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Headmaster Muggle - or ‘In a World of Wizards and Magical Creatures, a Muggle takes care of a very bizarre school' (Harry Potter AU, SI!)

“-which is why I have decided to personally pick a successor that best reflects upon the new generations rather than give on the far too old and detached gentlemen and ladies that have once covered this path.”

This was when the Wizarding World came ‘crashing down’. It’s been sixteen or so years since the last Dark Lord got vanquished and peace had felt like an expected element for the decades to come after Voldemort’s final demise… but Albus Dumbledore, old and wise Headmaster of Hogwarts, knew when to call it quits.

Some were shocked, others were relieved for their own reasons- it was, nonetheless, a major event that saw an end to an era. One that Albus Dumbledore had led into prosperity for the years to come but that ultimately was declining due to his weakening self.

To the public, it was because he saw no longer a need to be around to teach people but… the truth known to his most trusted friends was rather simple: “I am too old, and I deserve a proper retirement.”

There was surprise at this bluntness, but Dumbledore had been looking forward to this chance. He was tired of playing the mediator among squabbling adults over at the Wizengamot, to be the ‘supreme teacher’ at Hogwarts and have to deal with people like Cornelius Fudge way too many times per year.

He needed one last break away from work before dying. And his feeling was not alone in the group of people he knew.

Minerva McGonagall shared the same mindset, yet her decision was mildly related to his. As per her decision, she decided to retire as Deputy Headmistress, but retain the Transfiguration Post for the remainder of the year- until a proper successor could be found for her place, that is.

Thus, with his second-in-command considering going into pension too, Dumbledore knew he had to take a few ‘risks’ to guarantee a proper successor that could guarantee dignity and a semblance of ‘reform’ with the many students at Hogwarts.

The solution was quite simple: Magic will do.

Summoning a replacement sounded excessive, but considering how few reasonable people with the right traits were available for such a difficult job, Albus had to gamble for a good successor.

And the summoning spell yielded him… a muggle. Perfect!

It wasn’t even a joke- to Albus, this all made sense. He needed someone that could fit within such a powerful position without getting too big for the shoes that they had to take from him and a magicless muggle was just perfect for the task!

In fact, the young man that went by the name of John Bukharin knew already about magic due to how this world was known to him by the books. Legilimens gave him an overall view of his memory on the topic and…

Albus was glad that he decided to be active against Voldemort. To think that he would have gone through that painful crusade for much longer just made all the tiring effort behind killing Tom for good even more refreshing than it had been back then.

Still, this young man was the best match possible he could have gotten. Not too young, but not too old, not too much of a rule-stickler, and yet not a troublemaker in the long-run.

John would do. He was also relieved when Voldemort was not a threat and he was pretty much ruling over a school that was ‘really safe’. Quite tragic to know that he wasn’t wrong in considering Hogwarts unsafe in that different timeline…

Beyond that, everything was set to make this exchange possible as this major speech not only announced Dumbledore’s retirement, but settled John as the ‘young student’ of his that he had kept away from others.

It gave the muggle some credibility and the fact that most people knew of how the barriers were meant to keep muggles away allowed for his blood status to remain known as a mere ‘wizard’.

With the barriers altered to allow him in and out of the castle, John could safely take on the role of headmaster without any major issues. And with the proper speeches made and all preparations sorted out, Albus Dumbledore used the portkey he had charmed for the occasion.

As Fawkes happily chirped by his shoulder, the old wizard activated the portkey and…

Soon he would enjoy his much-deserved trip to Hawaii.


This is not how I imagined to be facing a ‘Witch Trainer situation’.

Sure, it wasn’t the same as Akabur’s game, but the fact I ended up charged as Hogwarts’ Headmaster after a Dumbledore that pulled the amazing feat of hunting down and destroying Voldie-shorts’ horcruxes was quite the unexpected turn of events.

Still, this was not horrible. I was in charge of a school that, by all means, was mostly safe if education was provided accordingly. The Defense Against Dark Arts post was held by an Auror I didn’t recognize, but the fact that there was a former law enforcer in charge of that subject was enough to put me at ease for potential issues.

The curse that Tommy put on that seat had been removed, thus allowing for this placement to last more than a single year. Everything was setting up to be quite the easy job for me… if not for the fact that Hogwarts was still a school and it had school issues.

The first of which happened to come to my attention right a day after I got presented as the new professor at school. Albus’ office was meant to be my new workplace, with a special mirror leading to my new room away from anyone trying to find out where I slept.

Once Dumbledore’ own bedroom, the place was refitted to have a fresh mattress, new covers, softer pillows and a set of headmaster’s uniforms that were not the same colorful robes the old man tended to wear.

The issue in question being presented by a dreamy-looking blonde girl that had a bit of a sad frown on her face. Luna Lovegood was still the cheerful girl with a bit of a curious mind- but her bullies were still a problem. Why?

I mean, I get that Albus was busy but… why didn’t Luna approach him?

“Professor Dumbledore was always busy, so I would ask Professor Flitwick and-”

“He would say he would take care of it and forget?”

She nodded. “Professor, you don’t forget this kind of thing, don’t you?”

I offered a smile.

“I don’t.”

First order of the day was to speak with Flitwick. The aging half-goblin was surprised when I asked him if he was willing to tailor a special set of charms to monitor the potential theft of a student’s belongings while tracking the source of this disturbance.

I had been quiet on who had made these claims, suspecting the professor, sounding far from senile, had just shrugged off Luna’s cry for help for something else. As I provided Luna with the charms to confirm the culprits… well, people were put through detention.

The list was relatively short, but it was a good way to introduce the Teaching Staff to a very important matter.

“We are no longer ignoring cases of bullies. This has to stop.”

Simple, direct and accepted by many. Even Snape (The guy was still alive due to the circumstances behind Voldie being long dead) was willing to put an effort to ‘refrain from the worst behaviors’. That was good news, but punishments had to be calibrated as an example had to be given.

Parents were called, proof was shown, any attempt to try and push the detention off their children’s backs were rejected and affirmation of proper punishment was settled to make it clear that extensive cases of bullies such as this one could no longer be accepted.

In this case, this group was to serve detention with Professor Flitwick for five months and they would face fifty points deduction per head. Sounds harsh? Well, the school was too backwater on the topic, so a strong shakeup had to happen for this radical of a needed-change to happen.

Plus, this went for too long and it had to be made clear that time will impact on the severity of the punishment. It would take time for the effects to unfold before real changes occurred but… good was done as Luna claimed most of the stuff she lost over the years and got her injustice solved.

Sounds like a moral victory, right?

Well, it was more than just that.

Later that night, I was fast asleep in my new cozy bed… when I felt an extra layer of warmth suddenly glomping on my right arm. I opened my eyes and found myself staring at a flat-looking Luna nudely cuddling up against me.


“Yes, professor?”

“I would like to ask the basic questions, but I think it’s easier for me to ask… why?”

“You helped me, I found it nice so I wanted to thank you,” The blonde started to explain dreamily. “So, I thought- what do young men like? I thought that cuddling with girls was one thing. Still, a bit awkward because I slept nude and I had to surrender some slices of bread to the House Elves to find how to get to your bedroom.”

“Are you upset? Do you want me to leave?”

I heard the hurt coming from her voice and I felt a bit sad at that development.

“Are you here just to cuddle?”

A nod. “Yes.”

“Cuddling is fine.”

A tiny smile appeared on her face as she snuggled close. All in all, quite wholesome-

Much to my chagrin, however, this is just the beginning.



*inhale* YEEEEEEEEEEEEEES I think it's the start of something great !

Greed 2nd Sin

Snape got up, said "It's Snapey time," and just totally snaped all over the bullies.


Very interesting idea I’m so ready for this


If Snape is fully on board with this, I NEED to see his POV. I have to know what his internal voice is saying for the infamous professor to bow and support this shift.

bob hooligan

Love it. Need it. Want it