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Rebuke of the Tatsu-boy 3 - or ‘How SI!Tatsurou outfucked and outcucked the Dark Lord’s worst fiends’ (Taimaninverse, Tatsurou!SI)

After surviving what I came to consider the expected ‘worry wave’ that came from both Shiranui and Rinko, I managed to get this mission (which I learned was classified as an A-rank one due to the difficulty) confirmed as a success, with servants specialized in handling prisoners taking Kazuma off my hold for interrogation.

Father was ‘happy’, but even his facade dropped hard when he got caught on by the Shiranui Blast full range right as she had Rinko take me back to my room. And while the MILF demolished the bitter prick, my sister used this opportunity to poke at my awareness of the situation and demanded, as my big sister, to know everything that happened in that mission.

You know, standard older sibling’s rights.

And the girl took what I had to say as if it was some of the tales Shiranui tended to give us about her missions. It was pretty much more because I, someone that was quite close to her, had gone through and, as much as she was trying to not sound like it, I could tell that Rinko was a bit jealous about this.

I didn’t waste any time curbing this excitement on the spot. Let me be clear, I think it’s fine to put some ‘fairy dust’ on the job we were getting groomed to deal with for most of our lives, but it was best to not let that sugarcoating leave behind some dangerous mindset on how to handle missions.

Especially those relating on prostitution and demons with a propensity to rape their female victims.

There is a reason why the tutors gave us both Sex-ed lessons quite early on and it is horrifying that it is actually necessary to be taught the birds n’ bees at this young age. I doubted Rinko was this off the loop- maybe Yukikaze, but not Rinko and yet I wanted to make this bit clear to her.

“It wasn’t fun. Easy or not, that man was creepy and I learned what he did with any women he put his hands on,” I remarked calmly. “Rinko-nee, that man would have hurt you badly if you had been in my place.”

She frowned at this remark. “Why do you say that? I could have stopped him easily.”

“You wouldn’t have.”

“And why can you tell that?” The girl pressed. “I-Is it because you think you’re better that dad picked you to-”

“Dad picked me to fail, not to succeed,” I sharply interrupted, surprising her with that response. “Let me ask you something, how would you have approached this had it been you?”

“W-Well,” She leaned back, surprised by both the firm interjection and the question. “I would have… cornered him in an alley and stunned him.”

“And then?”


I sighed. “Rinko-nee, do you know why I had to wear civilian clothes and have someone drive a car to get out?”

“...Because you are not good at fighting?”

I narrowed my eyes at that jab. “I will let a spar decide that, but no. I decided to go for something so quick and subtle because Tokyo Kingdom City is not a safe place- no deserted alley is worthy of using for an ambush, not with how many eyes are known to be there.”

“What do you mean?” Rinko pressed. “I read the documents and those said-”

“What we knew of the matter, not what is indeed the case. Yes, there are ‘empty lots’, but there are eyes on those lots that a normal scout wouldn’t pick up,” I replied flatly. “I know, I may sound know-it-all right now, but that’s because I know more than just the documents.”

I used this chance to fish out the notes I took on the clients before I took care of the target as the small talk did yield plenty of info on that district of Tokyo Kingdom City.

“Like, the fact that Nomad has two bases somewhere there, small hideouts meant to patrol the area to cover for the target’s business there. If you, or anyone that had a better chance at this sort of mission, went through standard procedure to handle this capture, they would have been spotted and potentially attacked or killed.”

Rather than push back on this note, Rinko looked a bit somber on the topic.

“...Auntie said that father sent you there to die.”

I didn’t comment on it, only bowing my head.

“But… why? Why would dad want you dead? You are his son!”

“And heir. Which he doesn’t want.”

Rinko tensed up at this very element, caught off-guard by it.

“Why not?”

“You are the older sibling and mother died when I was born,” I flatly admitted. “The fact that the elders want me to be in charge and don’t like father also adds to it.”

“W-Well, I don't want to rule. I have seen the sort of paperwork that father has to go through and… I am not doing any of those.”

Always the meathead, Rinko, regardless of your age.

“I don’t care either. I… I don’t hate you Rinko-nee.”

“Me neither, Tatsu,” She replied softly and crawled up for a hug. “And… I will never hurt you.”

“Hmm,” I hummed quietly nuzzling against her chin.

“You know, Tatsu? Maybe we should go outside now?”

I frowned. “I am not really in the mood to play Rinko-nee.”

I just came back from this mission, and while I didn’t do much with the whole thing, I was still exhausted due to the trip and how little I slept through it all. So, I would have loved to just cuddle up and nap myself back to full shape.

Rinko had, however, other plans on the matter.

“Well, I wasn’t saying anything about playing, but I know for a fact Yuki-chan will want to know what happened and we have to show you a nice spot we found near the river. We also made a new friend that spends time there.”

I raised an intrigued glance at that.

“A new friend?”

I have to say, I had been worried when Rinko mentioned this ‘new friend’, but I had felt more at ease when she said this friend was a girl and not a boy.

Now, there is nothing wrong in her having any male friends, but there were a few males within Gosha Village that it was best to keep an eye on, regardless of their young age at the moment.

The river spot allowed for some swimming, which is why she had me switch to my swimming trunks while she put on her one-piece swimsuit. It was very skin tight due to her fairly-big tits, but it wasn’t much of a problem for me to ignore as I took a greater focus on Yukikaze pretty pink two-pieces and… the other girl’s black one-piece.

Seeing her this little and this flat, I almost had a stroke finding out that the friend Rinko and Yuki made was actually Igawa Sakura. The orangette had roughly the same hairdo and hair color, but rather than be the upbeat she was soon going to be known at, I quickly noticed how nervous she was around new people.

She was stiff as a board while talking to me, but mellowed as the trio began playing in the water while I kept by the side to rest a bit. I didn’t fall asleep as I wasn’t that exhausted, but decided to lie down and enjoy the sun.

I didn’t expect much to happen from the relatively calm hangout, but I was soon baffled by a very unexpected event that came to happen right as I stood up to go and pee. I had been keeping it all in my bladder for hours now, I had to deplete it before that turned into a long-term problem.

I told the girls I needed privacy, they all looked fine with this so, when I went far enough that I could start to pee, I didn’t expect someone else to tag along for the bladder-depletion session.

I tensed up instantly as I held the noise of someone else peeing, and I turned to see a really nervous, but really close Sakura.

“S-Sorry, I needed to go too.”


“Wh-Why so close to me?”

“I… I don’t like being alone. And I don’t like peeing in the public but-”

“But you trust me.”

That was met with a nod and I didn’t poke any further as we focused on the task at hand before going back. Sakura was blushing, having glanced briefly at my modest length for someone my age, while she hadn’t done much to really cover herself while she released her bladder too.

A bit of an awkward way to reveal our respective genitals to one another, but beyond the weirdness, I guess it was fair for kids to be this open in that regard without being lewd about it. It was embarrassing, yes, but not to the point of thinking beyond just showing off some skin while pissing.

The entire event went unnoticed by the other girls, and neither I nor Sakura brought up to anyone for the time being. It was our secret, a secret that meant nothing at that beyond keeping that very awkwardness of that time sealed off from others’ awareness.

The hangout ended in a smooth circumstance and nothing else came up for the rest of the day. That’s not to say that the next months were devoid of developments as Kazuma was singing for his life, and telling all the sweet things that father needed to know to further screw with the Fuuma Clan.

So, while I was training, a few underground events unfolded and soon my ‘second mission’ was to happen.

This time around, however, I was going to keep a prisoner for myself.



Man this is great, can't wait to read more.


Same here, I really want to see how Tatsu-boi will outcuck all the bastards out there!