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Meta Justice 3 - or ‘How a Lowly Villain became the most dangerous thing to the World Government from within’ (One Piece, Spadam!SI)

Master Chief Spandam.

Such a name sure sounds horrible now that I think about it, but I have to say that I started to get a bit comfortable after a few months of doing small chores around the world.

I was always sent to low-conflict areas to get accustomed to the ‘hardships of the marines’ and ‘how important it was for me to learn how to handle things like logistics and military deployments’.

I wasn’t being taught those lessons as if it was school, but by practice as I became a cog of two similar-shaped systems in organization. The Marines worked through two different approaches: garrisons and strike forces.

I was working my way through garrisons as those could also act as the latter option, a strike force being a navy squadron being dispatched to handle disturbances.

For roughly four months, I learned what small aspects of being an active agent of the government meant: taking notes, may those be useful for myself or for reports to base, keep an eye out for any odd behavior as spies could be a thing (or it is just a way to fight off any moral issues with the job being done right) and be able to improvise when needed.

This last lesson was more theoretical than practical, but it kept being that until my fifth month of duty- when I was dispatched to assist the work of a CP3. This faction of the Cipher Pol was driven by scouts meant to keep track of any dangerous individuals. In this case, the operation I was joining as an ‘external inspector’ was meant to assess the truthfulness of recent reports coming from the New World.

Edward Newgate, better known as ‘Whitebeard’, was reportedly spotted shipwrecking near Wano a while ago, leaving with someone that bore too many similarities to one Kozuki Oden, the son and heir to the Shogun Kozuki Sukiyaki.

While normally this would be a ‘shocking’ revelation, the reason why there was an active investigation at this point was driven by one detail that I was left with the moment I reached the Mogaro Kingdom, where the CP3 Cell’s base of operation had been established.

The ‘war room’ was filled with numerous clues on where Whitebeard had been, where he was now and where he could potentially go. From the few ‘missed spots’, I could tell it wasn’t an easy task. However, I came to slowly lose the growing respect I had for the people assigned to this job when I was given quite the task.

“You want me to go to Sphinx Island as an infiltrator to keep tabs on what is being told to the Whitebeard’s forces there?”

A nod came from the officer that just delivered the news to me, an old man with dark-purple hair and a white mustache.

“As much as this can be quite the overshoot, we have to take into account that, through your young age and relatively unknown appearance, you can pass as a mere self-student that can wander through as a neutral guest of these places,” The leading officer elaborated. “While our men here are unknown figures to any pirate we are spying upon, that doesn’t mean they will not be seen as meddlesome elements if they are caught too close to their main base. The same doesn’t extend to you.”

I huffed. “I get it, I am a young teen and no one would suspect someone as young as me to be part of the Marines or be a spy.”


“So I will take part in this operation as requested,” I replied calmly, smiling a bit to reassure the nervous man. “It’s a good plan, but I suggest having a few extra codes set for my cover to prevent any unplanned surprises.”

Many nods followed and hours went by to get my fake identity and other details to study to keep in mind ready to be used for my infiltration. I was Georgie of Lulusia Kingdom, a young teen that departed from the ‘oppressive kingdom’ in an effort to broaden my studies and see the world away from the horrible walls of Lulusia.

I was known to be clever enough to have done plenty of odd jobs in the last two years for the sake of having enough money to eat, rent a place where to sleep and continue my studies through my trips through the entire area.

Georgie somehow ended up passing through the Red Line, calling it a miracle of sorts due to favorable conditions and ended up trying to find more things of the ‘New World Beyond the Line’.

Once I was done studying the ‘character’ and getting the personality down to memory, I took the first civilian ship trading for Sphinx Island. I was given plenty of money, a Den Den Mushi styled to appear like a researcher’s version of the device, and told a few codes to give it whenever a situation happened and I couldn’t talk much for a long while.

My arrival was where the ‘acting’ started and I strolled through the ‘verdant island’ until I found myself at one of the inns in the area. There were two others of this kind, but I focused on this one because it felt like a fitting place to keep by for the time being. Eventually I could move to where Whitebeard may be resting without having to worry for anyone to think the worst reason for this as I was just a ‘curious kid’.

The first two days were calm. I managed to land a job as a farmhand for a nearby field that required more manpower to be worked on. It wasn’t anything too excessive for me, and it constituted a form of mental training as I worked to limit the stress of this work by finding peace in that green heaven I was temporarily living in. All in all, Sphinx had matured from the island that was once ravaged by poverty.

By Day 3, I still had nothing on Whitebeard’s official account, but I heard a few rumors that I brought up to the CP3 Cell and promised to further expand on the topic to verify the truthfulness of some.

In some regard, there was a loud buzzing on a potentially ‘pregnant woman’ on board Whitebeard's ship. Some said it was Edward Newgate’s secret child, others claimed the child was actually fathered by a member of the crew.

If I remember correctly as this was one of the more recent additions to the past lore before I left my previous life, this was around the time Kozuki Momonosuke was born from Kozuki Oden and Toki- so this first rumor was already a good confirmation of the ‘unverified matters’ related to the Oden connection.

Day 4 came, and I received news from some dock workers that it’s possible that Whitebeard was to return the next day to shuffle resources (gold for the island’s improvement, and food to keep his ships supplied).

That was good news… and then it became even more than that when confirmation was found in the arrival of a ‘ship’ sent as a scout force. It was an Icebreaker-style ship, one that was meant to be used to spearhead through frozen water to allow safe passage into a cold area of the ocean.

The captain of said ship was quite young, roughly around her early 20s and quite ‘done’ with some of her crewmates due to how ‘depleted’ the ship’s storage was of food and other stuff. The reason why I knew this much was because the captain herself, Whitey Bay, decided to find solace in lonesome drinking by the very inn I was staying at.

I ‘happened’ to be listening to her drunk tirade and kind of sat beside her to see what I could discern from this. She noticed this, and the blue-haired woman took notice of this.

“Heh, what is a kid doing here~?”

“Oh, just staying there to study the world. I couldn’t help but notice that you were lamenting some issues and… I am a good listener.”

“Th-That’s not exactly something I need help about. My mates being dumb is not fixable.”

“Hmm, I am sorry to hear that. I heard that it can be rough to command people that can be quite that stubborn.”

“It is,” Whitey remarked dryly, taking a moment to reach for her half-empty mug and drink what was left of its content. “Hic, they just don’t get how bad it is to run out of food. Selfish pricks.”

“They will learn since you’re putting an effort to show them,” I pointed out, remembering that she said something about punishing them for doing such a ‘shoddy job at keeping track of the supplies’. She didn’t explain what kind of punishment, only that it was going to work- but I still used it to get chummy with her.

“That’s right, yeah… Your name?”


“Lil’ George, huh?” She hummed, smiling coyly. “And how little are you~?”

…Is she that sort of drunk? I decided to test it.

“Well, it really depends.”

“Oh? And what do you… think I am referring to?”

“If I can be honest here? I think I am fine for a teen my age,” I admitted firmly. “So, is this leading somewhere or-”

“Do you even know what this could lead to or… hic, are you trying to appear more mature than you look to be?”

I frowned at this, feeling a bit ‘attacked’ on my manly pride. “How about I show you, Miss?”

I don’t know if it was the alcohol or her just wanting to bang, but I had a feeling that, with her taking me to her room, closing the door, removing most of her clothes and literally presenting her rear to me while holding on the edge of the bed, maybe she was really trying to ‘frighten me’ with sex or just trying to get on some taboo action going.

Sadly for her, she wasn’t facing a ‘kid’, but someone with plenty of experience in my previous life. So, rather than just jump on her like a sex maniac, I took a path she didn’t expect me to do when it comes to casual sex.

I went a bit ‘romantic’.

“W-What are you doing? You’re -hic- meant to stick it in.”

“Well, I wanted to give you some foreplay. You know, cunnilingus and all of that.”

“...The hell is a cunnilingus?”

“Tongue in your cunt,” I crassly translated, causing the woman to pause at this and then genuinely frown in confusion at this. “It’s a real thing.”

“P-prove it then!”

And I did. Much to her surprise and immediate pleasure, having a tongue lavishly lick over her sweet slit and clit had her shudder like a jelly given a fair shake. She held onto the edge of the bed, rump raised prominently so I could service her hole properly and give her an orgasm in record time.

As she orgasmed, I felt her seize up a bit at the intense pleasure and I gave her a moment to recover. There was a brief pause and… then, she smiled a bit.

“That cunni-thing was fun but… ready for the real thing~?”

She turned around to welcome me, and she looked a bit nervous when she realized I did have a fairly big dick for someone my age. I was still around average, but on the big side of that adjective.

So, when she felt me penetrate her, Whitey tensed up slightly while I proceeded to fully sheathe my cock in her tight and welcoming pussy. She stared down at me, breath growing heavy as she lustfully gazed at me slowly pounding her. Slowly at first, but then the pace increased.

“Hm~, l-like that,” She half-moaned, half-demanded. “Do more like that~.”

“O-Okay,” I had to appear a bit shy about it, but in truth the real ‘acting’ was pounding her with some attention to how much strength I put in it. I could have hurt her if I went all out, and while the feeling I got at this point was great, part of me wanted to go truly at full power for my personal pleasure.

That, I am quite sure, would have been deadly. But still, at the pace I was going, the woman was definitely getting the drilling of her life. Arms tightly hugging me onto her chest and her face becoming a cute mess at how pleasured she was with the intense sex just made me feel giddy at knowing I hadn’t lost my touch.

Morality was not an option in a world where you can die young, even more since I was the equivalent of an ‘isekai dwarf’ with how mature my mind was. So, while this was a bit of a shameful display for Whitey’s horny mind, to me this was a good way to prove my value as a ‘sex idol’ in the coming years from now.

Better start early to build up a reputation, especially when I can’t play the role of the pious virgin character when lewdness tends to happen from time to time. I just had to be rather moderate about it and I would be able to achieve pure balance about this too.

My hips shifted fast after a while, faster than before, making Whitey realize I was coming and… she moaned loudly when I pumped cum inside her waiting womb. It was a bit of a gamble since I could leave her pregnant but… the chances were tremendously low due to my age.

Had I been a bit older and through more of puberty, then that would have been a real concern, but for now I was just a happy guy making my partner the happiest in that moment.

The blue-haired girl was stunned when I reached out for a kiss, making her twitch and moan some more as she returned tongue with tongue. It was a nice way to get back at it for a while before going for some cuddling.

She ultimately had to leave a few hours later, when she got hold of the hangover and she remembered she had to check on her crewmates. Yet, she promised to visit for more ‘practical lessons’ as she realized this had been my (or rather, this body’s) first time.

I can’t say I learned much from this, but I used the Den Den Mushi to say I struck a kinship with one of Whitebeard’s pirates and hopefully I could use this as a way to learn more about his next steps.

When the commander asked how I did it, I just told him that she was drunk and we had a chat that mellowed her to open up to a ‘kind boy that wanted to help’.

I thought about telling him of the mind-blowing sex that ensued, but I had a feeling that it would have 1) caused issues about my loyalty and 2) I doubted he would have believed me and called it as some sort of cheeky unwanted lie.

So yeah, first day of being a spy and I am already on the path of being a young womanizer.

Master Chief Spandam is not shy from broadening his horizon after all.



James bond would approve.