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It’s a Matter of Peace - or ‘I became a God and screwed with the Heavens’ (Eight Archon!SI Genshin Impact)

There are many lands in the world of Teyvat, but one region in particular is deemed by many, out of Heavens’ own principles, a forbidden land.

Some land that became taboo to even mention long before the fall of Khaenri’ah, long before the Archon War. Long even before many of those that currently rule the world within the Seven known Elements came to be.

In the land that many would forget its name, located well beyond the limitations offered by the known seas, things started with a single birth.

First comes the Darkness, the book named ‘the Rise of the Stilla Archon’ dictated, but then, light and hope shattered the restraint of shadows.

Truth be told, the light was brought forth by the entity that would scorn the heavens forevermore. With the pure curtain of dark shattering before the aching and yet determined struggle of a creature that broke out of his egg’s contained and-


I totally meant Fuck, by the way.


The Land of Ferrea was but a curious detachment of islands that hardly resembled the similarly-structured lands of Inazuma.

While it was indeed an archipelago, the terrain was devoid of many mountains, but full of great rifts that led to several feet underground. Rare materials unique to the last were known to be discovered by the local population, but that wasn’t where the story really began for this region.

While many of those that would become Archons in due time took many efforts to avoid being too active in mortal affairs, Ferrea saw something unique due to the unfair regional disposition compared to other countries.

The first legend of the land goes that, during the first age of civilization, much before a government uniting the country was born, Ferrea faced a great disaster in the form of a monster of hideous connotation who tried to assert itself as the realm’s ruler. Many surrendered to the beast and his legions of unholy creatures, unable to muster the right hero to face such a monstrous beast.

Then, a miraculous event known as ‘Murmur’s First Blessing’ unfolded. The story simply states how a lone duck, fearless in mind and steps and of pure plumage, wandered through the desolate lands, monsters slain by something as the world shook before its disciplined steps.

Soon, the duck stopped, looking at the horrible demon that took the land as his and, before the mocking expression of such a monster, the Duck spoke and uttered some words even now felt odd to remember.

“I name thee, first of the Thots- now begone!

A loud quack was followed by a beam of nebulous color, with stars glittering the grand tendril of energy that propelled the nameless monster upon the skies and beyond.

Many saw the events unfold, even more, bowed and praised the duck as it went to free them of their shackles. More was proclaimed, more was said, more was spoken and the ancestors of the land remember as such-

“I will not be your new Master, I shall be your Teacher. I shall not Dominate you, I shall free you of your Ignorance. I will not War you upon this land, for I am Peace and may this be forever with you.”

The land of Ferrea never took part in a conflict, and this was the testament of their God’s own will.


It took me two decades to retain a human body. It was the closest thing to my previous one and… I was annoyed.

Years ago, this had been ‘cool’. Here I was, in Genshin Impact, right before things went down the shitter. The ‘cool’ died down when I had to go two full decades of eating herbs, grass, and worms at times.

I had gotten a bit of happiness at how easy it was for me to just harness the ‘power of the Stars’ or whatever it was that came through my mighty quacks whenever I channeled my inner strength. That saved many butts in the long run and allowed me to piously create a proper country from literally nothing… that I knew about.

Ferrea was now my land, my business and my responsibility.

I was the guy that freed them from that scary-ass monster and gave them guidance in two big things: how to feed themselves, and how to govern themselves.

The first one was simple, I showed them how to find nutritious fishes after having to deal with sea-based food for a full year before becoming the ‘God of Peace’. I also helped them divide the farms into collective businesses rather than family-owned ranches.

Likewise, the meat culture was respected as I didn’t want to end up becoming human right after I led to the extinction of most of the nutritious meaty animals in the islands.

The second one was a bit more of a hurdle than the previous task as I had to create a lot of foundation for them to ultimately make new laws for the national constitution, new government organizations to decentralize power within a degree of specialization, merit and preparation. I made sure to make the pecking order clear to everyone: I kept watch over the governance, and the governance kept watch over their people.

Their laws had to be fair, or I would have reacted to ‘preserve peace within Ferrea’. I also had to tackle the economy as I couldn’t produce Mora since… We didn't even know Morax was around.

Rather, I decided to create a very tentative system that relied on a stupidly simple and somewhat working circumstance: paper money was the primary source of income, the business behind the production of the special paper garrisoned by loyal guards and captained by even more loyal administrators, with the ‘weight’ behind the money being a large golden reserve that I massed for the occasion.

I didn’t exactly strip the whole islands of their natural resources, but I carefully made sure that most of the gold was in my hand to create value for the money I was producing for them.

The system wasn’t perfect- I didn’t need to have someone tell me that much, but I wasn’t letting it be untouched for long as I constantly had people studying on the topic and providing suggestions for changes, small and radical ones, to handle new regulations or deregulations.

But beyond all of that, there was one thing that I had been looking forward to- and it was being a human being once more.

The moment I had a proper human ass, I took this chance to bolt for my little palace’s kitchen and make myself a pizza. At first, people were stunned to see a young man with their Lord’s voice go for the kitchens and all followed to see what I was up to.

They were confused, but then mesmerized by the impressive display of power that easily got a large pizza with tomato sauce and slices of ham prepared for personal enjoyment in less than ten minutes.

I craved the Pizza and… I noticed how many workers had stopped to see such a curious dish.

“Give it a try,” I offered.

There were just a few that boldly ‘dared’ to follow through and they all looked pleased.

“Remind me to teach you a few wonderful recipes next.”

The cooks were most delighted. And the land learned how to make Pizza, and then Pasta, and then a few other Italian recipes as Mama taught me to do. I felt like this was more than I saw it but, then again, the culinary culture of Ferrea was quite primitive at the time.

I taught them how to make good food, and then told them how to not poison themselves with their eager interest to expand that. Curious people indeed, but a lot stupid if someone didn’t put a bit of leash on their eagerness.

A century went by and prosperity didn’t end.

Just because war wasn’t a driving force to modernization, I refused for Peace to be the reason for stagnation. I encouraged people to be thinking outside the box, to see improvement as a reason to ultimately find new ways to expand everyone’s happiness.

But even something as our isolation came to an end when seafaring technology ultimately saw a massive expansion with the development of sturdier and faster ships and…

We made contact with fishermen in the far west sea. Peaceful exchanges were made between different people and a few curious developments unfolded through this circumstance:

These people- They were from the Guili Assembly.


His greatness Quacker, the God of Peace


Justin Portie

Okay I gotta see more of this🤣


I have never wanted something more than this story. Holy shit, please do more of this, I WILL pay for it!


I want The Almighty Duck God of Peace to waddle into battle with Venti, in his tiny sprite form, on his back. I want The Almighty Duck God of Peace to give Morax an offer he can't refuse. I want The Almighty Duck God of Peace to say: "You can't truly call yourself “peaceful” unless you are capable of great violence. If you're not capable of violence, you're not peaceful, you're harmless. And let me reassure you: We are a peaceful people." And I want Lumine in the background laughing her fine ass off, because she's the only one understanding the Almighty Duck God's memes and references.

Jack Freeman

Worst comes to worse he can just play the Duck Game with any aggressors.


Like this beginning of the duck kingdom, but I cannot see the image. Edit: nevermind I see it now


Image broken on my end


This is my new favorite out of all of your other fics

Wrath of Vajra

It's official, Aflac gone gangster!


Still like this one, but why did I get another email about it a month later...?