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Rebuke of the Tatsu-boy 6 - or ‘How SI!Tatsurou outfucked and outcucked the Dark Lord’s worst fiends’ (Taimaninverse, Tatsurou!SI)

Igawa Asagi was a good kunoichi.

A prodigy, a genius and someone that came to be within a tumultuous age where many traditional elders were still trying to keep hold of many foolish rules. Such as the one that enforced that only a male member was meant to take over the clan.

Her father had struggled about this, fending off the many political attacks mustered by both her grandmother and aunt. Still, Asagi lived a comfortable life with her sister and was trained to be the best of the best. She had an incredible ability known to be among the most powerful yielded by a Taimanin, a cunning mind but… quite the pride.

Despite her irritation of being hurled at this mission with someone that was blatantly several years younger than she was, Asagi found it difficult to humiliate ‘Koukawa-Kaichou’ in the way he handled this very mission.

The Chaos Arena was a rumored secret business run under Tokyo, the seediest part of the city and the one where Demons had a large control of things. Nomad in particular was firmly entrenched in the region and the Arena was one way they secured funds for their organization. That and finding new recruits.

The mere notion that Taimanin could be corrupted and turned on Gosha was horrendous, but the girl was aware that growling at the issue would hardly solve it. Which is why she was sent there as a second-in-command agent.

She was not to lead any daring rescue operation however, but rather follow Koukawa-Kaichou’s directions as they went to secure data kept within the Arena. One thing that made this location so relevant to anyone stacking issues against Nomad was the mysterious ‘List of Combatants’ within the building’s servers.

It was a special list of names mentioning who was enrolled within the Arena but also other elements that were either ‘considered candidates’ or ‘deceased members’. Its importance stemmed beyond merely knowing what happened to those that got kidnapped, going as far as touching the full extent of this issue.

In Gosha, the Fuuma Clan had been quite adamant that, before the lack of evidence on the matter, it would not support a full-scale operation against Nomad. If this data was secured and turned to Oboro-sensei, then this would shame the Fuuma Clan even more while giving Gosha the chance to hit back at Nomad as it should have been years ago.

Now, this was important. It had to be a successful mission and… Asagi thought Kaichou was going to mess things up. But from the very planning of the operation that was mostly orchestrated by the ‘boy’, she could tell that was going to go differently than she expected it to.

The schemes recovered from the Arena itself, the ventilation system and the equipment secured for this operation reminded the girl one thing she forgot about the Koukawa Clan: they were going the modernization she aspired her Clan to take.

Sure, Asagi was a swordswoman, but the use of modern tools to bolster the chances of infiltration and assassination was nothing short of essential when their foes were already flaunting equipment they bought from humans and improved with their own Dark World’s tinkering.

Taima Particles can take a Taimanin so far… but Kaichou seemed to think ‘out of two boxes at once’. It was like dealing with Oboro early on, but it became clear this was far more serious than her mentor would set her up to.

First thing first, her sword was kept sheathed through the entire operation. A grimace-worthy decision, but the Ruger MK.4 that was turned into a tranquilizer that she was using made for a good replacement in what was going to be a rather vicious operation.

Especially when her first question, her first attempt to sound defiant, was met by such a logical wave of reason that it made her feel a bit little… and giddy.

“Why tranquilizers? I thought we were to kill demons in sight.”

The masked Kaichou sighed, checking his own gun while answering her.

“Small firepower can hardly kill a standard demon, Igawa-san. We will be relying on something that works fast and that will get our obstacles out of the way in time for us to get our job done.”

“So… we just let them live?” She inquired flatly and her Kaichou shrugged.

“Heh, I doubt Nomad will reward slackers that fuck things up this badly. Especially when we are done with the damage we have planned for them.”

A fair assessment, but still one that left her skeptical on how much of that promise her Kaichou could go through. The car taking them to their destination was being driven by another masked Koukawa Member, this one standing out of trouble and rotating the vehicle’s parking spots during the whole operation.

Everything was set, the stage was ready, and Asagi felt true dread right as she followed her Kaichou through the dark alley where their ‘way in’ was. Going from either of the available entrances to the Arena would have been dangerous as the building had been fortified to withstand an outward infiltration.

Hence why they were not going to get inside from ‘outside’. While all doors were covered with numerous cameras and guards, the sewer system was one that was connected with other businesses. Using the rear entrance to a noodle shop beside the Arena, the duo slowly took a path to the underground section through an old manhole.

The array of grated floors combined with rusty bolts held robustly under the duress of their pacing over them, and Asagi was shown why they had to wear a gasmask through the mission.

Sure, the Arena’s rooms they were meant to find were not filled with gas, but the path to it and some of the traps relied on sexual pheromone known to paralyze and numbify any potential infiltrator.

The sewers’ liquid went from dark and muddy to green and purple. Residual drugs were being poured down the system to cleanse any expired product. As much as Nomad didn’t care for their captives, they would have never used faulty drugs on them. If any of the numbed Taimanin managed to break free… that would be a huge mess for them to clean up.

Their lengthy walk in the sewers ultimately ended right as they reached the right manhole. Her Kaichou stopped and turned to her, readying his gun.

“Remember… no mercy.”

Two words she was quite happy to nod at.

As she tensed her posture and took a proper stance with her tranquilizer ready, Asagi followed her Kaichou upward and into the storage room. She felt it in her bones, right as he set down the jammer meant to cause disturbance to the building’s cameras. They would have thirty minutes to get in and out.

Or even less if they found a way to restore CCTV’s stability earlier than the device allowed.

Their first victims were a small two-guard patrol. Koukawa-Kaichou struck first, with Asagi readying her aim quickly to shoot just mere moments after he did. Both guards were down instantly and their bodies moved away from their infiltration entry to prevent surprises.

Informants had given them info that there was a grace period of ten minutes for each report by radio to be made. After those ten minutes, a patrol close to the downed group would be ordered to check on them. The guards were closed in a storage room, the door jammed closed to further delay their unconscious bodies’ discovery.

Two more guards would join a similar fate, but their stroll didn’t go for too long to increase the unconscious pile of enemies they had to dispose of. The Server Room was shared by a security area that had been guarded by a single guard.

Once he was dealt with while distracted fixing the few malfunctioning cameras, Asagi took the role of keeping watch for any ‘visitors’ while her Kaichou took care of setting up with the two major duties behind the device he connected to the main databank: 1) Secure the list and 2) Set up a dormant virus to screw with the Arena’s security system once a full-scale raid would be authorized and launched.

The first task was quickly done, the second one took a bit longer than needed due to how ‘tough’ the defenses of the servers were behind. Still, the virus was being uploaded and Asagi took this chance to spare a few passing glances

“Edwin… Black?”

It was a surprise. After all, she thought this place was just a small aspect of what Nomad was so… why was Nomad’s Number One doing here tonight?

“He entertains connections in this place. It’s quite important to him that this place survives for Nomad’s sake,” Koukawa-Kaichou remarked. “Still, keep an eye on it. He can surprise us.”

It wasn’t much info to explain his presence, but it offered Asagi something to at least understand why he may at times visit it to check the ‘performances’.

Some time would pass, and while her disgust remained on the dreadful treatment their comrades were subjected to, Asagi’s attention was suddenly concerned by a now-empty spot.

If before she felt just a hint of unease through the whole operation, now her soul was exposed to pure glacial fright.

“Kaichou, Black is no longer in the feed!”

Asagi was now panicking and Kaichou reacted quickly as he finished the cyber-infiltration, removed the device and gestured to her to start moving through the door leading to the rear entrance of the building.

Originally the exfil path was meant to be one similar to the one they took to enter the Arena but… it was too far. And they may have a big issue that could soon catch up with them.

“I am issuing a Code DEAD,” He muttered, reaching for his radio. “Inu, Code Delta Epsilon Alpha Delta. We have a big one coming up on us fast.”

Code DEAD was fitting for this very situation. It was the ‘worst case scenario’ in the circumstance they needed to have a quick evacuation plan. The car would be moved fast to the closest spot to the exfil location.

Kaichou paused a few times to set down some explosive traps with thin wires to delay a potential chase. Asagi was confused by this, but her heart started to pick up in its beat out of panic when she suddenly heard the bombs going off mere minutes they had been there.

Black was catching up with them- fast. They needed to get out. Without hesitation, both started to use their own Taima particles to bolster their speed. Asagi was surprised again by how swiftly her superior moved, even more when, at a certain point, he just pulled her by the shoulder and pushed her to go much faster than what she was accustomed to.

Asagi soared, and her heart was just drumming to the panicked chase they were stuck in. Eventually they managed to make it out from the rear door after rushing through a few guards staying there and slamming the door open just in time for Kaichou to throw an explosive charge at the guards that were eyeing them.

The entire entrance collapsed and caused a large portion of that section to bury the demons trying to stop them while also sealing the only way Black had to them. The car was already there, the door open to the passengers’ seats as Asagi sat down, put on her belt and the vehicle just bolted at high speed, rushing away from the arena itself.

Asagi spied from over her shoulders, expecting trouble still following them but… she felt relief when that wasn’t the case. The entire area was thrown into pure chaos as multiple cars and people tried to get out of there fast, with their vehicle making it through the traffic before the streets got blocked by other cars.

The mission was over, the pat by her shoulder and ‘good job’ further soothed her mind but, at this very moment, as she grew to accept the fact her boss was a bit more than prepared than she was despite the age gap she had on him, Asagi had in mind one thing and only one thing.

Get home, get herself some snacks, watch a comedy movie with Kyosuke and slowly let the success of this mission sink in within proper timing.

Much to her relief, Kami would satisfy this wish of her… but ultimately not grant her much peace as all actions do have quite the reactions. Some good and… some bad.



Aw shit, Edwin Black!

Still, Tatsu-boy did it! He showed himself as a good leader and may now receive a reward from Oboro.



Well that went sorta well. You got the data but now Black is aware of the stolen data earlier than he should be so the raid is now at risk. Hmm, what next Tatsu boy what will your next act be?

Slayer 10321

Holy shit! That was actually nerve-wracking to read. It felt like a game of Temple Run but in this case, the Final Boss was personally coming for you. At least they escaped before Black could even see them. Now we just need to wait and see how the upcoming raid goes.