has been getting quite curious about things.”

Oh, that was awkward.

“Well, I am sure you will manage,” I remarked, before turning to Sweet. “Before I forget, this little one is the playmate I mentioned.”

“Hi,” Sweetie greeted happily. “I am Sweet.”

“Betty, this is Alex,” Elizabeth beamed back. The Gazelle boy waved shyly, causing both his sister and new friend to giggle.

“Nice to meet ya.”

“And I am Brienne, Sweetie-pie. I hope we will all be friends after today,” The woman assured before leading us inside her house.

The place looked the same as I had last visited it, with the kids rushing to the living room Brienne and I taking it slow as she had a few things to tell me.

“Loras will come back home late for work since he has to sign a few checks in town. Nothing too big but it’s a monthly thing.”

I nodded. “Duly noted.”

The woman smirked. “Say, John. How did you find her?”

“I would say she found me. Her and her sisters. Have you heard of the ‘bee group’ in town that is hunting single males?”

Brienne realized instantly what I was referring to. “She’s one of them?”

“A good-meaning one. Still quite promiscuous, but more invested in having fun the childish way.”

And to confirm that we both saw Betty starting a tag game and the other two kids bolting around to catch her. Nothing unusual and it seemed to put Brienne somewhat at ease with the topic.

“I will trust you on that, John and… How have you been with that other ‘business’?”

Those eyes and words… quite horny, isn’t she?

The woman was not known for much of a restraint when it came to this deep of a desire. But not yet. Not with the kids still around.

“I am doing fine for now. You?”

“I am itching for it~.”

Well, she isn’t holding back at all, I suppose.

“Then I will make sure you will be satisfied by the end of it, Brienne.”

She beamed at it and we both sat down while the kids played some more. We focused on tiring them out first, with Sweetie having her own batteries and limits as she ended up being the ‘first fallen one’ by getting sluggish and in need of a power-nap by the time the other two decided it was time to go to sleep in their room.

Brienne walked them there, and I patiently waited for her return in the living room. That happening a few minutes later, with the woman closing the door behind her before slowly and sensually walking up to me.

“Now, John, are you up to help mommy with her loneliness~?”

“I am so going to make mommy really happy today.”

A giggle and then she crawled up to me.

She tenderly helped me undress, kisses adding a layer of hotness to the sight as she had some soft pecking to her smooches and I tended to ‘exploit’ that with rougher ones. It made her twitch and shiver in bliss as I teased her. The result was that her sex, soon pressing against my cock, was leaking profusely and lubing the shaft up for a smooth penetration.

“Hmm~, good boy has a good penis.”

I rolled my eyes at that. As much as many knew of Brienne’s mommy kink, I was one of two that knew of something far stronger and very delicious of her when it came to sex. I stumbled on this randomly when I asked her to tune down the mommy-son teasing as it got a bit awkward after a while and… I experienced something mind blowing.

“Oh, did you forget that I like your other kinky side more, Brienne?” I pointed out, quite confident after last time in squeezing at her butt. She shuddered in response, knowing what I was referring to.

Brienne the Mommy had to make space to ‘Brienne the Naughty Girl’. The main difference being how she would just ‘revert’ to how she used to behave in sex while fucking. It was a ‘game-changer’ so to speak.

“But- But I am not that young anymore. That was but a bout of- Hm~!” Her ‘hesitation’ was met with a slap on her round rear. “I… I guess I can try~…”

So much for ‘doubts’.

It was something that really caught me off-guard the first time around: Brienne is not exactly an honest woman in sex. She liked younger men, but she also had a deep kink on being dominated by them. It was like a switch was turned and she just ‘deaged’ before my own eyes as her sex drive doubled in eagerness.

And as I lined up my cock, I easily impaled her. Her pussy was super-tight, yet welcoming of the fat length that was stretching her up. It was squeezing just right, putting my groin in bliss as I began fucking her right.

Brienne’s soft moans got rougher and her tone from ‘motherly’ to-

“Y-Yes, fuck -Ah~ my depraved pussy~. This- this is -Ah~ the cock I need~! The one that gets so deep and so warm~!”

She rode me relentlessly, the gazelle shuddering in pure delight as our hips moved fast and hard. Her arms wrapped around me after a while and I clung to her round butt as I started to just fast-pound her cunt into a drooling mess. My cock drilled her silly, her words growing more incoherent with each climax I put her through, but not enough for some slutty lines to be too difficult to understand.

“L-Like -Hm~ that~! Breed me, give me another cub, make me a mommy for the third time~!

Those words were delivered in a faux manner as Brienne told me many times she had started to take some medicines to ‘not get pregnant by another man unless there was consent from both parties’.

But she was lost in the moment, and so I was too as I felt the urge to just breed her. To put another kid in her, make her belly swell beautifully and get her tits bigger and make milk.

It wasn’t normally my cup of tea, but I was deep in the ‘breeding animal mindset’ at that moment. Just so that I felt her pussy clamp down on my dick while I thrusted a thick rope of fertile seed into her welcoming womb.

I didn’t pull out for a single moment, making sure she felt it sink in her hole, mixing with her climax juices. There was a brief break at that, the gazelle lady looking absolutely ‘tired’ by this, but that changed right as I saw two words that I knew made her heat up and crave for it.

“Round two?”

Brienne sharply nodded and I slowly started to thrust into her again, making her howl in pleasure once more. This time, however, our little act was not devoid of some oddities.

Right as I was busy pounding this mommy silly and in a cockhungry mood, a certain pink-furred bunny snuck into the bedroom and crawled up to where some of our clothes were. After fishing around for a bit, she smiled at the prize she came looking for. A pair of boxers I owned.

Grinning, Betty left the living room and went to the bathroom. After all, she couldn’t say no to teasing herself to a strong guy’s smell. That only took a bit of a ‘funny’ development when her brother walked up on her and asked to smell the piece of clothing too.

Ironically so, Sweetie actually went to sleep, blissfully unaware of the debauchery unfolding while she rested.



Smuttery of the finest kind! MILF got her pussy dominated and marked once more… next time things go quite wholesome and happy.


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