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Meta Justice - or ‘How a Lowly Villain became the most dangerous thing to the World Government from within’ (One Piece, Spadam!SI)

The World of One Piece- definitely not the kind of media I was that familiar with compared to many others, but I knew just enough to not feel too upset in being reincarnated in the little shit baby that would eventually become known as Spandam of CP9.

I was a lil’ bastard in the making as my father, Spandine, was already in charge of CP9 when I was conceived. A tall and cocky man, but a coward nonetheless. The first few years passed by like a breeze. If I remember correctly Spandam was in his early 40s before the time-skip, so I didn’t exactly have any plans to do things knowing how far from the canon start I was.

What I knew was that I needed to make a choice on how I wanted to take this matter.

I was going to be part of the World Government's forces, there was no doubt in that, and I was also going to cause a fucking ruckus once I was able to entertain subtle cases of sabotage- what I really was wondering was the path to take.

I could literally do nothing and pretty much be ushered to the path of ‘great nothingness’ that Spandam got in canon, or actually entertain a higher position if I played my card properly.

Spandine’s recommendation could take me far, but it wasn’t going to be enough to put me in the position I wanted to be- in fact, I couldn’t exactly rely on that if someone started to dig shit from my past.

If I wanted to make concrete changes to the world, I had to be a big shot.

And… to be a big shot, I needed to have some sort of powers.

That was enough to create the first concrete wall I wasn’t sure how to break through. Sure, I could somehow find a Devil Fruit and obtain a power from it, but I also considered the fact that… this wasn’t going to be taking my ability to swim away from me.

In a world with a lot of oceans and seas.

As much as many would just get hooked at that idea, I didn’t ditch other opportunities to get strong just yet. In fact, since I was pretty much active for roughly eight years thinking on chances and doing normal kids stuff to not alarm anyone.

Truth be told, with my mother dying on a childbirth, my father being a bastard that was rarely there at home but pelleted me with fancy gifts to ‘keep me happy’, and with the servants in the manor giving close to no shit to what I tended to do in the garden if I didn’t hurt myself… I was set to get strong really fast.

If I knew what the fuck I was doing. I had a few options, but nothing tangible unless I tried. When I turned 9, I started to train on my own. I barely had the means to go outdoors, so no one questioned why I was spending so much time in the garden during the day.

I would find myself a nice spot in the garden and go through some basic exercises. Nothing too extreme since I was a kid and I had a feeling the Saitama’s training wasn’t going to do with how constrained I was within the manor, but I could actually look into the spiritual sort of bullshit that could be attained through meditation.

Considering that Haki was a bit entrenched in that sort of stuff, I just focused on going for the… ‘Netero Route’. The name was given by taking inspiration from Isaac Netero’s training to attain his mighty power.

I couldn’t exactly go through the precise steps he took to attain his power, but I could approach it in a similar fashion. Each day, once I was done with an ever-growing training regiment, I would spend the rest of the time left training throwing 10.000 punches- then, once I was done with that, I would meditate in a moment of contemplation.

Not something that a young kid could muster normally, but I was old enough and wise enough in my mind to accomplish this moment of fortitude. I felt light in my childish form, but my soul was heavy and filled with so much unresolved. Even more now that I needed an inner peace of mind to find my path in life.

I couldn’t leave my mind in its own self-doubts- I needed clarity.

Thus, for roughly three years, I trained like that and… I could see the difference. I was nowhere as Netero in terms of power since I couldn’t rely on bullshit nen boost, but I still saw an impressive feeling within my mind when I managed to complete the punches in less than a hour, shredding at the grass due to the pressure exerted by the blows and… I felt immensely clear-minded by the end of this.

For my twelfth birthday, I asked Spandine to have me put through the Marines’ Recruitment Test. The minimum age was 11, so I barely entered that. I had studied while I wasn’t training, eating as much as I needed to grow properly and keeping track of rest hours to not lose any of that good sleep.

Spandine was… happy. I think he wanted me to wait until I was older, but I kind of got a frown out of him when I told him I was going to do this on my own. Considering he didn’t know much of how good I was for this, and that I was quite young- he tried to coax me into letting him influence the test but…

I gave him a smile. “Dad, I will pass it with flying colors.”

He decided to believe me, but promised punishment in case I failed.

The Marines’ Recruitment Test was very simple: you either trained under the Marines’ Training Corps, or you tried your ass through the exam without the training and you were unable to take part in the test for a year if you failed.

With that in mind, I went in prepared to conquer it.

When the exam started, we were given two big tests. The first one was theoretical studies and I managed to get all of it right; the next one was a physical one and… that’s where a moral dilemma arose before the fact I had to push the ‘tough-looking’ instructor out of a circled ring.

I could push him, but that could actually hurt him. But the other option, which I ultimately took, was a bit more… awkward to explain.

This is where the ‘legend’ started, I suppose. The instructor grinned at me, trying to appear kind but clearly giddy at the notion of pushing a snotty-nosed brat into an epic fail.

What he didn’t expect was that, once the match started, he blinked only to find his body lying on the ground and… no pain at all. He looked down to see me still leaning to drop him there, my feet still firmly within the bordered ring.

Silence ensued for a few minutes and-

“W-Winner, rookie Spandam!”

I leaned back, scratching the back of my head as I just walked away to where father had been sitting and he was just as shocked at the others. There wasn’t much cheering because people were utterly stumped by what had happened.

Questions came and went, but I just replied to them honestly.

“I saw a fancy magazine about training exercises and just did those for three years. Nothing else.”

That’s all he could get out of me. And while I was sure Spandine had planned to coax me to tell him more, either to get that power himself or just satisfy his curiosity, the world had other ideas for me.

Three days after the test and two after I got validated as a proper Marine, I received a letter from Marineford.

It was penned by one Fleet Admiral Kong and… people wanted to ‘test’ me some more.

…Oh well, it’s not like I hadn’t planned to rise up to ranks really fast or anything~.



Yar! I am totally not writing this while having a tab with One Piece World Timeline open to keep track of the years I have to get MC involved in… No, but really, this is a bit more complicated than I expected. Spandam is 39-40, he was born in riches, and he had the means to be a powerful monster if he trained early on.

And now we see the rise of Spanda-man! HA! This is not a good pun and I am sorry for that.



Pun was Ok but really I'm just glad to see another One Piece SI written by an experienced author