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Rebuke of the Tatsu-boy 2 - or ‘How SI!Tatsurou outfucked and outcucked the Dark Lord’s worst fiends’ (Taimaninverse, Tatsurou!SI)

Taima Particles. That’s the depiction given to the energy used by people classified as ‘Taimanin’.

It would be a lie to say that this was some sort of standard ki/chi situation as the reason behind the Taima Particles was tied to the unique nature of having demon blood and a human soul.

Biology was used to explain this phenomenon, yes, but the magical nature of it made the entire process somewhat difficult to fully grasp. So, when my tutors brought this up, I found my questions left unanswered on the basis of people not having experimented much on those.

To make it clear, I couldn’t blame Gosha Village for being more focused on keeping up with the traditions it was spearheading, but the general distaste for scientific advances was what would ultimately give Demons the edge on us for some time and, if I could prevent it, I was going to move to improve on what was known of the particles.

Training was not as rigorous as I expected as I started to train under the tutors and under Shiranui (or ‘Mama’ during private times). The woman used simplified terms and summarized the concepts taught by the paid teachers, something that really helped me in trying to understand more of this topic.

In fact, what the tutors didn’t know due to a lack of operational history, Shiranui was more than happy to deliver with experience and wisdom.

I had a few theories and, two months after starting to help Shiranui with her sexual needs, I was staring at the result of some tinkering, creative inspiration and a bit of particle-control efforts.

A sphere of purple energy stood before my eyes, its existence warranted by the energy exerted through my palms.

I had initially wanted to create the Rasengan in this world since I thought that each Taimanin Clan had a specialization through their own brand Taima Particles. But, through this very development where I ended up creating a stable sphere of pure Taima Particles, I realized one thing that the Clans got wrong-

The elemental nature of the Particles was not dictated by the Particles themselves, but by the reaction the Particles had with the user’s body. Blood had relevance on the particular style used by the many Clans employing this sort of power, so I was meant to have a degree of Wind Power if I used together with my own body as a combined essence- and this is where I realized that life force/chi was bloodline-restrained in terms of individual differences.

By mixing Chi and Taima Particles, elemental techniques were within reach for anyone willing to understand the limits and the potential of their own bodies.

And that is what I did for four more months, getting my training to be four times as harsher but more rewarding than what my tutors had tried to do.

I was starting with a serious disadvantage in the form of weaker control over the Wind style, but those six full months of training left me smiling at the results: I was roughly stronger that Rinko, my control of the wind was a bit more precise than hers as she was focusing a lot in mastering her weapon of choice, and I was… well, able to use the Wind energy to bolster my own flexible skills in parkouring my ass left and right.

In layman’s terms, I was ideal for infiltrations and an opportunity like that came in the form of a request from my father.

The meeting was unusual as I could tell he was looking at me in a different way than he used to. If before I was just ‘a child’ that so happened to be his son, now he looked at me as… an asset. Right as the situation demanded it to be.

“Tatsurou, I heard your training has yielded impressive results.”

I was still bowing when he gave me such a curt greeting, even going as far as to lump a dry praise in it. I didn’t react much to it, but was wondering why he had me visiting with a few of his own trusted advisors around.

“Hai, thanks for your praise, father.”

The old man hummed and then sighed. “You may see me, boy. I am not a deity and I don’t fancy myself this honor.”

I lifted up my gaze and looked at his face.

“How may I be of help, father?”

He raised a surprised brow. “...You can tell I need you, Tatsurou?”

“I have a hunch, but it may be just an assumption- if that’s the case, I apologize-”


The sharp response almost got a flinch out of me, but I held it strong quite easily. Etiquette lessons had sharpened my capacity to be a bit more aware of my smaller reactions.

“Tatsurou, as you know the Akiyama Clan has been a most supportive ally of the Igawa clan- hence why we maintain a close relationship with the Mizuki Clan.”

I slowly nodded at this. “Yes, father.”

“Which is why, it is within our best convenience to currently expand the influence of the Igawa Clan’s reach within the politics of the Village. And as opportunities come, we need to take full advantage of those.”

…What the hell is he talking about?

“The Fuuma Clan has been struggling to keep control of the village for some time now. We have reason to believe, like many other prominent figures, that the Clan has been involved in its deals with Demons and supporting the rising group known as Nomad,” The old Akiyama remarked. “What I want, Tatsurou, is for you to go through the effort of capturing someone that is involved in these affairs and that is not a threat worthy of using any known faces within our clan.”

“...I wish to believe it is not some high-ranking demon, father.”

“No, the target is actually a human. But a dangerous human nonetheless due to his influence and wealth,” The clan leader replied calmly. “Your target’s name is Tendo Kazuma, he is known to be the owner of the House of Greed, and has worked as the source of information for many criminal organizations.”

As he finished saying this, the closest aide provided me with a folder with some documentation. Now, there was nothing wrong in giving your primary heir a big task if not for the fact I was… still six, close to seven years of age and definitely not trained much to handle this sort of spec-ops.

“Father, I don’t wish to put doubt in your decision but… wouldn’t it be better to rely on someone with more experience?”

He narrowed his eyes for just a moment, then he smiled and I felt true dread. Some may mistake it for kindness- heck, I would bet my ass the original Tatsurou would have done that but… the glint in his eyes, it wasn’t affection. It was hate. It was pure, dipshitting hate all aimed at me.

“I would never entrust you with a mission that I know you wouldn’t be able to handle, my dear son.”

He hated my guts.

He hated his young son and I had a feeling it had to do with the fact that the Elders had wanted a male heir when he just wanted to give the title to Rinko. Hence why he tended to put more effort in her training compared to mine.

The worst part of it was why he wanted me to do this: he wanted me to fail. Or die. Either way, he won big time because that would denounce my position regardless of how outrageous that sounded to send a kid for such a big mission.

He was sick, both physically and mentally, but he was playing a rough game with someone that wasn’t exactly a kid and I knew how to return ‘kindness’ with my own brand of ‘mercy’.

I smiled, holding back a sliver of bitterness as I saw him spotting it, but I spoke right before he could have further studied it.

“Then I will prove your praise and value true with my actions, my dear father.”


Tendo Kazuma.

That name didn’t exactly ring much of a bell inside my head, but the mention of him being in charge of ‘House of Greed’ sure screamed at me for the right situation I was dealing with.

This was a character that Shinganji Kurenai was meant to hunt down in Taimanin Kurenai, the game set many years before Taimanin Asagi and Yukikaze’s events.

Father had been right- he was a human, but nonetheless a dangerous bastard due to his connection with Nomad, the Chinese Union, the Ryuumon Mafia and the Fuuma Clan.

This last connection left me a bit perplexed as I was quite sure that the Clan hadn’t been connected to him in the original game but… this would explain why Kurenai was sent to kill him.

The info the bastard had in his brain made him a liability for many, but a wonderful gold mine for the Igawa Camp to just use against our political opponents. Plus, considering the lack of news of the Shinganji Clan disinheriting Kurenai meant that this mission had not happened for her. I was in a good position to prevent the first of many fugly circumstances of the time and… I know, many expected me to say something about butchering my way to my target which, truth be told, was possible as I knew where to find him in a place well away from many of his bigger allies, but I wasn’t planning to go loud for the occasion.

For this mission, I could request the assistance of any servants in our Clan if it was to help the success rate for it, but I had to still be the main one to make that capture. It was not an issue as I just needed someone to drive the car back to Gosha at a fashionable time.

Matsuki-san was an old butler for the clan and one of the few kind souls that knew how to still work a car without appearing suspicious. I hired him for the task of getting us out of trouble as we ventured out of the village and deep in the dangerous corners of Tokyo Kingdom City.

Once a proud project meant to create Tokyo but cooler, the city became the source of depravation and debauchery of the demonic kind. The kind of malicious control the various international groups had on the city made it nigh-impossible for a serious Taimanin operation to occur without causing some diplomatic messes for Japan.

Still, small-scale activities were allowed, such as the mission I was hired to take care of. I didn’t need to have a weapon on me for this job, but I needed some tools to better sell the act I had in mind to employ.

Anyone here in this part of town was quite wary of suspicious individuals but… wouldn’t really put much thought when a kid my age, wearing normal city clothes, set up a small lemonade stand right in the very road that my target was known to walk through from his second business, King’s Pleasure, a bar in this seedy district, back to his hideout located near to it.

I didn’t have to wait much and I had a bit of fun getting more clues on how bad the situation was with how eager some locals were for some simple lemonade. I made fat money out of a fake business- I would dare to say this was just plain ridiculous if not for the fact that there were a lot of kids and two orphanages within this street.

It took roughly four hours of being active on the scene before Kazuma finally started to get back home and… I saw him eyeing the stand for a moment, then shrugging and approaching it.

“How much?”

“A 100 Yen, sir.”

He looked surprised. “That’s quite cheap.”

“Just happened to find a large batch of lemons and wanted to sell it here as this is where mama used to live a while ago.”

The bastard didn’t give much of a thought to the story, merely getting a glass and ignoring that I put an extra bit of ‘sugar’ in his lemonade.

The man drank the content of the glass in a single move, then pulled the glass away and… Kazuma collapsed, but I managed to keep him standing for long enough to open the car’s door to the backseats and push him inside.

Once I was done putting on some ropes to restrain the former slave, I rushed around the vehicle and took the front passenger’s seat, turning to the man driving the car and smiling.

“Let’s go.”

A small smile appeared on the old butler’s face as he turned on the car and we left to get back to Gosha. Our return home was… interesting. Right as I was dragging the awake, but very tied up Kazuma through the halls of the compound, I paused by the doors leading to father’s office and heard a few shouts being exchanged.

He is just a child, you absolute bat!”

“He is my heir, so I decided what to do with him, Mizuki-san,” Father’s voice firmly snapped back at Shiranui’s angry shrieking.

But it wasn’t just the two of them- oh no, someone else was actually louder than that.

“But father! Tatsu-kun is just a kid like me so why would you-”

I knocked at the door, feeling a bit embarrassed at the idea of my older sister screwing up her relationship with our remaining parent like that. The voices ceased for just a moment.

Who is it?

“I am back, father,” I remarked and I didn’t have to wait much as the man barked at me to enter.

I did so, carrying Kazuma inside the room by the collar while holding a glass of lemonade on my other hand.

“And I bring you my target.”

Hell exploded after I said that, but I knew, deep down, I had screwed with the bastard’s plans to have me ousted from the heir title and that was… a true victory.



Next time I will probably bring up someone more familiar. I don’t know if to go with the most common choice or to go for the less common but still known choice for chicks.


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