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At 7:00 pm or earlier I don't know... Dip and Bailey decided to go to the Drive Thru, they would be ordering something or going to a place but they had a big lunch and they weren't super hungry but still had some cravings.

Then they drove to the drive-thru, heading off to the drive-thru, they were approaching the drive-thru. Getting close to the drive-thru, almost there at the drive-thru. Now they were at the drive thru, in line at the drive-thru

Did I mention the drive-thru?

There was some idiot in a Volvo with his brights on behind them, Bailey leaned out the window and screamed

"Hey, Whatcha tryin to do, blind us!?"

Dip then said "maybe we should park.We could just go eat inside" but Dip was wearing sandals and people go crazy when Dip has his toes out

So they ain't leavin' this ride

Bailey then said that she wanted to order, Dip asked her to tell her what she wanted so he could say it and make things faster but Bailey repeated she wanted to order.

Now a woman on a speaker box Is sayin' "Can I take your order, please?"

Dip said yes indeed, you certainly can. But before Dip could say anything Bailey took the helm by getting over his seat and speaking to the lady in the box.

She began to order all sorts of crazy things because she "was trying to lose weight and trying to watch her figure", she order things like half an order of nuggets, a fish fillet "since that has less calories, 'cause it's fish" and a half-cola half-diet cola.

All the while she's rubbing her gigantic ass against Dip's face. Not that Dip minded but it wasn't the most appropriate place. Even still, Bailey went back and forth, rubbing her supple on Dip's cheek... Doing slow, hypnotic movements which distracted Dip greatly, making blush and start to heat up, so much so he didn't even order anything!

But Bailey wasn't going to leave her boyfriend with no food so she ordered the Western Bacon Cheeseburger, large shake and some seasoned curlies for him, then she said to the girl "Read me back my order, let's make sure you got it right"

As the poor employee confirmed their order Dip caught a glance of Bailey smirking at him... She knew what she was doing and Dip was powerless. This is pretty embarrassing to do in public but thankfully the jackass with the volvo never turned his brights off so it was hard to see inside their car thanks to those flashing lights.

And then... The employee said the dreaded mistake "a LARGE cola" Bailey exclaimed loudly as she slammed her ass on Dip's face "Stop, don't go no further!"

The poor boy now had his face trapped between his girlfriend's tight cheeks, Bailey was so full of rage she probably didn't even realize, lungs filling the the musk of the person he loved most, making him go nuts.

"I never ordered a large soda" the Blonde said "I said medium, not large!"

Then the girl responded says "We're havin' a special, I supersized you at no charge"

"Oh" Bailey responded and that was all. Then she leaned slightly forward, allowing Dip to breath again, he took 'dip' (lmao) breaths as he tried to recover from the deadly butt assault, his clothes becoming tighter by the second.

And then they were all quiet and things got real intense. Then the girl says "next window please. That'll be $14.75."

They stood there, Dip's face red as a tomato. "You should drive, you are holding back the line" Bailey said.

Dip pouted, looking at his girlfriend while she smugly stuck her tongue out. Dip wanted to get back at her and he was going to tonight but for Bailey that was more of a reward.


So they inched ahead in line, movin' painfully slow

I got a little bored, so Bailey turned on the radio and then turned it off because it was obnoxious pop hit single hour and it giving her a headache

So they both just sat there quietly.

They sat there for a bit... and then They heard a skirmish inside, probably people fighting about change or because the touch monitors were dirty or something stupid. Probably the cooks were fighting with the customers and you had like 4 or 5 people filming it to put it on Worldstar. Your average fast food chain experience.

Then Dip, still a blushy mess, look at his girlfriend and she looked back at him

And she said... "umm..." as she reached down, grabbing a hold of the tent he was pitching

"I think you have somethin' in your pants" before they arrived at the pay window

Or whatever you call it, Dip panicked a bit, muttering a quick but quiet "NOT HERE!" as they reached the window, Dip looked at the girl Bailey was talking to a few minutes ago. She was a skinny little mess with greasy skin, sweat dripping from her forehead and a stare of a kitty about to be run over

"14.75... P-Please..." She muttered, talking as if she just witnessed a murder, probably the altercation they heard from outside, it probably wasn't a murder but the thought of getting involved and getting hit shook some people just the same. She seemed too nervous to notice how messy Dip looked, and taking a couple of seconds to react to the price of the food, thankfully the blonde besides him had everything sorted out and had money in hand. Dip gave it to the cashier with a shaky pair of hands which caused Bailey to giggle a bit.

"T-Thank you, I-I'll have your food in a bit, w-We are a bit... Short staffed at the moment"

As the employee, who's name tag read "Sylvia" finished that sentence a loud crash was heard, causing her to yelp and jump in place, looking back, it also made dip jump and put him out of his blushy state, Bailey found it amusing.

"A-Ah... Please continued driving, I'll be with you in just a second!" she said hurriedly as Dip picked up the receipt and drove to the empty pickup window.

And so they sat there, Dip hearing the scuffle going on inside with concern, Bailey not worrying in the slightest, slowly things calmed down but Dip was still concerned

Bailey told him it was probably best to stop thinking about it, if there were guns involved they would have heard them already but Dip being the little ball of sweetness he is couldn't help but worry. So Bailey took it upon herself to calm him down... By putting her hand on the tent he was now trying to take down...

Dip yelped similarly to the cashier in the previous window and as his face turned red he turned to see the blonde, before he could say anything, his lips were sealed by Bailey, using her own. She kissed him passionately, admitting in whispers that she ordered on her own on purpose, just to see how he'd react, Dip couldn't responded and Bailey played with his tongue between her lips, pulling on it.

The boy couldn't resist his girlfriend's charms, hugging her back and kissing back just as passionately, pressing his chest against hers, Bailey hummed happily and Dip got into it more. He got into it so quickly, he pulled Bailey to his lap and finally fondled that part that had been teasing him for so long, he fondled her ample butt with gusto as Bailey separated their lips and pushed his face into her breasts, undoing the buttons of her pants all the while, looking to get Dip to touch a bit more.

This was the danger of keeping these two in a cramped space for a while, they are so horny for each other they won't stop until separated and physically away from each other... Just a little taste of how much they loved each other.

Minutes passed... The drive thru began to empty out since the people in the line were hungry and no one was at the windows nor taking orders... The customers began to leave, looking to satiate their hunger elsewhere... Giving Dip and Bailey more privacy and more of an excuse to get even more intimate...


20 minutes later... Sylvia happily sighed. The issue with the douche that was being an uppity bitch about the french fries subsided... He looked like the crazy child actor that did stupid political art projects with other washed up child actors and ended up being arrested after discovering that he had a creepy cottage in the middle of Bumfuck woods, Nowhere, Where he cannibalized people, he was an actual cannibal. He really fell off after that whole cgi movie stuff.

But that was done and done for. The cooks knew jiu jitsu and knew how to deal with the problem.

As everyone cleaned up the mess of broken utensils, electronics and other stuff. Sylvia packed the meal she was supposed to deliver 30 minutes ago... Remade from scratch since the original meal had gone cold... Sylvia wiped some sweat from her head as she added some coupons to the bag, she hoped that and an apology would be enough to avoid a bad online review from part of the patient customers at the window, who oddly stayed there waiting for their order while all of the other customers left... Either after not getting any food or running away from the crazed bearded guy that attacked the establishment

She cleared her throat, mentally preparing herself for critiques and screams, praying that the clients would go easy on her poor soul. But through her conviction she put up a smile and opened the window, looking to deliver the food, she even spoke with an apologetic tone

"We are so sorry, here's your... Ah.. .AH AAAAHHHHHH!"

She let out a scream in surprise, almost dropping the food in the process.

Her two customers... They were fucking in the drive thru.

She could see the couple she spoke to earlier, the guy hugging the girl from behind as she bounced on his lap, wet, schloping noises sounding from inside their car, which shook with the motions of passion. The lady had no pants, her shirt was undone and the guy was going to town on her breasts. All while she pushed them against them, the expression of the lady was that of complete ecstasy, showing her sharp teeth off as she moaned, their sweat forming into steam which was visible, all from the passion that was going on in that cramped car...

Sylvia couldn't believe what she was seeing... She had seen a lot of shit in her life but this... It wasn't the weirdest thing since she worked in food business but still pretty fucked up.

She blushed, jaw dropped on the ground, not being able to stare away from the couple, watching as one bounced on top of the other... She couldn't help but concentrate on the bodies, how well built the lady was... How she feet were snugly holding the huge pair of bauls of the person below her and how she was almost massaging them... Which probably require a lot of control and bodily skill but... Eventually she looked a little bit upwards and realize the blonde lady was now looking at her, she instinctively took a step back, expecting a scream demanding privacy or something like that but... The blonde just smiled, showing off her sharp fangs.

The blonde looked at her

and she looked at her.

and he blonde looked at her

and she looked at her

and the blonde looked at her

and she looked at her.

"Took you long enough" she said as she took a step back herself, separating herself from her partner... and Showing Sylvia the mess of liquids in the guy's crotch. Blondie leaned in and kissed her partner again as she unmounted him, leaving behind trails of lewd fluids.

Sylvia was just shocked... Her whole body was as stiff as a stick but... Her legs, her thighs... Were shaking, subconsciously they began to rub against each other after seeing the boy's.... Assets, all covered up in those fluids... That size... That girth... The beautiful body of the blonde woman is on full display... The cute face of the guy that was once below the blonde, gasping for air, relaxed expression of ecstasy resting on it.

Sylvia was a degenerate, wanking addicted wagie that dreamt up of these kinds of situations sometimes... In the comfort of her bedroom and in the wild, dopamine hitting fantasies... To see this... Was like a dream come true for her. But one thing was a fantasy and another to see such a lewd, indecent act in public and in her place of business.

As her almost blank mind tried to process what was going on and even tried to inject some morals into it... The blonde spoke.

"Wanna join? I'll let you eat some of my nuggs" she said, looking at her with half closed eyes, eyes filled with lust and eating away at the poor wagie's soul.

The poor low wage employee was tired, today she had to deal with fights, awful customers, awful luck. She was hungry and sleepy as well. While her mind told her now... Her body had cravings. She wanted to rest, she wanted to eat both those nuggets and the huge thing in the guy's crotch and then she wanted to get put to sleep by it.

She wanted her break and she wanted her now.

The employees of that EcDoodle's looked around for Sylvia, they wondered where that nervous, sweaty wreck of a girl had gone. Most of them figured she got tired because of the whole fight and had to go take a breather... They couldn't blame her, but still it was pretty scummy to leave out like that., with the drive thru window open as if someone had jumped through it and everything... They were going to leave her be for now but they planned to tell her to at least tell them if she needs to take a break and not to leave them out in the blue like that.

None of them noticed the one lonely parked car nearby, which rhythmically bounced and bounced...

Normal Tuesday night for food service in this part of the world.


There's references to 3 songs in this story, can you guess which ones?

NGL, this is probably one of the most fucked up stories I've written but it's been a total blast lmaooooo

This drawing is inspired by two things. The "He wants to order meme" and Kobeni from Chainsaw Man, who Sylvia's based on. I love the thought of minimum wage employees finding fucked up shit they have to deal with, it's such a fun concept and I didn't get any ideas to work with the meme until a friend of mine gave some nice ideas to work with. Big shout outs to him for helping me out with the pose in the second panel (Big ups my dude, love u <3)

So yeah, here's Dip and Bailey getting it on on a drive thru. just your average american fast food experience, right? I just want to say that having those two close for a while will end up in these kinds of situations, Dip and Bailey love each other very VERY much

I hope you guys like this little comic of mine! More stuff coming soon c:

(Textless alts and individual panels available in the attachments!)




FF, “fast food”, or “foot fetish”, who can say~? Love the second panel, first time I’ve seen something like that~