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The Moon’s Brother and the BS Game 9 - or ‘Help, I am supposed to be a background character, but I have to be a MC for my silly sister’s sake!' (Sailor Moon Xover, Gamer!SI!Shingo Tsukino)

-Indeed, it would seem like Tokyo has its own brand new superhero in the form of the young and quite reckless Moon Knight. I hope he will help clean Tokyo… while also passing school with his now complex life.” The News Anchor finished her report on what I did yesterday’s night, stirring an inner grin in my mind as I finished dealing with breakfast.

Dad looked quite impressed by this development, while mom looked… quite annoyed.

“What parent would allow their kid to go around and play hero like that,” She remarked, feeling quite amusing and awkward due to the ironic aspect of such ignorance.

“Mom, that’s still so cool. Like, going around and helping people-”

“While being subjected to potential dangers?” I decided to stop her. “Neesan, I would love that if it wasn’t quite complicated.”

Usagi gave me an odd look. “But it isn’t that complicated. I-I mean, Sailor V is-”

“A character meant to be ideal as a role model for normal people,” I interrupted her again. “Like, it’s the same with the police- you have to train to get so good at it. And I can say that the other vigilante that recently appeared is a good example.”

Much to our combined surprise, dad hummed in agreement. “Sailor Moon, right?”

“Yeah,” I remarked, remembering in time that she did make the news through a small section in the papers. Camera footage of her first fight was recovered from the jewelry shop, but it didn’t show her face so… that was a lucky save for Usagi. “Like, in that video she seemed to be starting her career so she was a bit-”

“Inexperienced and… too brash. She should be more careful.”

Usagi slowly grew ‘smaller’ with each comment and… I decided to ‘stab’ at this chance.

“Speaking of training, Neesan,” I said, turning to the blonde. “I heard that there was going to be a special discount to the local gym for a ‘two-hours long’ weekend-only package. Wanna tag along?”

She tensed up a bit. “T-The Gym? I am not good with physical stuff.”

“But it wouldn’t hurt to go there to keep in shape, dear,” Mom jumped with a serious look. “Plus, it would help you focus better.”


“Plus, I would be around to make the experience… epic!”

“Heh, I doubt that,” She remarked quietly, causing me to fake pout at that.



Ah yes, some shit never changes but… it was best for that to be the case. Plus, I was a bit relieved when I found Luna snooping in my room, perhaps wondering if I was Moon Knight or something like that but… I didn’t have any costume or gadget around for her to find.

“So, you were just thinking I would go outside at night and fight crime while endangering myself as the little kid that I am?”

The muted look she gave to me was just precious, but she deflected with another topic to save face.

“S-So, about Usagi’s training… you really think that going to the Gym would help her.”

“All warriors tend to get rusty and, since Usagi is a slacker, that would put her in good shape to also handle stuff that her endurance can’t take- such as dodging deadly attacks or even punching anyone trying to attack her from up close.”

The cat nodded, and this pretty much freed me from most suspicions. I wouldn’t say it was a complete sentence, but Luna wasn’t going to hound me about it for a while. And… I suppose I should do something about this today as… I am quite sure this is where Usagi would find Sailor Mars.

I had this confirmed when I started to hear people mentioning the ‘Ghost Bus’, which was the way Nephrite would kidnap people to drain their life force by bringing them to the Dark Kingdom.

So, knowing how dreadful that experience was going to be as she will be isolated from others for a while, I will tag along to prevent any potential issues in that regard.

But I wasn’t going to start stalking her at once.

I knew there was still some time for real action to happen, and I needed to be there to intervene at the ‘right moment’. Plus, I feel like Luna was super-paranoid at this point, so it would be bad if she misunderstood Moon Knight as a villain.

Still, I knew that it was about time I started to develop my arsenal to have more stuff to use. Sure, the Moon Cutters were working wonderfully right now, but I needed something highly-destructive to handle any enemy that was tanky with their HP.

Nephrite wasn’t that, but a monster he could create could be just like that. So… it was time to play mad scientist for a while. Before going to school, I passed by the local book shop and bought a few books detailing Alfred Nobel’s works.

It wasn’t as tedious of a reading as I expected it to be, but I thanked my modest Chemistry skill level for making this a doable lecture.

While dealing with Mika’s newest obsession in making cute Disney dolls that were actually being sold to friends and family members in a ‘close circuits’ to avoid issue with the company and Momo fawning over me through giving me tasty food via bento lunch boxes, I managed to slowly get a few formulas to test out through a new addition to my skill list.

(Explosive Specialist - LVL.31/100) - Your capacity to understand Chemistry. Current Level allows for Starting Explosive Researcher, granting you a +31% Boost to Explosive Compounds’ Production.

DING! You reached LVL.10 of an INT-based Skill. Receive +1 INT!

DING! You reached LVL.20 of an INT-based Skill. Receive +2 INT!

DING! You reached LVL.30 of an INT-based Skill. Receive +3 INT!

INT: 52

DING! Reached INT 50! New Skill Unlocked!

(Magical Shield - LVL.1/100) - Your intelligence improves your inner magical understanding. Current Level allows for 50BP (Barrier Points).

I wasn’t exactly planning to use TNT as the potency of the element would make for a rather unstable and dangerous tool to use. Hence why I relied on making something more focused and limited in reach.

And, right as I got home with some stuff I bought at the local chemistry section of the drug store-


I started to cook a bit in my room. I made sure to keep the window open, to have a bit of a mask prepared, same for a lab coat and… I also had my door closed as I had to do some pre-tests’ homework to pass it.

I didn’t get any shit for that so… it was time to ‘break bad’ a little bit.

Speaking of Breaking Bad, since Metal Gear is a thing, does this also mean that there is a chance for that to be-

- The One Who… Knocks? -

Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆


-Find out if Walter ‘Heisenberg’ White exist;
-Find out if Jesse Pinkman exist;

Time Limit:



-1000 EXP;




“And now you’re teasing me in my moment of greatness,” I quietly whispered while I focused on the chemical reactions I was creating. “But now… I have a few new things to use.”

A smile adorned my face when I didn’t even need to test these out as the game confirmed this batch to be a good one.

Successful chemical production! Due to boosts to the Explosive production [1 x (51/100) x (31/100)], you have a 1,97 yield for each compound.

New tool assigned to the Moon Knight Mask Skill!
- Small-grade Explosive spheric bombs (Throwable Objective- Damage = ATKx2);

I had enough for 8 bombs but the exchange was surprisingly tame considering those were going to be used parsimoniously to not choke my poor wallet out of money. I was feeling in a rather good mood for this positive yield but… then I realized it was getting ‘late’ for my little date with the Dark Kingdom and, without hesitation, I checked if Usagi had left and… yes.

She was not in the house. Same for Luna.

I switched up to my Moon Knight form, left from the window and started to swiftly move to where Hino Rei lived. Sailor Mars should be located somewhere near Sendai Hill, at the Hikawa Shrine together with her grandfather.

I had a bit of an understanding where it was and I swiftly bolted through the rooftops and via the Moon Hook around the city and reached a close enough position. It was still afternoon, so there was still some time before the bus arrived. I used this opportunity to actually think of a plan of action.

After all, I had to rely on what details I could discern on the spot rather than expect reality to religiously accept that canon imposed the entire scene. I had already seen that wasn’t the case and-

- A Moon’s Brother: Part 2 -

Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆


-Assist your sister and friends in this fight;
-Help Sailor Mars find the passion to transform;

Time Limit:



-400 EXP;

-Improve Relationship with: Tsukino Usagi;

-Improve Relationship with: Luna;

-Improve Relationship with: Mizuno Ami;

-Improve Relationship with: Hino Rei;

-Improve Relationship with: ???;


-Numerous innocents are killed;

-Queen Metalia’s return happens earlier;

I would have thought that the Game would have forced me to the sideline again, but maybe this is where I needed to be more prominent to prevent some major divergences to cause issues to my sister and co.

It wasn’t exactly a problem for me as I just perched by the edge of the building I was standing in and… struck the moment I saw a suspicious bus passing by. Slowly, I managed to land on top of it, making sure to not make too much noise while Jadeite, the bad guy of this episode, focused on pulling another victim inside the bus.

Which really, I have to ask… why are so many kids wandering the streets at this late hour? Sure, it could be possible for some kids in Tokyo to do that but… dear Lord there’s so many in this part of town. What the hell is going on with their families?

That was some interesting socio-cultural debate I was going to entertain… but not now that I had to tag along for quite the lengthy ride to ‘hell’. Or the Arctic really as that’s where the Dark Kingdom was supposedly located.

After a while, Jadeite got to Rei, captured her and then I saw Usagi latch onto the back of the bus while ditching Luna with Tuxedo Mask. Poor Mamoru got excluded by a good chance to make a proper impression.

The real ‘fun’ was when the vehicle entered through the ‘liquid’ portal that drowned us into the Dark Kingdom. Since it was somewhere in the deeps, the ‘liquid’ bit felt fair but… relatively unpleasant despite that.

I waited a bit before jumping off, seeing Usagi struggle a bit but ultimately getting off the infernal vehicle just fine.

“Ah- I am alone now,” She realized in a moment of clarity after just jumping through with no back up and on her own. “That’s… bad.”

“Sounds about right,” I replied as I stood behind her, causing her to jump.

“Wh-What?! Who… wait, you’re that new hero- Moon Knight?”

I nodded and waved. “Hi. And I think you are Sailor Moon.”

A nod and then… she frowned. “You are not a bad guy, right?”

“Nope. I am investigating this disturbance. This Dark Kingdom’s business of kidnapping people to harness their energy.”

The blonde’s eyes widened. “Is that what they are doing? Take energy from… people?”

“Lifeforce. They drain them so that they can revive their real leader which is… not something you can beat even with your friends.”

“Oh? And you know who that is?”

“Think of the sun.”

She nodded, a bit confused by the wild comparison. “Yes.”

“And now imagine the sun being a mean and horrible individual while still keeping that size.”

“Oh. Oh no.”

“Yep, that’s what will be freed if your friends and you don’t stop them,” I remarked calmly. “Which is why you have to find your princess, but I believe you will be the one finding her first.”

“W-Wait, why?”

“You have a connection with the Princess. The Moon is the source of power of the original Silver Millennium and only those tied to the Royal Family can use it.”

“...I am royalty?”

“Maybe. But you need to find out.”

She pouted. “I feel like you are not telling me on purpose.”

“And I feel like you have yet to realize you have not turned into Sailor Moon just yet, Usagi-tan.”

Her jaw dropped at the nickname- and the fact I was right.

“O-Oh, I forgot.”

“Please do transform and maybe contact your allies.”

Shy nods ensued and she did as such. I paused a bit as I finally got a look into how her ‘basic stats’ were as Sailor Moon and…

Sailor Moon

HP: 3500/3500

Age: 15

That’s a lot of HPs… (Damn Moon Genes!) but not enough to really give me an assurance on how powerful the girls were. Still, as she transformed into her Sailor Moon form, two individuals tracked her down and managed to get there through… teleportation? Is that a thing? Actually, now that I thought about it, I am quite sure that’s not an explained element of how it happened.

Still, Luna was there and so was Sailor Mercury.

Sailor Mercury

HP: 2000/2000

Age: 15

“We finally found you and-” Luna’s relieved tone was cut short as she got an eye on me. “You are Moon Knight.”

“That’s about right.”

“You’re quite short,” Ami remarked quietly, her tone odd for a moment.

“Yes, there’s no point in highlighting that. So, kidnapped people, one of them has the power to be another Sailor Scout- we need to save them.”


“It’s not important right now, Denizen of Mau. The Dark Kingdom moves and there’s a chance that they may get close to wake up the big bad sun thingie in their basement.”

Luna was a mix of emotions once I was done talking. After all, I doubted she remembered that bit of her past in regard to where she came from. If I remember correctly, she was sold to the idea that she was ‘created’ by Queen Serenity, but she was in truth an alien from another planet.

Despite that, she nodded and turned to the girls. “We need to find Rei.”

I kept track of where the bus went, so it was a bit easier to see where it went. It didn’t take too long to ultimately find the kidnapped people and… face Jadeite. The man was hiding in the shadows as the girls approached the unconscious people, with Usagi going for Rei as she was still resting.

“The Sailor Scouts and… a young intruder,” The voice owned by Jadeite manifested as the room’s temperature dropped as he approached.

He was the ‘Ice Guy’, so this is not a good match-up with either Usagi or Ami- Especially Ami as she was a Water-specialist. And the worst part was that… he wasn’t exactly a ‘weak minion’.

Jadeite, Ice General


HP: 4200/4200

And this was the very moment I realized that Power Levels in this show, like in many other media, are utter bullshit.

Right as Ami tried to rush the guy with her Mercury Aqua Mist, the attack soaring towards Jadeite paused and then was pushed back on the girls in a colder fashion. Ice started to form around their limbs much to their shock, and I barely managed to dodge the attack.

I saw how that counter had literally cut 1/5 of their HPs and… that was more than enough to actually kill me twice in a single shot.

Jadeite’s attention was on me, his focus absolute as he thought of me as the only threat remaining. “Fast. I suppose it’s fair to say you are more trained to handle these sorts of fights.”

“To an extent, Jade-guy. Pray tell, how does it feel to have contributed to the cause by kidnapping kids?”

He opened his mouth, but his pride vanished when he realized the implications of how I put it to him.

“Cheeky even, but let’s see how much you can hold against a proper knight.”

I felt my lips twitch at that comment, noticing that he was making a fuss about being a knight so… maybe I could do something about it.

“Well, sir, I am more of a modern knight than a fair one. Speaking of which, let me introduce you to my main attack- don’t blink or you will miss it.”

Jadeite looked ready for everything.


I hurled as many Lethal Moon Cutters I could throw at him, catching Jadeite off-guard… for just a few seconds.

He mustered icicles to rush at the projectiles and he masterfully got all of them at once. He smirked confidently. “If that was the best you got then-”

A loud explosion erupted at his feet, caused by two spheric bombs I got to roll within the Cutters-barrage.

Damage: (68,7 x 2) x 2 = 271,2!


Not a lot of damage, but enough of a loud noise to drag Rei out of her sleep.

She had been awakening during the fight, but the blast took her out of sleepy thoughts entirely. And she started to… SERIOUSLY!?

“Ohi, why are you self-loathing?! Stop it. You have done nothing wrong!” I snapped, the priestess looking surprised at the loud remark as I noticed her whispering something about being a failure with her powers.


“Look at you, thinking your powers are a curse. No, people are prone to insult what they don’t understand and they don’t understand that your powers act when needed. Right now, innocent lives are at stake, girl, and you are definitely not a quitter. Are you going to let them die?”


“Are you angry that this bastard thinks he has won?! That he has all the rights to claim people’s lives as if they are nothing?!”

“NO!” I felt it as she said that, the pure raw power cooking up inside her as she suddenly transformed into Sailor Mars. “I will not let this go unpunished! I will beat you, Jadeite!”

Speaking of which, the guy was just recovering from the ‘irritating’ attack and stared in surprise at the flashy transformation… and then as a fire-based attack suddenly rushed to his general direction, almost catching him square on his chest, but failing to hit him properly as he instantly retreated out of fear of getting killed by that move.

The flames were still warm enough to melt the ice that had restrained Usagi and Ami, allowing the fellow Scouts to be freed and reunite with their new buddy. Thanks to Luna, we were able to take all the kidnapped victims back to near the street where the bus last picked Rei up before leaving for the Dark Kingdom.

Quest Completed: A Moon’s Brother: Part 2


Name: Tsukino Shingo

LVL. 15

Age: 10
EXP: 45/310

Title: Princess Serenity’s Otouto

Money: 3800Y
HP: 640/640 (BP: 50/50)
SP: 180/180

ATK: 61 (70,1)
DEF: 19 (21,8)
INT: 54 (62,8)
LCK: 19 (21,8)

“Now that this is settled, I think it’s time that you answer some questions, Moon… Knight,” Luna paused a bit as she realized that the individual she was looking for was no longer within the premises.

I fucking bailed. Nigerundayo’d the fuck out of dodge as I didn’t want to be subjected to any quiz from the feline herself as I knew more than she did, and she was even more motivated as I knew stuff she didn’t remember about herself.

“D-Did he just-”

“He left while we were helping around with the police,” Rei remarked, having spotted me last but done nothing to stop me from leaving.

“...That’s so cool! It makes him appear so mysterious!” Usagi exclaimed in delight, which I caught right before I left the area altogether.

I rushed back home to retain my alibi before the cat suspected something about my involvement and… I had a lot to think of what came out of this first real skirmish with the Dark Kingdom.

Before I thought I was ‘growing’ fast enough to keep up with the challenges, but I had severely underestimated my enemies as they were once among the strongest people Earth had as protectors, enough to match the Sailor Scouts.

I had to work on it, I had to be harsher on my body and achieve greater heights fast. Luckily for me, the next episode should be set during the ‘fake princess situation’ where the girls and the Dark Kingdom will think that the Silver Crystal is owned by a foreign princess coming to visit Tokyo.

Nothing that really warrants my attention as Tuxedo Mask was going to do some shit actually and… Nephrite was weak in terms of abilities when facing the Sailor Scouts, so that was not a problem.

I needed to use this chance to genuinely improve on myself and unleash even more of what the Game offered to my seemingly endless potential.

It’s time to hit the gym!



So, big thing, I will not update this anymore on the Patreon as there’s a chance that it will get a thread after Gritting Fangs is over. So, I will ignore any request for an update on it in the next polls.


Name: Tsukino Shingo

LVL. 15

Age: 10
EXP: 45/310

Title: Princess Serenity’s Otouto

Money: 3800Y
HP: 640/640 (BP: 50/50)
SP: 180/180

ATK: 61 (70,1)
DEF: 19 (21,8)
INT: 54 (62,8)
LCK: 19 (21,8)


(Gamer’s Body) - Your body follows game logic.

(Gamer’s Mind) - Your mental factors follow game logic- your thoughts are protected by this skill’s effect.

(Human Being - 10YO Child) - You are recognized by laws and people as a child due to your young age. Add a +25% ATK Boost to Sneak Attacks, +45 SP/min Recharge, Add a -75% Price Reduction to Learning-related events.

(Moon Dynasty - False) - Some members of your family are reincarnations to the Moon Dynasty of the First Millenium, while you are not. Receive a +5% ATK Boost while using Moon Magic attacks.

(Healthy Body - LVL.6) - Your Body is the Temple of your Mind. +15% Boost to all Stats. (This skill will evolve the more HP you have.)

(Physical Endurance - LVL.17) - Your capacity to endure attacks is increased by 17%. (This skill will evolve the more DEF you have.)

(Learning Capacity - LVL.46) - Learning-related events have a -46% Price Reduction. (This skill will evolve the more INT you have.)

(Japanese Language - LVL.56/100) - Your capacity to understand basic Japanese, both verbal and written. Current Level allows for Middle School-tier understanding.

(English Language - LVL.34/100) - Your capacity to understand basic English, both verbal and written. Current Level allows for basic comprehension.

(Language Switch) - You are able to switch Languages among those you know. Current Languages: Japanese (Main), English.

(Natural Scientist (Earth) - LVL.44/100) - Your capacity to understand Natural Science. Current Level allows for Middle School-tier, granting you a +44% ATK Boost when facing animals known to Earth.

(Chemistry- LVL.51/100) - Your capacity to understand Chemistry. Current Level allows for Late Middle School-tier, granting you a +51% Boost to Chemical Production.

(Explosive Specialist - LVL.31/100) - Your capacity to understand Chemistry. Current Level allows for Starting Explosive Researcher, granting you a +31% Boost to Explosive Compounds’ Production.

(Detection - LVL.4) - You can now see some people and enemies’ HPs and LVLs. (This skill will evolve the more INT you have.)

(Bloodlust Detection - LVL.2) - You can now perceive when people are directing bloodlust in your general direction. (This skill will evolve the more INT you have.)

(Fencing - LVL.34/100) - Your capacity to understand and employ Fencing in combat. +34% ATK Boost while using a proper Weapon and Fencing Stance.

(Medicine - LVL.36/100) - Your capacity to understand and employ Medical Knowledge. +36% Effect Boost for Healing Items you consume or create.

(Boxing - LVL.74/100) - Your capacity to practice Boxing. 74% Boost to your ATK when using the Boxing Style.

(Taekwondo - LVL.46/100) - Your capacity to practice Taekwondo. 69% Boost to your ATK when using the Taekwondo Style.

(Moon Knight Mask - LVL.1) - You can now transform the Paladin of the Moon. Current addition to the suit:
-+ 1/3DEF;
-Unlimited Moon Cutters (Throwable Objective- Damage = ATK/10);
-Moon Hook (Max. Range = 23m);
-- Small-grade Explosive spheric bombs (Throwable Objective- Damage = ATKx2);

(Magical Shield - LVL.1/100) - Your intelligence improves your inner magical understanding. Current Level allows for 50BP (Barrier Points).


(Sprint - LVL.17) - Use SPs to increase your speed by 17%. Price: 10 SP per Minute. (This skill will evolve the more SP you have.)

(Focus Attack - LVL.5) - Use SPs to deliver a boosted attack. Price: 20 SP per hit. (This skill will evolve the more ATK you have.)

(Focus Defense - LVL.1) - Use SPs to increase your guard’s defense by 2%. Price: 20 SP per Minute. (This skill will evolve the more DEF you have.)


Glitched Knights

Good work as usual, but I just noticed a little thing that might be a typo. I noticed that when you used decimals, there was commas (,) instead of points (.) , otherwise, everything else seemed fine. I'm looking forward to whatever you update next, man. Have a good day


You madman. You actually used the "Random bullshit go". That's hilarious.


Speaking of references did anyone else think “Damn you moon speak!” When Moon knight thought “Damn Moon genes” because homes I thought it was both literal and a ref and was hilarious


It's a reference to the 'Saiyan Gene/Saiyan Bullshit' in DBZA light references. It's not exactly a frequent one, but it's a compilation of stuff related to Saiyan having it 'easy'. Zenkai, Super Saiyan, quick healing- all sort of package that can get some Earthlings miffed at times.