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A Sweet Bug Problem 2 - or ‘I have a very small, adorable but all in all troublesome brigade of horni entities trying to fuck me. Luckily for me, one of them can be bribed with good food’ (Semi-Original SI)

It takes a bigger man to recognize a defeat when they see one.

And Stripes is not unfamiliar with a loss when she sees one. Being the ‘main nexus’ of the small swarm of horni bugs that were in their unity known as ‘Violet Echo’, she was the one blessed with the main awareness and knowledge of what was clearly a ‘dangerous situation’.

Not exactly dangerous in the sense of potential injuries or damages to their bodies, but rather one that bruised their collective ego. A prey that not only was clever enough to discover their deception, but also one that humiliated them in a way that no one had ever done before: treating one of them above the others.

Such a move was not only a slight to their pride, but also one that set them all into a degree of ‘internal dissent’.

“That should have been me!”

Jewel’s shouting was getting annoying. The brattiest of the group was clearly furious at the notion that someone had gotten some privileges she saw as ‘undeserved’. Sweet was the ‘stupid one’, so it made her no sense that she got this much kindness for being ‘dumb’.

Considering how much of a little bitch she tended to be without having at the very least three guys ramming her up and down, silly and moaning… Well, she tended to be quite vexing.

She was the most vocal troubled voice in the swarm, next to her being Sour. Differently from Jewel, Sour’s complaint was fairly tied to her tendency to be the ‘one in charge’ of sexual interactions. She was the ‘Dominant’ one.

If Stripes was confident, then Sour was the one that had to always be in charge. It wasn’t just an expectation, it was her outright attitude when it comes to most interactions. It was no surprise she was so upset about Sweet’s ‘lucky chance gone to waste’ as she saw Sweet as the ‘stupider version’ of Pillow.

Speaking of Pillow, the Masochistic thing was somewhat neutral about it if not somewhat ‘sad’ that it hadn’t been her. As much as she liked to be ‘abused’ by her partners, she was still a softie deep down.

And… the last irked member that, in truth, stunned Stripes with her reaction was… Candy.

Candy was the mellowest individual and generally the one that likes to lure guys like this kind of prey. And while one may expect her miffed self to be relating on the fact she was passed up for such a chance, the truth was somewhat more hilarious when combined with Sour’s own disposition.

“We should accept that offer. It’s been a while since we had good pizza.”

Out of them all, Candy was the one that could actually overlook sex beyond Sweet. She was… ‘a normie-bait’ and a successful one at that. That also mixed with the fact she was a ‘normal bug’ compared to the rest, not too shy from looking at new interactions with people beyond the mere notion of debauchery.

Still, the idea was tempting- yet not tempting enough to soothe Stripes’ own issue on the matter. It was a mix of all, really, and it stemmed from the fact that this guy, in a very unexpected way, managed to turn a clever ambush into something that put so much doubt in their usually ‘common sense’.

So… what to do with this piece of info? Not much. Stripes was irritated herself, yes, but that didn’t mean she was going to act with so little information on their current ‘opponent’. She needed to find something more on this young man and, while she had a name, she had nothing else on him.

Soon, she resolved to just go for a walk in town and see if she could find and stalk him a bit. This place was quite small, so it should be easy to catch him on the move. It was roughly early in the day, just past breakfast, when she ultimately spotted the human in his ‘natural habitat’.

In the grocery shop, chatting with someone that she couldn’t see from outside as this individual was hiding behind a wall of shelves with products.

It was nigh-impossible to see who it was, but the way John looked downward would suggest this one had to be short. Roughly ‘as short as a shortstack’, which… made their chances better than originally thought. Maybe he is not a prude but just ‘shy’ and in need of a push.

Instead of just tackling the issue with that assumption, however, Stripes waited for the human to be out and on his way to somewhere else so she could see if she had been right with that notion.

Turns out that she was right… except that the individual she met there was far too familiar with. Pink fur, a single horn coming from her forehead, but neither a kitten or an unicorn- this one was a naughty kittencorn that was known to get horny around big men but… she seems pleased with eating the corn that the human bought her.


The pink kittencorn paused her consumption of the corn, then turned her gaze to Stripes.

“Oh, if it isn’t the love bug herself. How are ya, Vivi?”

“Mostly well,” The Swarm-chief greeted dryly. “Was that guy one of your preys?”

Mitsy paused in surprise. “You mean, Johnny? Why would I want to prey on him?”

As if Mitsy had turned into an odder entity that she truly was, Stripes gave her a wide-eyed glance. “What do you mean ‘why’? He is a snack like the rest.”

“Nope, he makes good snacks. Like, I get it- cute and a bit athletic, but the benefits of keeping around as a buddy are more beneficial. He gives me food when I beg him, and he also headpats me because I am a cutiepie~!” The Kittencorn pointed out, then sighed. “Plus, Big Bro sees him as a close buddy because they play hardcore Doom from time to time.”

It made sense that Mitsy would be hesitant to jump at this specific target but-

“And you have never tried?”

“I know it wouldn’t work, plus I think Johnny would do it with my Milf Form so… that’s one thing I plan to do. Just a quickie, nothing too extensive, just to reward his kindness.”

“That’s all?” Stripes felt at loss due to this genuine and yet confusing response.

“Heh, don’t beat yourself too hard, Vivi. Johnny is a good guy and one that can put his foot down when needed. Heck, you should have seen how confused the Charon twins were when he just behaved like a Babysitter would around them when he got hired by their mom. They were as frisky as usual but he just treated them as kids and played normal stuff with them.”

Which was surprising considering how promiscuous the two were due to their family.

“So, he is just repressed or something like that?”

Mitsy snorted. “Heh, that would be amusing- but nah, he fucks around in specific circumstances. Mrs. Charon was given a good plow when she asked and, from what the twins understood, he just doesn’t fuck kids.”

Shocker, that wasn’t the first time that kind of issue came up but… not to this extent!

“What else?” At this point, Stripes was starting to see this as perhaps the greatest foe yet.

“Rambi really likes him. Like, she goes as far as to prepare nice cookies that she gives him every Sunday.”

“You are joking.”

Mitsy merely grinned and, rather than engage in a heated spar of words to prove her point, she just dragged the perplexed bug to see the situation happen with her own eyes as today was Sunday and… it was indeed happening.

“Mister Johnny!” The ‘kindergarten goat child’ greeted the man at the door, her pink eyes brimming with delight. “I brought you… cookies!”

“Aww, Rambi, that’s very kind of you,” The human beamed back at the ‘youth’ while reaching for a headpat that was more than welcomed by the ‘kid’. “Now, I think I have something for you too if you can wait.”

A strong nod and she waited by the entrance as the human wandered off to where the kitchen was and returned with a small semi-transparent container. There was food inside, but… nothing that Stripes recognized.

The same didn’t go for Rambi as the ‘kid’ gasped. “Is that a portion of your homemade lasagna, Mister Johnny?”

“Yup. This is something you can eat for lunch or dinner. Just have your parents reheat it in the oven and it will be as delicious as it was made. Trust me about it.”

“I do trust you, Mister Johnny. Thank you!”

And she hugged his leg… for a moment really making Stripes struggle if this was a trick or not. If this was the same ‘cock-hungry’ goat that would trick men by appearing like a mere child before switching to her real ‘older’ form for some hard breeding.

For the time being, no sexual interactions ensued and… Stripes was confused.

“Oh, and Vivi?” Mitsy hummed, drawing a distracted look from the bug. “Don’t hurt him. Big Bro would be very upset if you did.”

…Was that a threat? From Mitsy of all people? What the hell is going on with this guy?!



If only John knew that he had been ‘hovering’ over some questionable elements of society.

Mitsy by: BabyWife

Rambi by: Wayesh

I wish to remind readers that those characters take part in questionable horny stuff and I am working to have them around in a mostly SFW function. I just find their designs worthy of some of the fluffy shenanigans this story carries forth.



Ok now I’m a bit more intrigued. You are taking nsfw content characters and placing them into a more slice of life setting with this John the reason why. This should fun as certain individuals may try to get his attention for something sexy while this John just treats this situation as something more mundane to get out of them all while convincing them to not try again with good food.