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Spiritually Driven 6 - or ‘The Traveler is ‘God’, but I am quite the Messiah in this Dark World’ (Destiny/Destiny II, Spirit!SI)

Nokris felt his mind at ease.

I could see it on his body and face- calm, collected and… ‘pleasantly alone’ in his soul as the small ritual I had him go through seemed to work as intended. Removing his worm was indeed dreadful, but replacing darkness with light fixed this issue as energy surged to him at the expense of his connection with the Hive.

He was no Krill as he was born as something ‘evolved’ from his ancestors, but his inner potential was manifesting in a way that was promising. Still, time was of essence.

Nokris’ mind may have been at peace, but his thoughts were scrambling as he rapidly listened to my instructions as we didn’t have much time to rely on. Sure, his now-missing connection with the hive will not be noticed, but his light energy will draw attention.

He had to be taken off Fundament at once.

The handling of such an escape was relatively simple. The Hive’s ships were copying a lot from the Ecumene’s system, and yet they were overly-simplified to guarantee a rapid spacefaring process for their species.

Deactivating the detection system on board of the nearest ship was easy, almost as easy as getting to the ship itself- a small scout pod that could be manned by a single individual.

The takeoff process was swift, and the engines roared mightily as the thrusters exploded with power and rushed the ship away from Fundament and away from any patrolling ship around.

Some tried to give chase, but the override on some of the security modules allowed for the ship to easily break its limits without burning the engine or wasting too much fuel. Everything was done with perfection as Nokris wanted to give due to the one that ‘saved’ him.

As I had imagined, this was the same as it had been with Sathona, but also with Aurash. He listened and questioned, not for the sake of being rude but to know what he was doing. And with new knowledge, Nokris bore confidence in his action.

Once the troubled minutes were over, he took a seat by the cockpit and… slumped over.

‘So… tiring.’

I am sorry for your soreness. It was not exactly a pleasant experience.

‘It was needed. I know this much. You should not apologize… grandfather.’

…Do you wish to hear more about your mother?

‘Yes! I-I mean, I… I wouldn’t mind.’

I chuckled a bit, knowing how Nokris was hooked to the ‘Legend of Aurash’. He listened, like a child that was being told of Gilgamesh or Herakles and King Arthur. Earnest for the glorious past as he could see part of himself in the truth of the one that he came to know as his mother.

It was an odd way to differentiate Oryx from Aurash, but it was an honest one- the former was the absolute corruption of what Aurash once stood for by not being an explorer or a diplomat; the latter was something Nokris related to in a way he didn’t expect to.

He mentioned how this explained everything- why he was born with a heart while his brother was not. Why Crota was Oryx’s heir and he was not. The circumstance was grim as, for what I could remember, Nokris would have pursued the Worms for more knowledge in exchange of his heart.

Something that would have just made Oryx even more furious towards him and made him a flight risk to join Sathona’s future faction and last gamble. Now this was subverted in a way that I hoped to keep as such- Nokris would follow my voice and words… not out of desperation, but hope.

Yet, peace was not meant to last as our journey was long and one last obstacle existed between us. Shadow slowly trickled inside the ship and Nokris recognized what was going on as I saw him shivering at the sight.

Remember what I told you. Hold your ground as your light is strong, Nokris.

A slow nod came from the young Hive member and soon a large ‘pool mirror’ appeared in front of the cockpit’s screen.

[Disobedient Child of Mine. Nokris, your punishment shall be exemplary for those that defy me.]

I doubt that will be how things will go, Oryx. This child is no longer one of you and I refuse to let you hurt him ever again.

There was silence. Was that surprise in his voice? Didn’t Oryx expect me to be behind this? I was given proof of this shortly after as Oryx’ voice betrayed shock.

[Father? Is that… you?]

You are not my child, Oryx. No more. This- this was the last straw. Hurting your own spawn? Trying to shape him into a mindless brute like that other child of yours, Crota?

A growl came through.

[This is not your concern. They are my children! I am their father!]

You lost that right when you decided to hurt them! I will not let you do this anymore, Oryx. You are too ruined, too tarnished- I shall not let my mistake hurt more people!

[He is mine!]

He is not! No more you shall abuse my grandson with your flawed doctrine! He will be the puppet of no one and he shall wield destiny as his own rather than bend the knee to a tyrant!

Rather than push forth against me, Oryx’ attention turned to Nokris.

[Child… I will forgive you if you come back. It’s not too late. The boon of the Darkness, you can’t forsake the power that-]

‘I am Nokris, Son of Aurash! I refuse to see you any longer as my father, Oryx!’ He declared strongly, interrupting the Taken King. ‘I am sick and tired of trying to fit in with what I am not. I will not stand your doctrine anymore. I am free, the Light gave me a choice to be free and I took it. Freedom… how could you give that one up?!’

[The power was needed! Our people were dying-]

LIAR! I know the past! I know through what Savathun kept in the archive! How she listened to a dying worm of all things- an avatar, she called it- but we know the truth! I know why you did this! It wasn’t desperation, it was temptation. You relinquished the most wonderful gift Life can give for your own selfish gains!’

[You know nothing of-]

‘I know of Aurash, my mother. She had a heart, she had a soul. She had hope! Hope to keep on fighting! She would lead by example rather than might! And her memory shall never be tarnished, no matter how desperately you try to beat that!’

[I will find you. I will find you both. I will show you how wrong you both are. How I am better now. How I will shape the world to be greater. I am King, I am the Taken One, and I am above anything you will be able to conjure.]

Oryx tried to sound furious, but the pain was the only thing that came through. It surprised Nokris from what I could gather by his expression alone but-

[Father… We shall meet again, on a battlefield if needed. I… We will regain you. Our family- it will be whole again.]

Perish the thought. You ruined this. You and your sisters- it’s time to let go of what you willingly forsook and accept responsibility over the monstrosity you caused. Begone, child, for I am no longer your father.

But the proclamation felt forced to an extent as it still brought me pain. The shadow receded and soon the ship was devoid of the Taken energy. There was a pregnant silence for a while, with Nokris’ attention aimed at me as he seemed to be thinking of something as I patiently waited.


Yes, Nokris?

‘I… I don’t wish to be disrespectful, but… are you crying?’

I am not. I am mournful but… if I could cry, I would.

‘May I ask why? I mean, isn’t crying a sign of weakness? Or was this another lie?’

It’s not a weakness. It's an exposure of oneself. At times, it can be used as a weakness by enemies, but being able to cry is nothing truly weak. It’s the display that you are reminded that you are alive and you can properly react to pain.

‘Would you like a hug?’

I am not a corporeal being, child. But… I wouldn’t mind it.

He looked surprised when I approached and he just carefully wrapped his arms around… ‘light’. He couldn’t find the grip to stop, but he improvised and soon hummed a thought.

‘You are warm, Grandfather. How does… this work?’

Light is odd, just like Darkness. Some matters are still above me and the Traveler so… just roll with it.

A slow nod came and soon the trip resumed without any further interruptions.

A prodigal child, but one that had yet much road before himself. Luckily for him, The Harmony will help him find solace in the Light.



The world 1st raid for the root of nightmares, and this update? Great day for Destiny.


A great day indeed as a child leaves darkness and embraces hope and light. Wonderful chapter as always.