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High Saiyan Destruction 4 - or ‘This is why DBZ Saiyan SIs are difficult to write at a moderate pace’ (Pre-DBZ, Saiyan!SI)

Frieza was incredibly bored.

After all, her father had gone out of his way to put her with a monkey to serve as her playmate. Such a silly concept just made her irritated but… overall interested by the underlying concept of it.

“So, you’re saying that my father is trying to let me discover ‘empathy’ by literally allowing a monkey to serve as a fake-friend?”

The inquiry didn’t come out from nothing as the monkey that she was spending some time with while her father droned about the same businesses with the crowned monkey. It was just her, a few guards and the monkey that she was meant to play with.

How? Well, that’s a very big question, but it wasn’t as interesting as the one subject raised by her ‘playmate’.

“That sounds about right. I mean, he can pick up clearly if you don’t want me around so… maybe he just wants to test you.”

A frown adorned the female Arcosian’s face. “A test? Why would I need a test? I am his heir and the future of our dynasty. Not a waste of time like Cooler.”

The mere thought of her older brother was enough to bring back a scowl- the bastard was still upset that he lost his nice pedestal to her. Tough luck, he was just too weak to claim what was now Frieza’s birthright.

“It’s not a strength test,” The monkey rebuked, making her scowl falter. “I would say it’s one of mental endurance.”

Eyes narrowing, Frieza offered a perplexed expression to the silly monkey. “And now you bring ‘mental endurance’. Is it Empathy or Mental Endurance, make your mind up.”

“It’s both. Technically-speaking, they are the same,” The Saiyan pointed out. “And that’s the point. You are meant to be able to understand the emotions around you and… not react by destroying everything on sight.”

“Why not?”

“Do you like to rule over people?”

The counter-question drew a fat snort from her. “Obviously.”

“And what would happen if you decided to destroy most of the ‘people’ around?”

She opened her mouth, ready to call him a Monkey again but… Frieza paused. As much as the arcosian was not one that would just let such a slight go unpunished, the logic she was subjected to was… not out of place. Not when it highlighted something she didn’t think much about.

It would explain why her father didn’t just crush some of the weaklings courting his attention or why he just didn’t take care of cleaning up Cooler off from making any more sad mistakes.


That was more of a voiced thought than anything else, but she listened for her monkey-playmate’s response just in case he had the answer for that.


“What’s that?”

A quiet sigh, then an explanation. “They are useful. Not for their morals or their strengths, but for their other specialization. Cooking is a simple but essential thing I am sure you are not familiar with.”

An admission was forgivable as she nodded at it, and she found that response somewhat appeasing to her curiosity.

“So that’s why my father has so many… friends?”

This time she rewarded the monkey with a glance.

“Yes and no.”

Her shoulders stiffened in frustration. “Why is it wrong?”

“...While your father may call some people his friends, that’s not to say all of them are genuinely ‘friends’. Friends are people you trust and care for in a genuine manner. He has allies that he calls friends in public.”

“Why?” This was the quickest way she got an understanding of that without going down a rather boring rambling from some tutors of hers.

“These ‘friends’ get benefits by being considered friends with King Cold. Such as a guarantee to be harmed or those enemies would face your father’s wrath.”

“Because they would be spitting at his name by attacking said ‘friends’,” The arcosian added, nodding slowly as she digested this piece of knowledge.

So, to rule, you don’t need to only frighten people but actually have them trust you to an extent. To let them be your ‘friends’, but in truth be your allies. All with a price, obviously- Frieza was not an idiot and knew better than just be a pitiful ruler.

Which is why she decided that ‘friendships’ had to be made early on and… where to better start from a monkey with some brain.

“Your name. What is was?”


Frieza suppressed a giggle. “Your real name, Monkey. Cut the sass.”


Short name, easy to remember, that was an acceptable sacrifice on her part.

“Then I guess that makes us friends.”

She expected him to dread this- after all, she wasn’t one to trifle with as she cleverly grasped him for her to ultimately keep as a future advisor for-

“Oh really, thanks! I didn’t know you felt that way, Frieza.”

The cheerful tone caught her off-guard, the words used further shocked her and the smile just burned something deep in her that left her in a dilemma:

Should she withdraw that offer and just murder the upsetting monkey, or take what felt like a bit of a loss and see where this led to? After all, it was no real defeat- just a mere derailment from what she had thought this monkey would have been able to accomplish with that ‘trust’.

Plus, she couldn’t help but feel like Lett was going to be far more worthy to be remembered by his name rather than what he really was. A stupidly interesting monkey.


It was a good win and one that allowed me to mentally accept that Frieza just made me her first ‘friend’.

Not friend-friend, but an ally. She spotted something she saw useful and decided to tentatively use that connection in the nearby future. It ‘pleased’ her father as he praised her daughter for finally opening up to someone. It  was fake, she could see it, I could see it, and I am quite sure everyone could see it.

Everyone but Seripa.

“Why are you friends with her!?”

This was the first time she reacted like this- you know, like she would end up doing in the future if things went canon. Angry, a bit vicious, and definitely possessive. To her credit, she did not do so while the others were around.

She waited for it to be just us in my room, ready to go to bed and put that day behind us but- she didn’t want to and I had a feeling she was going to make it the mother of all battles due to how furious she looked.

“I am not her legitimate friend, Seripa.”

“Then why did they say you were?!”

I sighed, really tempted by the comfy pillow and warm sheets to just fall asleep there.

“It’s for appearance. It’s fake.”

“It didn’t look like that,” The girl remarked, clearly not seeing the point. “In fact…”

“In fact what?”

“In fact you could as well ally with her.”

“Seripa, don’t joke on that. I will be the one angry at that.”

“T-Then why did you become her friend?”

“...I am not her friend,” I remarked flatly.


“Seripa, I want to kill her, her dad and her brother. That doesn’t mean I have to always antagonize them when they can easily kill us. I am buying time,” I interrupted strongly. “I know, it’s upsetting, but I am the one that has to deal with that on a personal level. Imagine having to spend time with someone that can easily obliterate you and has no moral obligation to keep you alive.”


Dear Lord, that’s not how I liked this sort of stuff to go. I kept quiet for a while, and then I cracked at seeing her silent-crying. I shifted the covers a bit and-

“C’mon, let’s cuddle.”

Seripa looked surprised at this offer. “R-Really?”

“Yup. Come on, or I will feel upset if you don’t.”

She rushed to my bed, worming deep in the covers and giving me a full-tight hug as she snuggled herself onto my body and… fell asleep. Instantly. I was just surprised at how easily she just capitulated when upset.

That would soon become an expected habit when she was upset and…

If only I had known at that point that Seripa’s kink in cuddle-fucking would have come from that very moment…



Seripa is Jelly. But worry not, Gine will tell her what to do next and… Lett better be ready for a determined Saiyan Girl’s plan!


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