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Turtle Wave Rule 3 - or ‘I am just a rowdy youngster that likes turtles (and can blast the moon with a single shot!)’ (Pre-Dragon Ball, Muten Roshi!SI)

The more I walked, the more I realized that this was not a place a bandit would want to wander into.

A few swamp areas with creatures eager for a nice meal, lots of big-ass insects, tigers, a couple of dinosaurs- this place was not meant to be ever visited by some low life criminal.

I could just tell that I was venturing into something close to my level, especially when the place looked absolutely ready to be turned into a training facility for me to exploit due to how dangerously good it was.

Still, I had a job to go through, so I kept the current location in mind and kept on moving to get to my destination. Which turned out to be a big shrine. Like, really big- big enough that it could be a temple. I think.

I was no architectural expert, but I could tell that something was off with the building despite that. The fact that some statues of monks had been ruined as if destroyed by brute force or even sliced up in some odd instances.

I followed the trail of destruction and slowly realized that this place was still oozing with malicious energy. I was a bit ‘far’ from getting to perceive Ki with ease, but the sheer amount of negative power that was exuding from the temple-place was impossible to ignore.

Likewise, I also heard noises of a clash that was happening nearby.

I proceeded to move towards the source of said noises, but before I could get there I was ambushed by… strange looking bastards. Humanoid but with colorful skins ranging from blue to dark-green and purple.

“Well, well, well, a little wandering human ended up finding his doom due to his foolish curiosity.”

“Whaaa? Curiosity? I was sent here to get some tea,” I remarked honestly, retrieving the power pole as I found the trio to be worthy of a test with the new weapon. “Say, Mr. Scarypants, who is your boss and where can I find him?”

They all growled.

“Aww, are you all stupid? Ist this why you can’t come up with smart comments~?”

Taunting is a skill I was an expert about, and these dickheads knew not of patience and self-confidence if they were willing to jump me with that little insult.

The frontal one jumped first, claws ready to maul me up but… not realizing that the orange-red pole in my hands could do something wonderful.

“Power Pole: Extend!”

The speed which the weapon used relied on the ki poured in it. No Ki was at an acceptable pace, but Ki turned it into a sniper shot that easily found its target in this test. The demonic being’s momentum was shattered as the pole’s circular end slammed against his chin and, due to the speed behind the hit, caused his head to spin and-


It happened right as the two others were rushing me, but the noise and the sight of the pole slamming on their buddy provided a distraction as I swiftly rushed the pole to the left and then rotated to a full counterclockwise pattern. I hit both of the surviving demons, but both were going through a concussion.

Reducing the size of the pole, I jumped and slammed the thing against the top of the demon on the right, slamming through the skull, before then shifting my focus on the panicking survivor by producing a ki blast and detonating his head.

I drew a lengthy sigh once I was done and gave a look at the end result of the test. Bloody but… flawed. I need to ask Korin for something to read to expand my basic understanding of pole-fighting.

The Power Pole itself was good and rather reactive compared to what I expected it to be and the usage of ki to fasten the resizing process wasn’t as draining as I had been worried about.

Beyond that self-analysis, I focused back on the task at hand, resuming my walk to find out the source of the noise and-


A feminine yelp erupted shortly after the loud celebratory exclamation. I was soon wandering into what looked to be a fairly large ritual room. Three individuals were there, two women and a single tall being that resembled closely those I just finished off.

This one was built with more muscles, skin looking dark-green with a bluish hue to it as this bald entity somewhat reminded me of someone I had already seen before. I walked up closer to see if I could remember who I was looking at and as the guy was lost in some monologue about ‘stealing the holy water to harness the true power of it and beat his rival to the role of Guardian of the Earth’, I finally realized who I was looking at.

Right as he paused, realizing I was standing right behind me.

“Who dares!?” He snarled, turning and glaring down to my smug look. “Human? A human that seeks murder? How come you weren’t dealt with by my minions?”

“Your minions were weak, that’s why,” I replied cockily. “By the way, I am Roshi. Who are you, ugly?”

His hideous glare only intensified at this last comment.

“I am Garlic, the future Guardian of Earth!”

“...No, you are not? Because guardians protect, you look more like one of those fat kids at school that likes to bully smaller kids for lunch money.”


“Oh, you are excused alright. Say, can you please leave so I don’t get too bored of fighting another weak dum-dum that is just here for the sake of being a punching bag?”

The outrage I was drawing out of the maximum bastard that was Garlic Jr.’s father was tasty. And he leaned down to further try to intimidate me.

“You think this is fu-GAH!”

A point-blank headbutt was just needed to prove a point. You never underestimate someone that is clearly plotting your murder. And I was getting my way through this despite the fact he may be stronger than me.

Now, I wasn’t sure how powerful the ‘first’ Kami was, but I knew that he was no actual fighter. That was more of the ‘Nameless Namekian’ thing. Garlic was a bit of a ‘joker card’ on the matter due to how he was mentioned to have been beaten by the one he planned to usurp.

Since he is currently looking to improve his power, it means he was nowhere close to fighting against his main obstacle and… I could see why. Right as he bolted to try and overwhelm me with his fairly impressive speed, he found his attacks failing to land even once on me.

His posture was stiff, the anger seriously crippling his chance to keep up with me as his focus was missing. I remembered right as the fight continued with him struggling to get a solid hit on me that he had been passed over while the Nameless Namekian still hadn’t split himself. Which means that Garlic was so shit at this point that he was unfit for the role even with a severely ‘handicapped’ rival in that regard.


Dear Lord, he is braindead or something. I decided to finally strike as I got a clear view of his stiff combat style. It was quite basic with some alteration- done very shittily and easy to predict after a while.

“Here I go-” I hummed, ducking a punch while stomping his foot.

Garlic shrieked in pain, but his meek roar was cut short when I delivered a jaw-breaking uppercut that stunned him in position. A flurry of rapid punches softened the muscles on his chest before I landed an open palm and pushed a Ki air-blast through it.

“Ha!” The shockwave ripped through his body as it compressed his ribcage against his organs, enough to squeeze and cause him to spit blood while he was sent soaring several feet away before crashing down on the ground.

I stretched a bit at the brief pause. “So, is this all you got, ‘guardian of Earth’?”

The dust suddenly cleared as Garlic bolted at an insane speed compared to before. It was surprising but not too much as I grinned in anticipation right as he got right to my face and-


He struck… and hit nothing as what he came for was my Afterimage.

“What the-”

He tensed up as he felt my palm back to his chest, this time however I wasn’t going to merely ‘push him’.

“Take… this!”

I projected a fairly large sphere of yellow ki that propelled him in a similar fashion to his previous flight and- this time actually detonating and seemingly killing him. I had a feeling it wasn’t over, so I stood vigilant and… yep, it wasn’t over as the dust dispelled again, this time for a sudden concentration of energy coming from Garlic.


He focused his hands near his chest an insane amount of dense energy charging up as he seemed to be ready to-

The Dead Zone!

I forgot about that bullshit attack. Normally I would focus on dodging it, but there was no chance for anyone else to do so too.

So, I had to counter it before it manifested. I couldn’t clash against it with my own attack, but I could kill the user before it was too late. With that in mind, I took the right pose for this occasion as I could waste a lot of ki fast to prevent quite the disaster.


I started to focus the needed Ki fast, finding my capacity to fully focus enforced by the need to get this attack manifested fast and hard.




The blue beam of destruction erupted from my palms as I brought them forward. The blast rushed through and shocked Garlic enough to dispel the attack only to get hit squarely on the chin by the powerful technique.

This time the ki dragged the screaming demon out of the temple-place and onto the nearer section of trees before detonating and, this time around, killing Garlic for good.

I still waited a bit to avoid any surprises, but I could tell I had killed this time around. At the same time, I realized that I broke a few walls in the process and, right as I turned, I started to apologize.

“I am sorry for-” My sight was obscured by fleshy bags that gave me heavenly comfort.

“That was so cool~!” The big-tittied girl exclaimed, and I looked up to see… fox ears.

Pink hair and pink fox-ears, a very lewd look on her face as we shared a ‘loving’ stare. My eyes aimed right at her gorgeous purple pools to a naughty soul.

Sakura, don’t crush the poor man with your antics-”

“I love it~!” I exclaimed in pure Master Roshi’s fashion. “I am Roshi by the way, pretty lady.”

“Sakura. Nice to meet you, Roshi… aren’t you quite forward~?”

“I am not the one humping, missy~” I rebuked playfully. “You are gorgeous.”

She giggled and the other woman, also a fox-girl but with white hair and yellow eyes, sighed loudly.

“Don’t tell me there’s now someone else like you, student of mine.”

I tilted to look at the lady and the pinkette did the same.

“He is so cool, Shina-sama! Can I keep him?”

“I doubt he is a mere villager.”

“Oh,” I almost forgot what I had to say. “I was sent by Master Korin to check and make sure everything was alright since the courier had been having issues bringing the tea.”

“Korin? That explains the afterimage and… would you like to stay the night? The trip isn’t exactly a safe one.”

“I wouldn’t mind-”

“Can he stay in my room, Shina-sama? Pretty please~.”

“I would love to share the room with you, Sakura-chan~.”


“...You two are terrifying,” Shina remarked dryly and then sighed in defeat. “But sure, it is your room after all but- nothing indecent.”

“Nope, nothing indecent~” Sakura announced, hand slithering down to grope a bit at my groin. “None at all~.”

Debauchery ensued later that night. But first, I had to help fix things up as I did most of the damage at this point.



Next time, a proper lemon!



Huh, we never did see how the original garlic would fair against anyone but kami so does that mean after beating him now that garlic Jr isn’t gonna show up at all.