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I am currently ahead by 5 days on posts, 2 characters a day!
I will use the extra time I have to work on making different non-sex poses.

---------------------------------------------------Update  1/12--------------------------------------------------------
I also found a better 3D open pose online app that has the full 3D model instead of just the 3D hands, This is very crucial because if I were to make a pose of someone on all fours at an angle from the front, using openpose only sees the stick figure body. 

So if I tried to do it like that it would flip the body and not know how the front and back of the body is placed based on the angle.
This is where the 3d body comes in and using canny and Depth will force the layout to be correct using the body shape to correctly position the character.


My overall goal is to have a system where I can do a character and then have all these poses ready to be used for the control net and then run a batch in one go.

And when the batch is finished I have that character in multiple poses ready to be posted.

My goal is to be able to pull off having a template like that fast enough that I can still do two characters a day. Just like how fast I am able to do sex positions.

Thanks to the new update mentioned above I will have a much easier time with incorporating this into the sex positions so I can finally have better hands(even use ADetailer hands without it messing them up)

If worse comes the worst and it does not become possible It will probably end up being one character a day.

But for now, I will be doing tests and building a system for it.

Just like what I did with cowgirl and missionary if I can create a template that works really well then I will be able to still have The same post frequency.

My first step is to use the 3D open pose editor post the character in multiple poses and capture the images that I need to send to control net.
I have already done a bit of a test and it seemed to have worked pretty nicely, and this was before I had the depth map hands that allowed the hands to at least look better.

So stay tuned for new content that will come in the next month or two depending how everything goes xD

If it becomes much easier than expected maybe even sooner than a month but for now it could be a month or two.

The original concern I had was relying on LoRa models, The big problem about those is depending how they are trained they can drastically change the style of my overall look as some of you may have seen in my earlier missionary works The style is quite different.


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